Brushing off the Flamethrower

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

With the hinted-at updates to the Juggernaut trait, what kind of new options does this open up for the flamethrower? Do you guys think any viable damage build can be created with flamethrower as the primary weapon?

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

For new options: I don’t see much changing if these notes are true. You’re still going to sink 40 of your points between Firearms and Alchemy for Juggernaut and Deadly Mixture. As a DPS option, it will still be outclassed by other kits.

I really hope these notes are fake, because while I think making Juggernaut a Master trait and Fireforged Trigger an Adept trait are nice, merging Deadly Mixture with Fireforged Trigger would have been a hell of a lot nicer and would have freed up any need to put points into Alchemy at all, which is exactly what the FT/EG build needs.

The Flamethrower and Elixir Gun are the only kits that we have that have to put points in a defensive tree to best bolster their damage. It’s half the reason why people think the FT’s damage is so “subpar,” because Grenadiers and Bomb Kit Engineers can sink 30 points in Tools no problem while we’re stuck sinking 20 of ours into Alchemy.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


With juggernaut get an extra 6 stacks might with full uptime, and that can include HGH, not to mention the toughness. Not to mention a fire field to stack another 6 or so with little problem with a couple blast finishers. And it attacks often so great to stack on-crit conditions.

Not sure why flamethrower gets a bad rap.

The build it opens for me is to use the trait to pierce with pistol, spread around a lot conditions that way, no need for grenades to get a full spread of conditions on everyone.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I really don’t see flamethrower as a damage build considering it only has two skills that do damage, and one of those skills is hybrid and the other pure power based so you’ll always miss out on damage. Now with that said, moving juggernaut down a tier just opens ft builds up for enhance performance, power shoes and the improved leg mods, so we’ll see if those changes are enough to make new builds with ft

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

With juggernaut get an extra 6 stacks might with full uptime, and that can include HGH, not to mention the toughness. Not to mention a fire field to stack another 6 or so with little problem with a couple blast finishers. And it attacks often so great to stack on-crit conditions.

Not sure why flamethrower gets a bad rap.

The build it opens for me is to use the trait to pierce with pistol, spread around a lot conditions that way, no need for grenades to get a full spread of conditions on everyone.

Juggernaut is really not as great a trait as it sounds. Any PvE dungeon group can reasonably hit 25 Might, meaning the 6-9 gained from Juggernaut is a total kitten to your DPS.

They need to just elevate the damage of the Flamethrower at a flat rate rather than using Might stacks as a fix.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


With juggernaut get an extra 6 stacks might with full uptime, and that can include HGH, not to mention the toughness. Not to mention a fire field to stack another 6 or so with little problem with a couple blast finishers. And it attacks often so great to stack on-crit conditions.

Not sure why flamethrower gets a bad rap.

The build it opens for me is to use the trait to pierce with pistol, spread around a lot conditions that way, no need for grenades to get a full spread of conditions on everyone.

Juggernaut is really not as great a trait as it sounds. Any PvE dungeon group can reasonably hit 25 Might, meaning the 6-9 gained from Juggernaut is a total kitten to your DPS.

They need to just elevate the damage of the Flamethrower at a flat rate rather than using Might stacks as a fix.

I’m usually wvw where I dont see those kinds of might stacks. Also, I like might for the condition bonus too, makes my burns extra crispy.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: kelman.9451


I only have a low level Eng, but I kind of like using it so far, aoe, easy to use, goes through doors in WvW and seems to almost intimidate people having a flame thrown at them.

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


frankly, the change doesn’t alter much of the FT build, if you want trigger, jugg, and sitting duck, you still need 30 points, or if you want the new napalm specialist (meh).

the extra ten points from firearms works nicely in to inventions, now taking energized and stabilized armor, and protective shielding, or in to alchemy for BP Regen.

you can also take speedy kits, but .. meh.

Naturally, there are many other options, these are just the first glance comments.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


They also lowered the animation and recast time on flame jet by a good bit (efectivly increasing the damage) and with the buff to Napalm Specialist 33% up from 20% burn duration, not to mention that Rocket Boots are making a comeback and the toolbelt skill adds burn. I think we have a very viable FT condition build.

Easy to stack Bleeds and Poison with pistol + the quick attacks from FT and 100% up time on burn should be easy now. PvE a zerker build may still win “may” but in PvP and WvW im very excited for my new BUNINATOR!!! (homestar runner reference for those old enough)

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Remillard.8691


In my mind, the adjustment to Napalm Specialist, while technically a buff, isn’t exactly anything to write home about. Burn duration even before without Napalm Specialist wasn’t difficult to maintain.

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: tehdevbot.1398


Heya, so I havent played my engy in quite some time. months and months, but have still lurked here in the engineer forums reading and scheming for a return to the blastingist, burningist profession in game. Just curious if any of you WvW players out there have any attempts at a new, FT focused build, roaming or small group oriented to help an old newcomer out?

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Saki Asakura.6479

Saki Asakura.6479


Haven’t had much time to test FT in WvW today, gadgets keep distracting me. Try looking up Nakoda’s spvp build or Phineas Poe’s PvE build. Those are both great places to start, even though they don’t focus on WvW.

Rocket boots might be a good choice, toolbelt boosts your flamejet damage (+10% while the target is burning), and Rocket Boots are really, really good when you need to close gaps or run away in WvW.

Traitwise, protection injection, protective shield, stabilized armor, and either Forge or Earth runes are great ways to boost your survivability. I’d recommend running Healing Turret for group heals unless you either want to use HGH or if you’ll always be solo. Don’t forget to pick up Deadly Mixture and Juggernaut to boost your damage output.

Level 80 Engineer: Kamonia

Borlis Pass

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

They also lowered the animation and recast time on flame jet by a good bit (efectivly increasing the damage) and with the buff to Napalm Specialist 33% up from 20% burn duration, not to mention that Rocket Boots are making a comeback and the toolbelt skill adds burn. I think we have a very viable FT condition build.

Wait, what do you mean in regard to Flame Jet animation? Looks the same to me, and still is a 2.25 second cast.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians