Best turrets and arrangement?

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


I am learning Turret Engineer.

What has been determined to be the best way to place them. And what kinds of turrets?

Also wondering about condition clearing when a necro hits a turret engineer again and again.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


First off, full tureteer is a facerolling build, not packing enough burst or survivability in ranked matches since you will just get steamrolled by 2 or more players all the time.

That being said:
Your turrets have fixed dmg, and only the conditions they apply use your stats as reference (condi-dmg / condi-duration).
That means that you can go full tank (in terms of stats) while your turrets do the work.
Going full tank however decreases your direct dmg-output, therefore ’d recommend rifle since its soft/hard cc is your best bet to feel useful.
If you go the condi-tank route, take sigil of balthazar and flame-turret. that one actually provides decent dmg, if you opponent insists on going melee after you (which a smart player would not do anyways). going pistol shield is the natural option for that.

turret placing:
general – pack them after a fight and re-deploy them when needed. A opponent that knows already where your turrents are will exploit their blind-spots to clear them before you can react / before he engages you

rocket turret – always off point, favorable on a elevated, hard to reach spot.
net-turret – not deployed at all. drop, overcharge blow it up and use the belt-ability right after to immob a player that is rather down and just needs a bit more dmg to go into downstate
tumper-turret – not deployed, unless your opponent is low and has no stability. drop, immidieatly overcharge, and therefore gain 2 knockbacks for the costs of 1 cd. use the belt-ability for stunbreaking.
rifle-turret – junk to blow up. procs accelerant packed turrets decently, and should only be deployed for its overcharge. if the overcharge is donw, low it up / pick it up and use the belt-ability instead.
flame-turret – stomp-assist and aerial denial. drop it on the side of a point to cover the area with perma-burning and use the smoke-filed from the overcharge to stomp / avoid dmg.

and last but not least:
turret engis are immobile, and even mobile dual-turret builds suffer from long cd’s. therefore they rarely can help their team. to compensate for this, you should supplement your cd’s with supply-crate, so you can bridge the gap after (f.e.) your rocket-turret got blown up. also you should always drop it into your allies, if you join a fight on a point that is undecided / on the brink to fail.
after the crate is dropped, you can set up your rocket-turret and blow the point up with a thumper-overcharge. that cc-bomb should be enough to finish a fight, givent that your team brings the dps-burst that you personally surely lack.

about condi-clean:
You don’t do real dmg anyways, so rather focus on defensive runes to supplement your lack of cleanse, instead of trying to do something that is futile for turreteers: dmg.
runes that help with condi-clears:
hoelbrak (only if you run experimental turrets + flameturret)
lyssa (use crate to cleanse)
water (works best with settler-stats)
melandru (also nice stun-defense)

sigils against condis:
generosity (only on rabid or knight stats)

Since the common turreteer takes x/0/6/4(+2)/x you already have all the passive traits against condis, namely transmute and AMR.

inb4 trolls:
Yes, I know turrets are bad, but I rather give constructive advise than to simply point out that they are bad.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

(edited by Arantheal.7396)

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Full turret engi with some PTV gear is really bad. Turrets can own noobs pretty easy but against decent players its sux. But turrets are great as part of hybrid builds what are great in high tier gaming especialy because enemies are mostly prepaired on meta builds and arent able to deal with you and you will easily deal with classes what are pain with other builds like necros or mesmers.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805



Many thanks. I just want to try it and most effectively see its strengths and limitation.

You have provided a great service by sharing your knowledge.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rocket and heal are strong. Thumper is mediocre. The others suck.

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


rifle is pretty good for SD

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Depends on what you plan to be doing.

Let’s assume PVP shall we.
Turrets in general are not GREAT in PvP unless used with something else (kit) to supplement the damage and utility loss with turrets. Otherwise you just end up standing around and feeling useless as your turrets die around you.

There are some nice mix builds, currently testing the following.
Knights gear.
Rifle + Flamethrower.
Turrets : Thumper + Rocket.

This build is actually pretty great for decapping and defending as it has GREAT disabling potential and some decent sustain damage if you can keep them down (immobile) while you spray and pray. NOTE : This isn’t ENOUGH damage on heavy healing types like Eles or so. But if you can AT LEAST interrupt their healing skill, MAJOR one, then the damage is actually kitten good, but interrupting that heal is real important for bringing them down.

Reason for the turret combo, which is odd since Thumper is not great EXCEPT for decapping and defence is that the combination is constantly giving you retaliation and protection with experimental turrets major trait.

Still testing it out though, trying to find a nice little balance of turrets and sustained DPS + CC.

EDIT : My next experiment I will replace the flamethrower will Tool kit. FOR MAXIMUM CONTROL! But less damage.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

(edited by Novuake.2691)

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I have found that a bomber build (power, soldier/dolyak) with a rocket turret and the thumper turret (which is very high health and hard to destroy) has been working well. When a beefy bomber engineer runs swiftly around the point dropping bombs that hit for 1600 each every half second with an AOE, with the rocket blasting for about 1800 every 4 seconds in an 5-person AOE burst, and the thumper keeping them perma crippled…people don’t quite know how to handle it.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Just to be clear. With the cast+after cast, bombs are not even remotely close to damage every 1/2 second. it is practically double that. That said, I love bomb kit myself, but I didn’t want newer folks to the engineer misunderstanding.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Just to be clear. With the cast+after cast, bombs are not even remotely close to damage every 1/2 second. it is practically double that. That said, I love bomb kit myself, but I didn’t want newer folks to the engineer misunderstanding.

So it is closer to 3200 per second? Cool!

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”