Bunker Down

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: Haturz.7526


This trait could really help the damage output of engineers in dungeons/fractals IF it were an adept or master trait. As it stands grenadier and modified ammunition are two of the strongest dps increases for engi, neither are worth giving up for one mine every 2 seconds. I wouldn’t even mind bumping the cooldown up to 4 or 5 seconds to put it in the adept or master tree.
I really hope something will be done with this trait. It’s a very intriguing trait; but with no real potential, PvE wise.

(edited by Haturz.7526)

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


The skill placement is fine where it is for what it delivers.
PvE wise the grenade-kit comes in handy when you want to stay ranged to a boss, so you choose your traditional setup, but for stacking I rather use the bombkit anyways, so I simply swap out my gm-trait to drop mines instead of ammunition, and also to automated bomb-disperser instead of grenadier. And since we have this fancy new trait system, that’s a work of mere split-seconds.


There is a problem with Bunker Downs mechanics I’d like to see fixed:
The mines simply time out after 10 seconds and since there are many bosses in the game that do not move at all (which is required to trigger them, even if they are directly placed in trigger-range to the boss), the trait is not working against them. An automated explosion of the mines after 10 seconds would be a quick solution for this issue, and also spice up s/tPvP against engis.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


PvE wise the grenade-kit comes in handy when you want to stay ranged to a boss

I wish. Trying to keep that AOE circle on the boss in the middle of all the FX smog is a pain in the wrist…

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


A proximity radius increase wouldn’t hurt. I’m thinking something like a 120 radius.
Maybe if forceful explosives also increased the proximity radius and not just the explosion radius.

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I like the trait. I usually just combine it with the flamethrower in wvw and It does okay as a stealth detector and as anti backstab. Only problem with it is that the proximity radius is just too small. With the range to trigger being only 60 units they gotta be literally standing on top of it. Just a little to the side an it wont blow.

Imo it should be increased to throw mine radius.

Bunker Down

in Engineer

Posted by: Grenix.1576


Bunker down seems ok, but when i check my combat log i rarely find back the dmg it actually does. It almost seems like it doesnt land as often as the 2 sec Cooldown timer as you expect. I mean, you can see it in the combat log, deals decent dmg if you manage to stand on top of your enemy and atk ofc. But i dont see it as often in the log. I guess moddified ammunition is still stronger for maxing DPS.