Best racial F skills...

Best racial F skills...

in Engineer

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

Trying out the engy racial f skills, and have to say the char hidden shot f skill is one of my favorites. It’s a dual pistol channel attack that is a lot of fun. The roar F skill is a good group buff to. What are your other favorites or worst ones out there..

( if you can provide the tooltip or a description that would be good too)

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

Best racial F skills...

in Engineer

Posted by: CHEN.3645


I have a Charr rifle engie that does a little DPS in everything. As Ive said in other posts I have beefs with stuff. But non of the less. I love Hidden Pistols. Its a shame it’s graphically bugged 100% of the time.
My utility’s go as follows .
Toolkit (throw wrench)
Grenades (Barrage)
Hidden pistol (For that glorious volley that all engies should have had in the first place)
Charrzooka (its 2 skill shouldn’t be overlooked and its hilarious to use on stupid people in wvw at point blank.) Otherwise I’d use warband support as decoys and a potential 3 stacks of might)

Its kind’ve amusing I feel like the GW2 equivalent to a BF3 engineer.

(edited by CHEN.3645)

Best racial F skills...

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


Sylvari Vine Shield is pretty nice. The long recharge kinda sucks though.

Human Blessing of Lyssa is pretty cool, especially when you double-tap it and the utility skill to grant yourself two boons, and your enemy 2 conditions.

Charr Booby Trap is nice too, for stacking on some bleed against melee. Great with a Rifle or Pistol/Pistol kiting strategy.