Best engineer wvsw build.

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lekhi.9072


Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Mnemesis.8257


If I had to choose between the two builds, then I would be more inclined towards the first. However, from a personal view point I think it could be greatly improved if the Runes were adjusted. You could just as easily get 70% might duration from 2 Superior Fire and 2 Superior Strength, which would allow you to obtain 10% condition duration from 2 Superior Lyssa to combine with another 40% from Rare Veggie Pizza for a combined 80% condition duration from food, runes and traits. I have tried both extremes when it comes to maxing boons and condition duration and I have personally found this to be the happy mix of both worlds when it comes to using HGH.

If I were to offer an additional build that I use and love it would be this (exclude consumables for pvp):

Using Rabid gives me a very high base condition damage, good toughness, and nice crit chance while Celestial accessories provide me with a nice boost to my physical dps by complimenting the critical rate with a decent boost to crit damage. The reason I use my particular rune setup is because there is no real need to extend every buff as HGH centers around one’s ability to maintain Might; something I achieved with 4 runes took the first build presented 6 to do. Not only that, but I also optimized the condition duration to make the most of the great dps observed from conditions. Optimally, this build should be producing between 2k and 2.5k dps from condition alone (excluding confusion). Unless removed, targets are usually under a constant freeze and/or cripple, which makes it easier to apply more conditions including immob/confusion/blind.

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ravak.8912


Trait and skill wise, both are good HGH builds. Tool kit version is great for roaming (see Maskaganda’s videos), while Grenades would more suit zerg / group / siege game play.

As above, I’d use more Rabid gear – especially in the Grenades variant, where you don’t have gear shield (useful for draining initiative from pesky thieves); the extra toughness really helps.

Unlike above, I’d stick to boon duration runes – you DO want longer boons from Elixir B and auto-elixir B (75% hp, gives retaliation) and elixir H (gives protection). 50% condition duration (10% from traits, 40% from food) is enough.

So apart from going more Rabid (preferably full), I’d select a build that suits your game play more. Personally I’d choose tool kit as I like to have control (and that confusion!).

P.S. Going full Rabid allows you to reuse your gear for a non-HGH, yet condition based builds. And at one point you will want to move away from HGH, as it’s really boring ;D

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


I went a similar route.. went 4x altruism + 2x fire. This way i get might from healing which you do on CD anyway and I replace the Elixir S with toolkit since the elixir S nerf i just prefer having a block with some other utilities. No point in having + condi duration on gear unless you plan to hit 100% duration.

The other build i’d suggest is the condi/support
You can swap out the 10 in explosives for whatever cripple @ 25% etc and then put on rocket boots for stun break or FT for burning bullets etc all depends which you prefer but you are pretty difficult to kill but can definitely put some hurt on people with condi’s all the while healing your team as well.

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Velron.3729


There really is no best build, and to try to just give you one with no direction would be challenging.

Rather than just throw builds I like at you, can you tell us what it is you intend to primarily be doing in WvW and what role you would like to fulfill?

For example, I do either mostly solo roaming, 10-15man WvW groups or GvG. So I tend to run a CC/support/condition bomb build with P/S. I can do a lot of blasts for group healing while supplying a lot of AOE control, conditions, heals, condi removal, etc. When its solo roaming time all I really do to change is swap in pistol OH instead of the shield.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Knox.3748


Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


HGH is overrated. I use runes of the undead which give me 250-300 condition damage, some toughness and a sigil of battle and corruption. With 25 stacks of corruption I tick for 13x while HGH gives me 14x (but not that often since I need a lot of might for that and you can’t sustain it. Meanwhile I can use both grenades for awesome aoe and toolkit for that burst confusion damage and block. It’s a lot more fun to play than HGH too imo. The only thing I’m lacking is some condition removal which is only a real problem against other engineers or when facing multiple classes.

I’ll give a link to my build here. In the end I end up with 1481 condition damage, no might, with food, no corruption stacks. With stacks it’s 1731 and depending on 3 or 6 might stacks: 1836 or 1941. When I reach this points, it’s loads of dps. I’m actually considering of dropping the sigil of battle to sigil of energy since I have so much condition damage already anyway. And the good thing is that I have 80% condition duration too. I might swap the rune to get 100% condition duration but probably not since I rather do a bit more damage before it gets cleansed and I rather have my confusion tick harder during those first 2 hits.|a.1m.h1h.a.1b.h5||1b.719.1b.719.1b.719.1b.719.1b.719.1h.719|2w.0.2x.0.1b.62.1b.62.1b.62.1b.62|u58b.a6.0.a1.k68|30.e|2c.2f.2x.2j.0|e

This is the best build I have found for me thus far though I’m still inexperienced (80 hours on engineer, 65 of which are WvW)

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Best engineer wvsw build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lekhi.9072


Thanks a lot for help. I prefer to walking alone on my border and fighting with enemies : 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2 maybe 1 vs 3.