Buff Elixir F?

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


So recently, Anet decided to buff the thief’s dancing dagger by making the projectile 33% faster. Their reasoning was that the projectile itself was too slow to actually catch anybody, hence the speed buff. The skill on elixir gun 2, Elixir F has the same problem that dancing dagger had. Not only is it too slow to hit anybody, it also fires in a straight line, so enemies could easily sidestep it.

Do you guys think that increasing the projectile speed on Elixir F is justifiable?

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Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396



Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745



it could be a decent skill if you could control it more effectively, timing it between invigorating speeds cd to get 100% vigor upkeep from timing kitten rather then just mashing buttons like some other classes/builds, the damage is decent especially if you can get it to bounce back to the target giving elixir gun some more oomph but not much in reality, over all a decent change.

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Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Black para goner.7612

Black para goner.7612

Yea projectile speed increase would make it much better. Although giving swiftness to allies doesn’t help so much. There are many better swiftness skills from guards, warriors and rangers.

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Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


We’ve asked for this many times! Long cast time + slow projectile speed = poopy! The cast time should also be reduced to .5 seconds down from .75!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
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Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Yeah, you can only reasonably expect this to hit someone who is standing still or moving in a perfectly straight line.

But out of all the abilities on engineer that could use some tweaking, I imagine this one is either at the bottom or near the bottom of the priority list.

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Assassin.7890


I got a off-side question: If I use Elix F in conjunction with Cleansing Formula 409, will it cure a condition?
Same questions goes for Elixir H – will it, under the influense of CF 409, cure 2 conditions?
Thus, adding that trait and maybe elix S or B to the typical Cele Rifle build would make it fairly condi counterable
Thanks in andvance

Dyna Mic

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Skogsbrand.6715


Assassin, to my knowledge elixir traits do not apply EG Kit that are labeled "Elixir. They do however apply to auto B&S. I don’t know about Elixir H.

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


+1. Would be nice if this skill would hit anyone outside of point blank range.

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I got a off-side question: If I use Elix F in conjunction with Cleansing Formula 409, will it cure a condition?
Same questions goes for Elixir H – will it, under the influense of CF 409, cure 2 conditions?
Thus, adding that trait and maybe elix S or B to the typical Cele Rifle build would make it fairly condi counterable
Thanks in andvance

Dyna Mic

Any traits that affect “elixirs” will affect elixirs H, B, R, U, S, and X. Most of these affect the tool belt skills too(the tossed elixirs), as well as the auto-proc skills (i.e. hidden flask).

Note that cleaning formula 409 will cure 1 condition for both the toss and the drink, not 2. In contrast, HGH grants 1 might stack on tossed elixirs, and 2 on drunk ones.

The elixir gun has some skills labelled as elixirs, but they are not affected by traits that affect elixirs since these are not “elixir skills” and are “kit skills” instead. This includes elixir F, super elixir, acid bomb, healing mist, and launch elixir.

For further reference: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I’d really want it to be insta cast as well, even if it means a longer CD. As it is, it’s even less reliable than throw wrench to chase cowards in WvW.

Buff Elixir F?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dojo.1867


I think they should completely change the projectile to something more fitting.