Lately I’ve been advocating turret based builds along with Fairtex and a few others. After dozens of tPvP matches I can confidently say that with thoughtful play a variety of turret based builds can be very potent. My only regret is that my experience is anecdotal as I have no video capturing software. So first, the bad: Turrets do have trouble against opponents who take the time to pick them apart before engaging you, and the builds generally have problems vs. heavy conditions. The good: If you’re bunkering for your team on the close point you will rarely encounter the latter, but you always stand a chance of facing careful players and ranged players.
Here’s the Tool Kit and Turrets build I have arrived at after many hours of play (over 200 matches with turrets):
I chose the Tool Kit for several key reasons:
*Confusion stacking
*Vulnerability stacks
*And the rarely needed, but still welcome, turret repair
Why the build is effective:
High number of conditions applied very rapidly
Several ways to attack and defend
I’ve decided on Sitting Duck over knee shot due to the three immobilizes I can drop in rapid succession. Here’s how my opener usually goes:
*Magnet Pull
*Pry Bar
*Static Shot (swapping to pistols triggers Sigil of Geomancy for a massive bleed)
*Net Attack
*Net Turret + Overcharge
*Glue Shot
*Blowtorch, etc
(It’s important to keep moving after landing Pry Bar. Pay attention to your positioning and don’t stray outside of the control point, you don’t need much room)
My opponent is bleeding, confused, burning, and has 15 stacks of Vulnerability on them all within a couple of seconds. This aggressive opener catches many players off their guard. I had a ranger casually stroll up to my point and start pelting me. My Rocket Turret caused him to waste a dodge roll and as he was coming out of it I opened up on him. He was down in under 10 seconds with very little time to react.
Okay, so that’s one specific instance, but this became the norm for the majority of my 1v1 encounters. In an 1vX situation I recommend quickly assessing the weakest target (to the best of your ability) and focus on them while relying on Box of Nails, Glue Shot, and Gear Shield to help you avoid/ignore other attackers. This build won’t keep you up against 3 opponents for long, especially if there are certain professions in the mix, but then again, many builds won’t. That’s what your teammates are for.
Still no stun breaker? Yes—there is no stun breaker in this build. This forces me into a much more active play style; putting pressure on an enemy to force them to blow all of their defensive cooldowns as quickly as possible. If you’re used to bunkering in a passive punching bag sort of way, you will have a lot of adjusting to do to play this build to its full potential. If I do get hit with a massive burst due to a stun I have ways to recover or weather the storm.
Automated Medical Response works wonders with the Healing Turret allowing for back to back activation when my health is getting low, and Low Health Response System stacks duration with Healing Turret’s regeneration and Regenerating Mist tool belt skill to help mitigate condition damage. When I reach 25% health I gain 10 seconds of Regeneration, I drink an Elixir S, and my Healing Turret cooldown is refreshed. I count to 2, Lay my Healing Turret down and detonate it as soon as Elixir S expires. This is essentially a fight reset. Transmute adds another layer of protection against conditions. All of this doesn’t even take into account the up-time on Protection afforded by my runes and traits. I would almost rather have this defensive boon than any other we can get as Engineers.
If you have any questions at all no matter how general or specific, I would be glad to answer them.
Thanks for reading.
(edited by Grackleflint.4956)