[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Cero.5132


… seem not to work.
I tested them a bit in the mists.
Rifled turret barrels still give more range to turrets but no damage increase. With the trait rifle turret, thumber turret and rocket turret did the same damage as without the trait.
Tested this on golems in the mists.
I tested metal plating togeter with an engineer friend who kept shooting my turrets with the rifle.
There was no difference in damage taken by my turrets nor did he need more shots to kill them.

So…. are my test results just a bit off or can anyone else confirm this?

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


You should add [bugged] to your threads title.

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Cero.5132


Changed the title. Thank you for mentioning it

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Like I mentioned in other threads, Metal Plating (III), Autotool Installation (X) and Rifled Turret Barrels (XII) aren’t fonctional sinds 30 April 2013.

And there is also a problem with Turret Hitbox beeing much larger than it should be, this is Chief Utahein hitting my net turret from his back.


[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Have you sent a bug thread and sent details to the PvP thread?

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Have you sent a bug thread and sent details to the PvP thread?

No but I sent the bug in both French and English bug section, “spammed” this in a couple of threads speaking about the new turrets in the Engineer section and i’ll also sent a mail to the Support website and ingame calling for help. And I almost forgot, I also edited the wiki to inform people about the bug.

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They probably won’t read it unless it’s in sPvP – if you’ll notice, that’s where the Scope bug had to be posted before they responded.

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


Hahahahaohhhhhhmy. I hope someone at Anet feels bad about this. So sick of things breaking every time they “fix” us.

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I bet it’ll be fixed as fast as “hidden killer” was when the last patch broke it for thieves. Heh.