The Legion of Charrs [TLC] – Fort Aspenwood’s Finest Charr Guild
You can’t spell Fur Affinity without FA! :3
Turrets Syndrome
lol I was gonna use that name but feared that I would be suspended ._.
Charr: Quickshot Ironclaw
“Motor Mouth” on an Engineer in hotjoin was very amusing, although he didn’t talk much.
My engineer’s name is Ferrus Manus , which in old Latin means Iron Hands, it seemed a suitable name for and engineer since it tinkers with loads of things.
I just made one and named it “Old Dirty Blastard”
My Female Humans Engis name is Sarah Jinx. It comes from the LoL Hero Miss Fortune. First of MF is Sarah and Miss Fortune=misfortune=Jinx. but yeah the recent Hero Jinx ruined it a little for me
“Sonic Bloom” was a Sylvari Engineer that I saw yesterday, and I had to compliment them on that name.
Flixx Gatebuster (asura)
Alice in Tinkerland (Human)
I saw Revengineer a long time ago, loved that name.
A guildie of mine has a cute lil asura engineer named Blamethrower, she constantly blame’s ppl around her for things in /say.
We lost our keep in WvW EB one day and 10 or so of us were standing outside our portal keep watching the enemy zerg taunt us from our keep and Blamethrower says, “welp you fellas really screwed the pooch on this one…” I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard.
(edited by Valar Morghulis.7049)
mines called Tink Cogwhizzle :-3
Blammf (asura)
Was going to be Blamf Boomstick but settled with Blammf instead (mostly because someone had already taken Blamf at release)
And I still like Bombsaway even if bombs just don’t beat nades.
How I managed to get the name I will never know, but I named my Engineer “Chekhov the Gunsman” after the Chekhov’s Gunman trope over on TV Tropes.
renamed my engineer to “VerticallyChallenged” since she’s Asuran!
Mine is called “Cpt Screwdriver”.
Asura Engi: Qwerkk
man toad
Mine is named ‘Harbinger of Chaos’
Pretty appropriate, too… he’s an Asura and does tend to create chaos anywhere he goes. I’m proud of his name :P
Asura Engineer called Lagg.
First prize over anything, really. x)
Named my Charr Engie Pax Payne.
Simply put it has many meanings to me.
Packs Pain like the phrase “Packs a punch”.
I’m an engie with a pack on my back.
I can dual wield pistols like that one guy from Rockstar. (not to mention get all drugged up with elixirs similar to Valkyr).
All I need now is bullet time and a John Woo emblem for my guild armor.
i saw someone named Heavy Charrtillery before
Yay! I’ve been noticed!
Catlunedi : i found a female puppy cat on monday 6 years ago and i called her with italian word for monday (Lunedi) so i created an engeneer for her and i dedicated her my toon
my Engi is called " Medic Pack "
I happen to like “Pléascadh” which is Irish for explosion.
Kim Jong Yolo`?
my first character. Didn’t knew the character-creator accepts spacebar as well…
Someone on my server has a sylvari engie called “Twigger Finger” I loved it. heh
I called my Asura Engineer Mc Delta T
My Asura engineer is called Fizz Kablooey, I think it’s pretty appropriate. The best engineer name I’ve seen though was a Human called is Dora The Exploder.
Gear Gangsta
I have no idea how I came up with that 1.5 years ago.
My Norn’s named Skuld Thunderhand
Mine is Hamdrex, a terraria refrence lol.
My flamethrower engie is named Montag after the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451. :)
I reckon “Engineer” would be quite fitting.
My engi is called Hop Off My Nades.
Ima Blast was an interesting name.
I reckon “Engineer” would be quite fitting.
One of my Engineers is called Bengineer.
My Asurian Engi : Stridor Von Pyxis
My Asuran engineer runs with the name Snojja which is a conglomeration of some of the best minds being Snaff and Zojja!
mine is “Shh Im A mesmer”
My asuran engi name is Milk Tart. Simply cause i love milk tarts
MY engineer is called : Medic Pack
My Eng: Major Calabresa
Mine is Professor Wonderful
I think my asuran engi’s name is pretty good. It’s “Gexa”.
My charr engi, Twitchy Explodawitz.
Nikolae Ramelli is my female Sylvari engi. Eyepatch ftw
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