Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

Go find any engineer and ask them if they’re using a kit. If they are, it’s more than likely grenades or bombs. Even for support. Conditions or power, grenades or bombs are the only way to go to get the most efficient build. (Even some Static Discharge builds use it.)

Let’s be honest, turrets are prety useless as well. What does that leave us with? HGH Conditions, Gadgets… Not much else for a “viable” build. (Note the quotes around viable)

ArenaNet is trying to vary Engineer builds by nerfing Incendiary powder, so on. If they REALLY wanted to vary our builds, they would add new things, nerf the high-tier things (10 points is something that ANY build can get, now it’s just going to make nade/bomb builds even better) and buffing the weaker things.

Engineer builds aren’t going to change a lot. Grenades or bombs, static discharge, or maybe some off-build that’s subpar compared to everything else.

Please nerf grenades and/or bombs, that will really open up more doors than any trait change will ever do.
While youre at it, buff some of the “trash moves” so that they’re not trashy anymore.

Edit: I’m not proposing that they’re nerfed hard, just a little bit, so that they’re not the “best” choise, and if other things are buffed to be good choises, then more builds will open up, not this “trait swapping” nonsense.

(edited by Captain Swag.5893)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I’m confused why you would ask for a nerf to the kits that you say most people are stuck with using. Wouldn’t we want to make other options just as good as them? Why would we want to have a bunch of crappy options instead of some good options and some crappy options?

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: danbuter.2314


Yep. Bombs and grenades definitely need nerfed to bring them in line with all of the other kits.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Baron NJS.5704

Baron NJS.5704

LOL at this thread..

Seriously? why the hell would they nerf our only viable damage options?
How about buff the kittenty stuff that no one uses seriously like turrets.

and while they are at it MAKE KITS SCALE WITH ASCENDED STATS.
I love doing less damage than everyone else because they have higher tier weapons and kits are maxed at exotic level.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Berengar.6951


Crazy thought, we could buff the other kits so they don’t suck?

Sure they have their uses (flame thrower blind and knockback are awesome, acid bomb and super elixir are great) but they could use some love.

Engineer, Thief, Mesmer, Elementalist, Guardian,Warrior, Necro
[KoM] Krewe of Misfits
[IB]Inglorious Basterdz

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: pheroth.5306


Kind of thinking that the OP is making fun of the A-net balancing philosophy lol…

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

My point is that only two, MAYBE 3 of them get any use. They need to be brought down a bit, others need to be brought up a bit, so that all of the kits are on the same level, but making EVERY kit as good as the grenades/bombs in their current state would be overpowered.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Aomine.5012


My point is that only two, MAYBE 3 of them get any use. They need to be brought down a bit, others need to be brought up a bit, so that all of the kits are on the same level, but making EVERY kit as good as the grenades/bombs in their current state would be overpowered.

Why not buff the other crappy kits for a change?
If you nerf our 2 “only viable ones” to match up the “other crappy ones”,
this class is totally destroyed.

Seriously, go troll in Guardian thread please. Maybe you can ask for a nerf to their shouts because they seem to do way better than mediation right?

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

My point is that only two, MAYBE 3 of them get any use. They need to be brought down a bit, others need to be brought up a bit, so that all of the kits are on the same level, but making EVERY kit as good as the grenades/bombs in their current state would be overpowered.

Why not buff the other crappy kits for a change?
If you nerf our 2 “viable ones” to match up the “other crappy ones” this class is totally destroyed.

Seriously, go troll in Guardian thread please. Maybe you can ask for a nerf to their shouts.

Im not trolling, don’t be a jerk.

Bring down the grenade and bomb kits a LITTLE bit, to make them less “god-tier”, but “good tier”, and then buff all other kits to be “good-tier” too. That way, there is no “best pick”, and you’re more open to pick what you want.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Behemoth.2193


Grenades/bombs are good, but they are far from “god-tier”. Just buff FT damage and utility on EG.

edit Maybe buff auto attack speed on TK, sure it’s more defensive than bombs, but it doesn’t have the aoe.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Aomine.5012


My point is that only two, MAYBE 3 of them get any use. They need to be brought down a bit, others need to be brought up a bit, so that all of the kits are on the same level, but making EVERY kit as good as the grenades/bombs in their current state would be overpowered.

Why not buff the other crappy kits for a change?
If you nerf our 2 “viable ones” to match up the “other crappy ones” this class is totally destroyed.

Seriously, go troll in Guardian thread please. Maybe you can ask for a nerf to their shouts.

Im not trolling, don’t be a jerk.

Bring down the grenade and bomb kits a LITTLE bit, to make them less “god-tier”, but “good tier”, and then buff all other kits to be “good-tier” too. That way, there is no “best pick”, and you’re more open to pick what you want.

We pick those not because they’re OP, but they’re the only competitively useful ones.

The real problem is kit occupying out utility slots, so we have to make hard choices to pick the most competitive valuable ones. Other kits have their uses but it’s more like gimmick than being really useful. We have to sacrifice too much survivibility or mobility if we want to choose the other more gimmick and less important kits.

The only way to fix our problem give Engineer 2~3 extra space to carry kits, much like how elementalist works.
It’s reasonable because the current kit system works like you WASTE an utility slot just to do what every other classes can do w/o using an utility slot: SWITCHING WEAPON.
So why every other classes can switch their weapons w/o using an utility slot, but only engineer has to waste an utility slot to do the same?

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

My point is that only two, MAYBE 3 of them get any use. They need to be brought down a bit, others need to be brought up a bit, so that all of the kits are on the same level, but making EVERY kit as good as the grenades/bombs in their current state would be overpowered.

Why not buff the other crappy kits for a change?
If you nerf our 2 “viable ones” to match up the “other crappy ones” this class is totally destroyed.

Seriously, go troll in Guardian thread please. Maybe you can ask for a nerf to their shouts.

Im not trolling, don’t be a jerk.

Bring down the grenade and bomb kits a LITTLE bit, to make them less “god-tier”, but “good tier”, and then buff all other kits to be “good-tier” too. That way, there is no “best pick”, and you’re more open to pick what you want.

We pick those not because they’re OP, but they’re the only competitively useful ones.

The real problem is kit occupying out utility slots, so we have to make hard choices to pick the most competitive valuable ones. Other kits have their uses but it’s more like gimmick than being really useful. We have to sacrifice too much survivibility or mobility if we want to choose the other more gimmick and less important kits.

The only way to fix our problem give Engineer 2~3 extra space to carry kits, much like how elementalist works.
It’s reasonable because the current kit system works like you WASTE an utility slot just to do what every other classes can do w/o using an utility slot: SWITCHING WEAPON.
So why every other classes can switch their weapons w/o using an utility slot, but only engineer has to waste an utility slot to do the same?

Elementalists have their weapons skills for each aspect, and slot skills. Their f1-f4 buttons are the Aspect Swap things.

We have toolbelt skills, the slots (which are taken by kits) and weapon skills.

Its more similar than you think.

(edited by Captain Swag.5893)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Cabpoint.5826


…… I’m not a fan of the grenade kit, but I LOVE the bomb kit (even before the range increase).

I believe certain moves in the kits should be tweaked in this way for these types of roles, in my opinion.

(here is your “nerf” applied with my idea)

Grenades for long distance condition spam and support:
Freeze grenade creates a 5 second ice field. (reduce to 1 grenade, 2 when traited)
Flash bomb a stun move and blast finisher (reduce to 1 grenade and increase CD)

Grenade Barrage:
Throw ONE of Every type grenade to cause bleed, blind, chill, and poison. (launch 200)
Balanced by spreading the field placement the farther its thrown, and remove one “regular” grenade unless traited.

Flamethrower to be a mix of channeling condition pressure damage and CC:
Flame jet: cause burning on first and last tick.
Smoke Vent: stun move?
Toolbelt skill: Duration reduced to 6 seconds.. All attacks cause burning and blind

EG could be improved by adding more effects to…
-fumigate: Also cause torment …. or chance to grant allies 1 stack of might and protection on condition cleanse.
-Elixir F: Also grant quickness besides swiftness

Thwack: chance to cause knockdown on opponent with conditions (5% per condition).
Prybar: chance to launch opponent with conditions (5% per condition)
Throw Wench: Cause knockdown

……Can’t be that crazy to think this aggressively?

SAO Sword Art Online Kings guild will be revived! Msg me in-game for invite or guild info

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

…… I’m not a fan of the grenade kit, but I LOVE the bomb kit (even before the range increase).

I believe certain moves in the kits should be tweaked in this way for these types of roles, in my opinion.

(here is your “nerf” applied with my idea)

Grenades for long distance condition spam and support:
Freeze grenade creates a 5 second ice field. (reduce to 1 grenade, 2 when traited)
Flash bomb a stun move and blast finisher (reduce to 1 grenade and increase CD)

Grenade Barrage:
Throw ONE of Every type grenade to cause bleed, blind, chill, and poison. (launch 200)
Balanced by spreading the field placement the farther its thrown, and remove one “regular” grenade unless traited.

Flamethrower to be a mix of channeling condition pressure damage and CC:
Flame jet: cause burning on first and last tick.
Smoke Vent: stun move?
Toolbelt skill: Duration reduced to 6 seconds.. All attacks cause burning and blind

EG could be improved by adding more effects to…
-fumigate: Also cause torment …. or chance to grant allies 1 stack of might and protection on condition cleanse.
-Elixir F: Also grant quickness besides swiftness

Thwack: chance to cause knockdown on opponent with conditions (5% per condition).
Prybar: chance to launch opponent with conditions (5% per condition)
Throw Wench: Cause knockdown

……Can’t be that crazy to think this aggressively?

I think that the Tool Kit should be less condition-based, and more power-favoring, as it is now. Engineers have a LOT of condition things as well, power needs some love too.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I’m actually okay with grenade and bomb kits being our go-to dps generators. It makes logical sense and it allows our other kits to fulfill utility roles. I don’t think we’d get more real variety with five high-damage, low-utility kits.

Nerfing nades and bombs would send most PvP/WvW engineers to SD at this point, as utility kits are…well…used for utility. Also, it would make condition builds even more dependent on IP, since across all of our traits and skills, IP is our only decent source of attrition damage.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


It’s already consensus that Engineer is one of the weakest professions for dungeons:

What do you think would happen if the Engineer’s strongest options would get nerfed without the other kits getting buffed way above the current level of Grenade Kit/Bomb Kit?

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

It’s already consensus that Engineer is one of the weakest professions for dungeons:

What do you think would happen if the Engineer’s strongest options would get nerfed without the other kits getting buffed way above the current level of Grenade Kit/Bomb Kit?

Nobody is reading a word of what I wrote.

Nerf the grenade/bomb kits SLIGHTLY, then BUFF ALL of the other kits to the point where the Grenade and Bomb kit will be brought to, so that ALL of them are GOOD options, but there isn’t a “best” option.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Cabpoint.5826


I think that the Tool Kit should be less condition-based, and more power-favoring, as it is now. Engineers have a LOT of condition things as well, power needs some love too.

true true..

I’m just trying to keep some synergy to a crazy idea that Engineers can be just as dangerous as other melee class… If not for DPS, then for something that Engi’s are great at doing: Applying Control with Condition spamming.

…… also because people would consider Toolkit OP if those move changes “proc” so easily.

SAO Sword Art Online Kings guild will be revived! Msg me in-game for invite or guild info

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

I think that the Tool Kit should be less condition-based, and more power-favoring, as it is now. Engineers have a LOT of condition things as well, power needs some love too.

true true..

I’m just trying to keep some synergy to a crazy idea that Engineers can be just as dangerous as other melee class… If not for DPS, then for something that Engi’s are great at doing: Applying Control with Condition spamming.

…… also because people would consider Toolkit OP if those move changes “proc” so easily.

Oh. By all means, buff the tool kit, but don’t give it more conditions. we have enough already.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Anet really needs to look closely at this thread.

So they can learn to understand they need to add a -1 (vote down) button to threads and post

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Nix.3152


dont you dare touch bomb/nade. really “nice” strategy: nerf good builds to make bad builds viable.

“You need actively react to the passives” (GW2 PvP 2013)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Obviously you didn’t read what I proposed very well.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Obviously you didn’t read what I proposed very well.

I sure did:

Bring down the grenade and bomb kits a LITTLE bit, to make them less “god-tier”, but “good tier”, and then buff all other kits to be “good-tier” too. That way, there is no “best pick”, and you’re more open to pick what you want.

Bombs/nades should not be brought down. They are not OP. Ideally all of our options would be balanced in line with the bombs and grenades.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Not OP, just the “Best” that there is at the moment. If the best was brought down /ONLY A LITTLE BIT/, and the others were elevated to their new level, everything would be a “good choise”, and there would be no “best choise”, so more builds would open up.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Obviously you didn’t read what I proposed very well.

I sure did:

Bring down the grenade and bomb kits a LITTLE bit, to make them less “god-tier”, but “good tier”, and then buff all other kits to be “good-tier” too. That way, there is no “best pick”, and you’re more open to pick what you want.

Bombs/nades should not be brought down. They are not OP. Ideally all of our options would be balanced in line with the bombs and grenades.

I’d love to see that, but God knows, and anybody knows that ArenaNet hates Engineers and would never buff anything without nerfing another of our things.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Not OP, just the “Best” that there is at the moment. If the best was brought down /ONLY A LITTLE BIT/, and the others were elevated to their new level, everything would be a “good choise”, and there would be no “best choise”, so more builds would open up.

I guess I just don’t get why you have to bring anything down in the first place.

I’d love to see that, but God knows, and anybody knows that ArenaNet hates Engineers and would never buff anything without nerfing another of our things.

If this is another premise of your thread, I’m just going to have to step away entirely. Asking for changes under the guise of “Anet doesn’t even care, they hate Engis” is beyond ridiculous.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Not OP, just the “Best” that there is at the moment. If the best was brought down /ONLY A LITTLE BIT/, and the others were elevated to their new level, everything would be a “good choise”, and there would be no “best choise”, so more builds would open up.

I guess I just don’t get why you have to bring anything down in the first place.

I’d love to see that, but God knows, and anybody knows that ArenaNet hates Engineers and would never buff anything without nerfing another of our things.

If this is another premise of your thread, I’m just going to have to step away entirely. Asking for changes under the guise of “Anet doesn’t even care, they hate Engis” is beyond ridiculous.

It’s not ridiculous. They’ve not once buffed something without nerfing something else, even slightly. You misinterpreted what I said.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


If the premise of this thread is that bombs/nades are OP I’m just going to have to disagree. Play some other professions and you’ll see bombs/nades are really where we should be just to be equal.

Obviously you didn’t read what I proposed very well.

Because you wrote kitten, totally kitten. I hope Anet totally ignores this thread. Only because you are one of this FT fanboys…

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


Grenades have to be manually aimed while also having an extremely slow travel speed.

Bombs don´t have to be aimed but have a very short range + a long delay before the explosion.

Speaking about the way the damage has to be applied, this makes grenade-kit the worst weapon in the whole game, followed with bomb-kit being the second worst.

This is by far not so much an issue in spvp where people want to stand on a point or in a static pve-encounter but in any dynamic fight this is already a very huge tradeoff.

So if you try to balance these kits only on an excel-sheet comparing damage-numbers you´re doing it incredibly wrong.

(moreover grenade-autoattack is already overnerfed in my opinion and doing very lackluster power-damage)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


kittened thread

in here op asks for a nerf to the only usable offensive kits when everything else is simply not worth being used as offensive tool

maybe BUFF the things that are extremely kitten right now instead of nerfing what still barely works (you get your nerf next patch btw gg gj)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


I’d love to see that, but God knows, and anybody knows that ArenaNet hates Engineers and would never buff anything without nerfing another of our things.

That is very much the hyperbole.

If you want anyone to take your seriously, your going to have to present a level of applicable logic that others can agree with. When not a single person can agree with your statements, heck they cannot even take you seriously, then it is time to step back and re-evaluate your thoughts on the matter instead of arguing it vehemently.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: jingkangtan.6752


Yeah lets make engineers NOT VIABLE at all Good Idea!!!!

When you say a little bit, a little bit of GOOD TIER makes Grenade and Bomb Kit become kitten tier

And every kit is brought to kitten tier have fun

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


No, just no…. nerfing grenades again is a terrible idea, they have nerfed them several times since release. Bombs really just came into their own with the last patch, as they now actually have an okay radius, and are still not the easiest thing to land against competent players who know what your up to.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


OP is FT fanboy and sad about other engis who tell him he sucks.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


Here is the problem.

Engi’s can be competitive at most aspects be it DPS or Support. We’re pretty good with CC. But compared to other classes it takes a lot more button pushes to do it. Grenades alone are on the low end of what I would consider the competitive dps scale. Start twisting in other kits, skills and weapon abilities and you can do pretty well. Most people out there will pop on a kit an live in it through the fight and do noticeably less dps then they could.

A nerf to grenades and bombs would be a bad idea IMHO. Even with the best numbers that I’ve been able to achieve Engi is still trailing a bit behind the highest DPSr’s. For Engi Grenades/Bombs could be considered our ‘god-tier’ kits but vs other classes they’re average-tier from a DPS standpoint. Nerfing these would hurt your average engineer quite a bit compared to other classes. Infact I would argue that grenades, and kits in general, need a minimum 5% dmg increase across the board.

TK can be competitive, EG is low but EG4 is a great supplement to DPS, FT alone is low but can be brought up to competitive levels with help from other kits n skills. FT and EG need a damage boost, TK could use a slight damage boost. Our weapons alone fall short on the DPS scale also so we do need to rely on our whole toolbox to be competitive.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

(edited by Bloodgruve.6038)

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


A others have said the ones you want to bring down are only average. Thus they don’t need to be changed. The sub average stuffs just need to be brought up.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

So, there are people being jerks, people who didn’t read a word of what a wrote, judging instantly, and just completely ignoring anything I say.

Stay classy, Engineer forum.

I’m not any amount of a fanboy to the flamethrower, or elixir gun, or whatever. I’d just like to see more builds open up in a reasonable way. And as I said, they’re not going to buff 3 things a lot without nerfing something else, even a little bit.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


So, there are people being jerks, people who didn’t read a word of what a wrote, judging instantly, and just completely ignoring anything I say.

Stay classy, Engineer forum.

I’m not any amount of a fanboy to the flamethrower, or elixir gun, or whatever. I’d just like to see more builds open up in a reasonable way. And as I said, they’re not going to buff 3 things a lot without nerfing something else, even a little bit.

Why not? They are sub par while other things are just at par. There isn’t some required nerf to buff ratio.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Dredd Spirit Caller.4082

Dredd Spirit Caller.4082

Elementalists have their weapons skills for each aspect, and slot skills. Their f1-f4 buttons are the Aspect Swap things.

We have toolbelt skills, the slots (which are taken by kits) and weapon skills.

Its more similar than you think.

and u want nerf on bomb/granade to get similar to elementalist
it’s a bad idea
put down our damage or builds who run now and not up other traits/build to get similar to other class
u never see a war who dont go down in WvWvW vs 3+ ppl (high survivability, max regen, cond removal, high damage, permastun/knockdown)
or necro F1 perma swapping, or thief perma stealth
if u nerf our only way to go engy what can we run in future? crit rifle

Engy:Turrets Nade/HgH Kit Bunker Zerker
Necro:MMMesmer:pve omniRanger:SpiritsThief:P/P

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

Elementalists have their weapons skills for each aspect, and slot skills. Their f1-f4 buttons are the Aspect Swap things.

We have toolbelt skills, the slots (which are taken by kits) and weapon skills.

Its more similar than you think.

and u want nerf on bomb/granade to get similar to elementalist
it’s a bad idea
put down our damage or builds who run now and not up other traits/build to get similar to other class
u never see a war who dont go down in WvWvW vs 3+ ppl (high survivability, max regen, cond removal, high damage, permastun/knockdown)
or necro F1 perma swapping, or thief perma stealth
if u nerf our only way to go engy what can we run in future? crit rifle

READ. WHAT. I. POSTED. Buff all of the other kits a bunch to bring them to the Bomb/Grenade kit’s level, but bring the Bomb/Grenade kits down JUST A LITTLE BIT, to make all of the kits on equal ground, so that they’re ALL solid choises. If they are ALL solid choises, you can run with almost anything, not just crit rifle.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


The point is, even if we run grenades + bombs in one build we are close behind other classes. Now, if you nerf those kits and buff others to bring them all on a similar level; no kit kombination can even come close to other classes.

Another point is: why should FT be similar strong then grenades and bombs? FT is so easy to play. No skill shots, no delay like bombs. It would be really unbalanced to bringt FT on the same level. It is fine as it is actually: grenades and bombs are “hard” to play and give back the most reward.

Sure it is a problem that FT for example is weak. But the have to fix this in another way, not damage wise. Giving back stability on the FT trait would be a solution. Or any other specific usefulness.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

The point is, even if we run grenades + bombs in one build we are close behind other classes. Now, if you nerf those kits and buff others to bring them all on a similar level; no kit kombination can even come close to other classes.

Another point is: why should FT be similar strong then grenades and bombs? FT is so easy to play. No skill shots, no delay like bombs. It would be really unbalanced to bringt FT on the same level. It is fine as it is actually: grenades and bombs are “hard” to play and give back the most reward.

Sure it is a problem that FT for example is weak. But the have to fix this in another way, not damage wise. Giving back stability on the FT trait would be a solution. Or any other specific usefulness.

I didn’t say buff their damage, I said buff them.

Whether its lower cooldowns, or higher damage, or whatever, the other kits aren’t on par. You’re going a bit off track.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


I didn’t say buff their damage, I said buff them.

Whether its lower cooldowns, or higher damage, or whatever, the other kits aren’t on par. You’re going a bit off track.

Yes but why nerf grenades and bombs? If actually no 3 kit-kombination is strong enougth to catch up to other classes, thenno ki-kombination will after buffing FT, EG, TK. As long as they or not on top of grenades /bombs. And they never should be on top.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

I didn’t say buff their damage, I said buff them.

Whether its lower cooldowns, or higher damage, or whatever, the other kits aren’t on par. You’re going a bit off track.

Yes but why nerf grenades and bombs? If actually no 3 kit-kombination is strong enougth to catch up to other classes, thenno ki-kombination will after buffing FT, EG, TK. As long as they or not on top of grenades /bombs. And they never should be on top.

The thing is that none of them should be on top. They should all be on even ground, and the grenade/bomb kits are godly compared to the others. TONS of damage, power or conditions, tons of utility, no matter whether youre playing damage or support or anything in between. That’s more that can be said of the Flamethrower or Toolkit, and there’s almost no arguing it.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Toolkit only lacks on #1 and toolbelt Skills all other are good #2 very good slow field for small scale fights mybe buff the casttime and Zerg Fights #3 Prybar good damage and confusion #4 awesome block #nice pull

What i would love to see are little changes for Toolkit #1 increase range and cone toolbelt increase range and apply a condition weakness (3s) or Torment (3s).

Flamethrower i would like to see

  1. more range and burn applies on the first tick, can hit 5 people not only 3
  2. is now a blastfinisher
Haralin Engineer

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Engineers are extremely strong with only those two kits. I personally am fine with certain kits being “core” kits and others being primarily utility kits (Although elixir gun could do with a slight buff). I don’t want to see engineers becoming the fotm class to hate on again.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Just to state it, I read all you’ve wrote here Captain Swag and yes, I disagree with your statement.
Bomb kit is an interesting tool but not mandatory. It’ll be interesting in a glass canon setup but will lack the survivability you got with FT. And, by the way, tool kit has great options.
Nade kit is an higly offensive condition kit but that’s all, you get only damage out of this kit while Elixir gun give a lot of support and benefit a lot from traits in regard of support.
Turret could enjoy a buff but all classes are balanced around sPvP (oups sorry I shouldn’t say that even if we all know this fact) and right now in a 1v1 setup turret are pretty good.
Elixir… well this absolutely don’t need buff we are already a boon machine with them.
Gadget are somewhat good. I wouldn’t build around them but they give us really good utilities.

What I mean is that everyting is almost well balanced right now. Slight nerf on Bomb and nade would just resume in a dps loss for the persons that actually use them while leading to nothing.

If your goal is to promote build variety, just try to create builds that don’t focus only on damage and promote them. I don’t think that the actual “rush through dps” meta is a good base to balance class.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: kamedin.4698


“so because i want them all equal, lets nerf them down, not buff the others up” interesting idea, how about this: you don’t have to use grenade/bombs but don’t make it so that i can’t use them.

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

Bomb/Grenade Kit need fixed

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

“so because i want them all equal, lets nerf them down, not buff the others up” interesting idea, how about this: you don’t have to use grenade/bombs but don’t make it so that i can’t use them.

I’m sorry, but Ive only said “Buff the others a lot” several times, in the original post and through this whole thread.
Please go back and READ it.