Well to be honest, I think that making all classes do everything would mean make them with similar spells just with different name. I don’t want that. You can go DPS with engineer, check out forums for some builds. Yes, it doesn’t do same damage as other classes, because it is not other classes. Tho 100nade build does pretty good dps, condi dual pistols / elixirs also does a great damage. You can wait for class to be changed, which is going to take a lot probably, since Anet does small changes (which I like) or you can try to overcome the obstacles what you have with your class by looking at traits, skills etc. or you reroll to another class. For ex. I played mesmer, wasn’t my piece of cake yet I’m not saying, change da mesmer, I picked engi and I’m happy as sylvari can be.
A moose. It was a moose.
I just created a thread called “balance Pistol damage” please go and support it cause if you’re hoping for 3k you’re most likely running pistols!
Ps: Engi actually have more DPS than berserker warriors, its just not as easy as you have to press x100 time mores buttoms and watch animations and CD ( takes skill )
Well the warrior can pull 30k sure, but thats his one single trick. In PvE it doesnt really matter, except using one skill gets rather boring. In WvW if he fails to land that 100B hes toast.
I think I used GS on my warrior for maybe half a level around level 20, before I got bored out of my mind. Axes, the hammer, mace off hand, heck any weapon besides GS is fun as a warrior.
From range on my enginner I probably do (if I crit) 13-14k in a toolbelt burst, and a close quarter burst with a jump shot and blunderbuss is 12k or something. Add a group envoirment on that with reliable might and vulnerability and its goes way higher. And its not in full bersker gear, armor is PVT with rubies, rest is berserk or equal ascended gear, 0/30/10/0/30 spec.
Bonus for the engineer is, that is can be done at range, its not all tied up in one skill (along with atleast 1 utility), so if parts of it gets avoided we dont miss out on so much damage.
Personally I’d rather see them redo 100B into something similar to whirl for guardian GS and rework the burst into a heavy hitting 600 range leap attack similar to axe burst. But it wont happen and I will stay clear of GS on my warrior, I far prefer the hammer and its control.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
Remember we need to be looking at damage per second, not damage per ability activation. The damage is a whole lot closer then most people realize.
I mean, even in CoF speed groups I’ve convinced people to let me run as my Engi and people don’t notice the difference in speed at all, if there is even one to begin with. Oh yeah, and I usually do it with Condi’s as well as long as there is no other primary condi-class. I’d even do more damage if the Warriors didn’t proc bleed on their crits, because I actually get very close to the bleed cap with Rare Veggie Pizza on. The only problem the condi build has is if anyone else is using up the Condi Damage slots then both of their damage goes to crap.
Even direct damage Engis tend to merely grenade #1 spam, which pales in comparison to even Tool Kit spam. Not to mention, Engi’s need to swap between Rifle, Tool Kit, and Grenades to maintain their damage. Adding in another kit (like Elixir Gun) works very well on top of that. We can do 95% of the damage a Warrior can, if not more.
The only problem is our damage rotations are extremely complicated and involve tons of kit swapping to be optimal. It minimizes any auto-attacking we do, which compared to many other professions is rather unique.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Engineer has some entry barriers. There are a lot of quirks you need to know before you can be really effective, which is unfortunate. That wasn’t originally the way the devs wanted the profession to work out.
However, it’s not fair to simply compare dps on weapon skills 1-5 and say that engineers are worthless. For example, warriors are almost universally acknowledged as the worst profession in PvP. (Engineers aren’t far above, but you get the idea). Give it time—engineers possibly have some minor buffs incoming in the near future, and as you get more comfortable with different builds you’ll find your damage increasing by a lot.
(Engineers aren’t far above, but you get the idea)
You’re saying Engineers are considered a bad class for pvp? I whole heartily disagree. I believe we have more viable specs than all the other classes. We have the highest skill cap, I would argue that it is TOO high, but this isn’t the place for it. People either like being bunkers or seeing big numbers with little effort, and those are the builds that become popular. (Backstab thief, 100b warrior, glass cannon ranger, shatter mes, D/D ele, glass cannon ele, 100nade, etc.) Since we can’t spam 1 and 2 and have insane dps, people see us as a second class citizen. Most people would rather take a guardian bunker than an engineer bunker, simply because we are such a complex class that if we so much as breath at the wrong moment we could end up dying. And here I thought I wouldn’t bring up that our skill cap is too high…
I’ll end with this, we aren’t a bad class in pvp or pve for that matter. We are a class that if you do not play to perfection, you could end up on your kitten.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Engineers aren’t far above, but you get the idea)
You’re saying Engineers are considered a bad class for pvp? I whole heartily disagree. I believe we have more viable specs than all the other classes. We have the highest skill cap, I would argue that it is TOO high, but this isn’t the place for it. People either like being bunkers or seeing big numbers with little effort, and those are the builds that become popular. (Backstab thief, 100b warrior, glass cannon ranger, shatter mes, D/D ele, glass cannon ele, 100nade, etc.) Since we can’t spam 1 and 2 and have insane dps, people see us as a second class citizen. Most people would rather take a guardian bunker than an engineer bunker, simply because we are such a complex class that if we so much as breath at the wrong moment we could end up dying. And here I thought I wouldn’t bring up that our skill cap is too high…
I’ll end with this, we aren’t a bad class in pvp or pve for that matter. We are a class that if you do not play to perfection, you could end up on your kitten.
Fair enough. I was merely stating that engineers are “considered” a weak profession for PvP. I thought it was appropriate to mention, since I had just said that warriors were “considered” the weakest profession in PvP. Engineers are generally “considered” the 6th or 7th, so it was only fair for me to state that as well.
The poll in the PvP forums has us tied with necros for next to last, so while I agree with you that a very well-played engi can be great in PvP, it would be totally inaccurate to say we aren’t “considered” a weak profession.
I just created a thread called “balance Pistol damage”
please go and support it cause if you’re hoping for 3k you’re most likely running pistols!
Ps: Engi actually have more DPS than berserker warriors, its just not as easy as you have to press x100 time mores buttoms and watch animations and CD ( takes skill )
Definition of DPS = Damage per Second ! So what you say got no sense , waiting for cooldowns and dps ! Tyvm have a nice day !
I just created a thread called “balance Pistol damage”
please go and support it cause if you’re hoping for 3k you’re most likely running pistols!
Ps: Engi actually have more DPS than berserker warriors, its just not as easy as you have to press x100 time mores buttoms and watch animations and CD ( takes skill )
Definition of DPS = Damage per Second ! So what you say got no sense , waiting for cooldowns and dps ! Tyvm have a nice day !
well… considering as an engi you have so many different and skills and options to choose from, its not really a matter of cool downs you know, and each options offers somethign different that adds to your over all DPS and im not talking about small hits that add to a big number, i mean big numbers that add to a much bigger number
Engineer has NO WAY higher dps then warrior. But we do have some nice stack ups with the lower dps. You can easily stack 25 vul and 25 bleed (with the trait) on a target with #1 grenade kit.
I just created a thread called “balance Pistol damage”
please go and support it cause if you’re hoping for 3k you’re most likely running pistols!
Ps: Engi actually have more DPS than berserker warriors, its just not as easy as you have to press x100 time mores buttoms and watch animations and CD ( takes skill )
That is a really old straw man argument. It’s not skill to have to spend lots of gold on multiple builds until you find one that doesn’t completely nerf you into oblivion or you find a build that doesn’t have some bug or stigma attached to it. Sorry.
The problems with this class will never be solved so long as we have these obstructionists confusing the issues. This class is only good in 1 thing, bunker. There is nothing else really that it excels at, if you want to continue to keep this class mediocre and fundamentally flawed continue to make the argument for skill if you want something to finally be done, make the argument for change. Simple.
Their own statements regarding classes prelaunch were that all classes would enjoy all three roles. That no class would suffer at combat, so far this has seriously not been the case post launch for engineers.
Examples? How about how my condi build engi in all exotic condi gear does less damage on my condition ticks then my burst damage thief using a bleed. It’s true try it. this has been a problem since the first day they nerfed condition damage across the board before they separated the skill behaviors between Spvp and pve and it’s never been fixed. My level 45 ranger in a 40 zone can three shot enemies with traps while my condi build grenade/bomb engi takes ten moves to do the same thing. Tell me that’s not messed up. Even scaled down the engi does worse.
My bleeds on my thief do 20 points more damage per tick and she doesn’t even have a single condi piece on her. How’s that for imbalance.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Engineer is good for CC, its just that you aren’t being useful stacking cripple on a boss, melee will be there to soak up the hits so everyone just needs to dps to end it faster.
You aren’t being useful stunning or kiting the adds in a big trash pull. For trash pulls in GW2, the melee guardian sucks in all the mobs and everyone AoEs.