Bomb Kit

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

Anyone else been using the bomb kit to level? It’s EXTREMELY effective on all mobs, and does freakishly high damage if you use 1, 2, and 3. It has also been very good on trash pulls in dungeons. Pretty useless in PvP and PvE bosses, but I really love it for everything else, amazing damage!

If you’re leveling an engi, use bomb kit!

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

Bombs should do siege damage.

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

So a groups of 5 engies can steamroll through keeps? Pop a mesmer Time warp on top of that? No thanks…..WvW is broken enough as is

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Bombs have the big advantage they don’t need a target, and they hit every mob in range just as hard.

Add a blind and confusion to that, and an immobilize if you need to run, or a knockback, and you have yourself an easy enough mechanic to fight brainless mobs.

Leveling is indeed ALL about fighting brainless mobs, so I fully agree bombs are pretty good for that.

Once you can trait further in either explosives, or perhaps finally the grandmaster trait to make bombs heal, than you’re really set to go.
But even before that, bombs seem to be one of the most forgiving damage kits we have for leveling.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

(edited by Kimbald.2697)

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

So a groups of 5 engies can steamroll through keeps? Pop a mesmer Time warp on top of that? No thanks…..WvW is broken enough as is

those 5engys could just build a ram or cata to the same effect. Just looking for some variety here.. And when is the last time you saw 5 engys in wvw… I rarely see any others when I run mine.

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


So a groups of 5 engies can steamroll through keeps? Pop a mesmer Time warp on top of that? No thanks…..WvW is broken enough as is

those 5engys could just build a ram or cata to the same effect. Just looking for some variety here.. And when is the last time you saw 5 engys in wvw… I rarely see any others when I run mine.

Engineers could get a supply or building speed advantage, or better: be able to repair sieges.

Danger of the poisoned gift though: this would almost force engineers to become the designated trebbers and glue them to the balista’s and mortars during any siege.

Simple solution: make the elite skill Mortar actually good, and let it be a real siege weapon that can make a difference…
Mortars should get a min range option ‘battering ram’ that hits doors at least.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

Good ideas! I like it.

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Not going to happen though, if we’ll see any improvement for Mortars, it will be the fact they finally make the trait work for it.
If we’re REALLY lucky, they’ll make every turret trait work for it (mortar is listed as a turret).

Beyond these 2 basic fixes, I don’t expect them to ever look at it again…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Pretty useless in PvP and PvE bosses

Eh. I use bombkit all the time for PvP.
It has more uses then just spamming for damage.
You can create nifty combos to which are extremely helpful in PvP.
Ex: Smoke bomb + magnetic inversion, fire bomb + throw wrench. (There are much more possibilities, just experiment)

And for PvE bosses?
I have been soloing so many champions with bombkit (in combination with other kits/weapons) I’ve lost count.
I’ve been running almost every dungeon with bombkit.

In short, bombkit is pretty awesome but don’t just spam mindlessly.
Think about what bombs you want to put out there before you place them.

Bomb Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

I would also love to see grenade kit require a target, the ground targeting there isn’t to my personal liking.

As far as siege go, I think that engineers should get another option on all siege equipment, would make sense because of their technical expertise, and would give them a solid place in WvW