Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


From http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Med_Kit :
Each skill stays activate on the ground for a fairly long time. Bunker engineers can repeatedly place them at PvP capture points before any enemies arrive so there is a 9,000-12,000 heal, 1-3 condition removals, fury and swiftness ready.

Basically I can lay down all my bandages and then swap to Healing Turret. This also applies to the Mine toolbelt skill Mine Field , and if you really want to milk the system Incendiary Ammo . Do people not know about this? This makes us extremely OP as bunkers, honestly surprised I rarely see other Engi bunkers.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: hdinh.8091


In tourney PvP, you are not allowed to switch your utilities after the game is started.

Sylvari Engineer
Viennotair/ Sar (r’s x 9)

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Lots of problems with bunker engineers. Nothing serious but on whole they balance the concept.

1. The healing turret is quite killable. Once the turret is down, so to is a lot of your defense (esp condition removal).
2. You lack stability so on a point or in wvw you struggle more from being pushed around or stun locked.
3. Your condition removal is mediocre for yourself (great for a group with e-gun).

It is a solid bunker for certain but not really overwhelming especially when the supply crate no longer wacks you for so much immobilize.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I thought you couldnt switch utility skills during an spvp match.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


I don’t know about spvp, I only play hot-joins as I’m not interested in the 5 minute waiting queues. If it doesn’t apply to Spvp then maybe it’s a non-issue?

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I don’t know about spvp, I only play hot-joins as I’m not interested in the 5 minute waiting queues. If it doesn’t apply to Spvp then maybe it’s a non-issue?

Aaaand /thread!

It’s true that the toolbelt mechanic is slightly abusable in hotjoins and WvW. Theoretically, I shouldn’t be able to open with incendiary ammo and toss elixir S while still keeping all three of my real utilities off cooldown in WvW. But it’s so much fun.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


I don’t know about spvp, I only play hot-joins as I’m not interested in the 5 minute waiting queues. If it doesn’t apply to Spvp then maybe it’s a non-issue?

Aaaand /thread!

It’s true that the toolbelt mechanic is slightly abusable in hotjoins and WvW. Theoretically, I shouldn’t be able to open with incendiary ammo and toss elixir S while still keeping all three of my real utilities off cooldown in WvW. But it’s so much fun.

Ooo, forgot about Elixr S, I always use that and swap to something else! Also it’s not just toolbelt skills, also applies to medkit.

Also, I’d play proper SPvP, but sadly I don’t have any friends to queue with.

(edited by Ameno.6813)

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Not just toolbelt, also applies to medkit.

Also, I’d play proper SPvP, but sadly I don’t have any friends to queue with.

You don’t need friends to play ranked matches. You can join team arena as a solo player (which a ton of people do now), and of course solo arena is randoms vs. randoms.

Yes, you can use any skill from any kit out of combat and then switch to something else with no waiting. That’s useful for fields sometimes in WvW. It’s useful for bandages if you’re playing hotjoins really seriously, maybe, although waiting on a point is very rarely a good strategy.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


It’s apt of prep work and they don’t last forever, it’s cool for sure but not totally OP. Also I feel like simply having HT is strong enough, sure it’s destroyable but if someone kills it your using it wrong.

I would like to see more stability though, I mean warrior and guardian have access to 10-15 sec of stability and we get a crappy few seconds… lame.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


Not just toolbelt, also applies to medkit.

Also, I’d play proper SPvP, but sadly I don’t have any friends to queue with.

You don’t need friends to play ranked matches. You can join team arena as a solo player (which a ton of people do now), and of course solo arena is randoms vs. randoms.

Yes, you can use any skill from any kit out of combat and then switch to something else with no waiting. That’s useful for fields sometimes in WvW. It’s useful for bandages if you’re playing hotjoins really seriously, maybe, although waiting on a point is very rarely a good strategy.

Not to derail the topic, but what’s the school of thought on just sitting on a point? If you move somewhere else roamers can decap, whereas if you don’t budge an inch and manage to keep yourself a live you’re ensuring your team a steady stream of points all game. Of course, maps with objectives outside of points you wouldn’t want to sit in a single spot all game.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


If you sit on point then the enemy on farpoint will go mid, if you leave home then someone will come and decap.

You can always drop a portal at home and go help at mid I guess :p

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Not just toolbelt, also applies to medkit.

Also, I’d play proper SPvP, but sadly I don’t have any friends to queue with.

You don’t need friends to play ranked matches. You can join team arena as a solo player (which a ton of people do now), and of course solo arena is randoms vs. randoms.

Yes, you can use any skill from any kit out of combat and then switch to something else with no waiting. That’s useful for fields sometimes in WvW. It’s useful for bandages if you’re playing hotjoins really seriously, maybe, although waiting on a point is very rarely a good strategy.

Not to derail the topic, but what’s the school of thought on just sitting on a point? If you move somewhere else roamers can decap, whereas if you don’t budge an inch and manage to keep yourself a live you’re ensuring your team a steady stream of points all game. Of course, maps with objectives outside of points you wouldn’t want to sit in a single spot all game.

Well it’s different depending on the skill level of people you’re facing. If you’re facing bad players, they might keep throwing themselves at your point without being able to kill you or decap. That would really help your team. If you’re playing vs. good players, they’ll leave you alone on your homepoint and focus on the other two points. The steady stream of points doesn’t matter too much when your four teammates are outnumbered on the rest of the map and they eventually all die.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


hot join? Come on someone really as for a nerf because of hot join? are you kidding me?

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Sigh…There is one issue with bunker engineer and that is bomb kit besides that I do not see any other issues.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


there is one issue with bunker engineer and that is their lack of stability. without it bunker engis will never be a serious replacement for guardians in this meta.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


You can throw around an engineer like a wet doll given our lack of stability that is our real bunker point capping weakness.

Now, an engineer can spec to throw you around a little more as well as keep you blinded etc. But since you can do that right back at them. . . .fairly balanced.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

I don’t know about spvp, I only play hot-joins as I’m not interested in the 5 minute waiting queues. If it doesn’t apply to Spvp then maybe it’s a non-issue?

Mate, you can queue up for tourneys from the PvP tab while in hotjoin or PvE/WvW.

Muck about in hotjoin while you wait for the queue to pop.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


I don’t know about spvp, I only play hot-joins as I’m not interested in the 5 minute waiting queues. If it doesn’t apply to Spvp then maybe it’s a non-issue?

Mate, you can queue up for tourneys from the PvP tab while in hotjoin or PvE/WvW.

Muck about in hotjoin while you wait for the queue to pop.

Oh didn’t know that, thanks for the tip.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


Not just toolbelt, also applies to medkit.

Also, I’d play proper SPvP, but sadly I don’t have any friends to queue with.

You don’t need friends to play ranked matches. You can join team arena as a solo player (which a ton of people do now), and of course solo arena is randoms vs. randoms.

Yes, you can use any skill from any kit out of combat and then switch to something else with no waiting. That’s useful for fields sometimes in WvW. It’s useful for bandages if you’re playing hotjoins really seriously, maybe, although waiting on a point is very rarely a good strategy.

Not to derail the topic, but what’s the school of thought on just sitting on a point? If you move somewhere else roamers can decap, whereas if you don’t budge an inch and manage to keep yourself a live you’re ensuring your team a steady stream of points all game. Of course, maps with objectives outside of points you wouldn’t want to sit in a single spot all game.

Well it’s different depending on the skill level of people you’re facing. If you’re facing bad players, they might keep throwing themselves at your point without being able to kill you or decap. That would really help your team. If you’re playing vs. good players, they’ll leave you alone on your homepoint and focus on the other two points. The steady stream of points doesn’t matter too much when your four teammates are outnumbered on the rest of the map and they eventually all die.

Are bunkers supposed to be on their home or enemy home? I always go to enemy home.

Bunker engineers have an unfair advantage

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Are bunkers supposed to be on their home or enemy home? I always go to enemy home.

It depends. Bunkers should be in teamfights providing support, or contesting a point alone. I can’t think of any other useful place for them to be.

If your team controls home and mid, it’s sometimes useful to wait to see where the enemy will attack. If your team does not control two points, I don’t think you should ever wait on the one point you do control.