Best engi name world
Static Addict
best engi name
my engies name = Bombgineer (can u guess why)
there are ALOT we could possibly use but would be extremely inaproprate
so lets have some we could safely use
zerkgineer (berserker gear)
norngineer (norn)
plantgineer (sylvari)
bookahnieer (human)
kitteneer (char and not language filter)
blitzgineer (for all things explosive)
mechgineer (for turret engie)
sooo many more but cant think of them
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Best name: Enginiqqa
Brb to change engineer’s name to Charrgineer
Human lady: Dyna Mic … get it?
I still vote for that guy named Turret Syndrome, wish I had thought of that
Little twicked tweaked+wicked
Best name for an engineer is Vee Wee, obviously.
My engi’s name is Devonas Rack. I play on devonas rest server.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Has been mentioned previously but the best is Turrets Syndrome
Mine is Mortem A Machina
I once saw someone named Rifle Turret.
Though that was a Mesmer.
I still vote for that guy named Turret Syndrome, wish I had thought of that
Glad you like it
Denied Bomb Poo and Research Gone Wrong are mine
my main is an engi named Outlaw Josie Wales.
Elixir of Failure
My engineer is name “A Software Engineer”, I wanted to make it “Computer Engineer” but the phrase “puter” is banned for some odd reason. kitten you regular expression checker with wildcards before banned words. Include a “_” between wildcard character and banned words please (and worry about the case when a name start with a banned word).
(edited by drunkmoron.7069)
after watching a certain film
hobosack with a shotgun
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Mine is Tech Savvi. Obviously an Asura, I was so pleased with myself when I came up with it. It’s perfect on like 3 levels, it’s a technology pun, it’s a lore based Asura name and it’s befitting an engineer.
No vanilla/XxnamexX for me…all of my character’s names took me forever to come up with. I kept looking up lore appropriate ones and I am not even a RPer.
Anne Tagonist
/15 chars
Ash Klaatu FTW. And I carry a shotgun for those of you who watched the orig Now they just need to allow me to off hand a chainsaw.
asura engi^^
Hm… I mostly let my account name do the talking for me.
Tapp The Trigger
Asuran Engineer for life
Dr. Krieger
Epic choice. I’ve named my little Charr Engi “Kolt Winchester” inspired by the Colt pistol and Winchester rifle :p. Though personally, I don’t think it would be as good as the other previously mentioned names.
Kolt Winchester/80 Engineer/Scrapper
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuM53ZlpcHdXktNd9Esefzg (My YT Channel)
My engi is “This Is My Spot” u guys get the idea
Did you ever hear the Eddie Murphy (or was it Cosby) stand up comedy routine where he’s like “This is ma house, you don’t like it you get the….” anyway reminded me.