Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ponder.3647


I’ve been playing with the flamethrower for a bit in sPvP and it’s working out quite a bit better than I expected. What I have focused on is a steady stream of crits and procs. I’ll be able to amass a set of armor/runes by tonight to try this out in WvW and would love any input from people who have run similar builds or have better ideas on how to put this together.

The Build:;TsAg1Cqocy4kwJrTOnkONw4gx0CA

Goggles and Goggle toolbelt skill allow me to start a fight with fury, and 10 stacks of vuln on the enemy. I’ll hit them with a Static Shot + Blowtorch before switching over to FT. At this point, most classes are burned to a crisp fairly quickly. The aoe damage, and vuln/bleed/burn stacking seems to chew up thieves in particular. So far, warriors have been the biggest challenge, but FT3 and FT5 help significantly in those fights.

Gear: I use p/p, mostly for Glue Shot, Blowtorch and then Poison Volley to mess up healing. This has only been tested in sPvP, I will try this out with the Power/Precision/Cond.Dmg set from CoF (somehow, the graphic feels appropriate).

The sigils I have equipped are Blood, and Fire – proccing Lifesteal and an AOE flamebast respectively. It might work better to run Vuln procs instead of Fire. For runes, I originally played with Strength, and while the extra dmg was nice, I felt like survivability was lacking. I will try Vampirism tonight, as it adds 10 more power, the life steal potential and the mist form on 10% hp. Eagle runes are intriguing as well. Finally, for accessories I am looking at going mostly Rampagers, but a mix with Valkyrie might work better for the extra vitality, and the power/crit damage couldn’t hurt.

After looking at food, I feel like Omnomberry Pie might be a good fit. Unfortunately I’m unable to really test it in sPvP so we’ll have to see how well it works out later.

(edited by Ponder.3647)

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Behmen.4360


I went to the build… but you don’t have a flamethrower in your utility slots?

Tehke – 80 Asura Engineer | Orranian – 80 Sylvari Thief | Tannien – 80 Mesmer

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yea I think he linked wrong build as this build is a HGH build that I run myself. No FT traits picked at all so FT would be not as optimal.

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Behmen.4360


lol no… not at all. :P

Tehke – 80 Asura Engineer | Orranian – 80 Sylvari Thief | Tannien – 80 Mesmer

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ponder.3647


haha * blush* Clipboard fail.;TsAg1Cqocy4kwJrTOnkONw4gx0CA

clicking the link doesn’t work, but if you copy and paste it into your address bar, it works just fine.

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Behmen.4360


It seems that link has been very naughty. (Bad link)
EDIT: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Don’t worry, a long time ago a friend was sending me a link to a thread he was needing help Moderating (we both Moderated for GameBattles) and he instead linked me to…. “a popular adult site”. It was hilarious.

Tehke – 80 Asura Engineer | Orranian – 80 Sylvari Thief | Tannien – 80 Mesmer

(edited by Behmen.4360)

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


Like it, plan to try it, one quick thing to point out…

Sigils generally share cooldowns. So, if you proc flame, you lose blood, proc blood, lose flame. A way around this is to have one on hit/swap and one on kill. I’d say corruption would probably be the best here, but I’m going to mess around with it some.

Also, invigorating speed and swiftness on crit are useful in this sort of build, that way you get more dodges.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole