Camping kits [suggestion]

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Phyrak.7260


Hey all

Phyrak here

I’m currently spending my free time looking into the classes and traits as well as potential weapons which could be given to each

For the engi – I’m seeing how to make the most out of kits – similir to my post on ele’s

Please note: I’m not asking for builds

What sort of buffs would you give to kits so you could camp in them

As for weapons, I’m looking down trait lines and how the weapons work to see the potential effectiveness in combat – ref: hammers and maces

The kits we have currently are getting a thorough look over

New kits

Elite kits

Rocket launcher

I am currently working through mechanics which are already in game and adding a twist to allow for a spread of how kits/ weapons may be accessed

I came up with something called “trait flow”

It begins when you select a minor trait and switch one stat for another

For example:

If you wanted to access the minigun or sniper

You would need to switch out sharpshooter for precise sights

Having precise sights moved into a minor trait gives the option to have more build diversity

Thank you for reading

Constructive feedback welcome


Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

In pve you can already camp a kit and do work.

Same in WvW, you can sit in nades/FT and it will work fine.

If you buff kits without it being a new “stay in here and get X” then they will just be abused for swap fodder, defeating the purpose.

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: LCV.7245


I’m just going to throw this out there… The whole intention and functionality of kits is that they have extremely low swap cooldowns and they’re versatile so that you don’t camp them. Choosing to forgo kit swapping is strictly a hindrance to the engi’s potential. In fact, kits are the sole reason engi’s don’t have weapon swaps. Not running kits (or no being willing to swap them) is like refusing to weapon swap on any other profession, which is ridiculous because no combination of weapons on any profession is ready for every situation.

Trust me, friend, the only good idea you have in this post is making Mortar an elite kit, which is anything but an original thought.

The Pleb Army | 80 Sylvari Mesmer | 80 Norn Warrior | 80 Asura Ranger | 80 Asura Necromancer |
80 Sylvari Thief | 80 Human Elementalist | 80 Asura Guardian | 80 Asura Engineer |
80 Sylvari Revenant

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh boy here we go again.
OP. Stop. Please.
Why do you hate swapping so much? More than that, there are many classes that don’t require that much swapping.
What’s next? Make a thread in the ranger forum about the best weapon to keep auto on while you clean your house? Actually I have a great idea. If you invest heavily in the pet and get a beefy one like drake you can just put it on guard mode and afk. Pet will kill stuff as long as you position yourself to get hit.

What buffs would I give to kits to camp them? For example grenades. Increase base damage by 20% and every crit grants 20s might with no internal cooldown. Double the duration of steel packed powder and precise sights vuln. Oh and merge explosive powder with incendiary powder and short fuse. All 3 traits are good and it may confuse new players and god forbid that! No pve/pvp split as usual.

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


It’s already pretty easy to camp in dps kits like bomb/nades.. Especially since they can either make your whole team do more damage, or heal your whole team..etc (Traited)

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

I’m just going to throw this out there… The whole intention and functionality of kits is that they have extremely low swap cooldowns and they’re versatile so that you don’t camp them. Choosing to forgo kit swapping is strictly a hindrance to the engi’s potential. In fact, kits are the sole reason engi’s don’t have weapon swaps. Not running kits (or no being willing to swap them) is like refusing to weapon swap on any other profession, which is ridiculous because no combination of weapons on any profession is ready for every situation.

Trust me, friend, the only good idea you have in this post is making Mortar an elite kit, which is anything but an original thought.

I dont think that was their original intent, it just happens thats the most effective use. Id agree with this if we were talkin 1 kit. its like your weapon swap basicly. But when you have 3 and just cycle cooldowns, I dont think this was what was intended. Just like im certain they didnt design ice bow to be a “Press 4, sometimes 5 then drop” item. But it is, cause thats how you best use it right now. They designed it to be a “Healing support weapon” which it isnt used for at all.

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: LCV.7245


I’m just going to throw this out there… The whole intention and functionality of kits is that they have extremely low swap cooldowns and they’re versatile so that you don’t camp them. Choosing to forgo kit swapping is strictly a hindrance to the engi’s potential. In fact, kits are the sole reason engi’s don’t have weapon swaps. Not running kits (or no being willing to swap them) is like refusing to weapon swap on any other profession, which is ridiculous because no combination of weapons on any profession is ready for every situation.

Trust me, friend, the only good idea you have in this post is making Mortar an elite kit, which is anything but an original thought.

I dont think that was their original intent, it just happens thats the most effective use. Id agree with this if we were talkin 1 kit. its like your weapon swap basicly. But when you have 3 and just cycle cooldowns, I dont think this was what was intended. Just like im certain they didnt design ice bow to be a “Press 4, sometimes 5 then drop” item. But it is, cause thats how you best use it right now. They designed it to be a “Healing support weapon” which it isnt used for at all.

I don’t understand your argument at all. It’s inevitable that when a limited group of people (Anet) design something for the masses (the players) the larger group will find ways of using the tools at their disposal in creative ways. In regard to the engi having 3 kits at a time, I don’t see why you’re complaining. I’m positive that there are many players of many other classes that would happily give up utility skills for an equivalent of kits.

The bottom line is that engineers are powerful because of their innate utility and dynamic play style. This is primarily achieved through the use of kits because the activation of one skill gives the player access to several different options. In the case of grenades and bombs, all 5 skills are, in a major way, the same. Here, the diversity comes from the conditions applied. With bombs and grenades, the engi has instant access to a plethora of conditions. With the tool kit and the elixir gun, the skills themselves are divers and allow for innovative and non-linear interactions between players.

Kits are strong. If an engi is too lazy to use them, then perhaps warrior is a better option.

The Pleb Army | 80 Sylvari Mesmer | 80 Norn Warrior | 80 Asura Ranger | 80 Asura Necromancer |
80 Sylvari Thief | 80 Human Elementalist | 80 Asura Guardian | 80 Asura Engineer |
80 Sylvari Revenant

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ll be making a flamethrower “kit camper” after the patch,
i’ve tried multiple builds in the past (and some have been pretty decent) but i feel with the 30% higher AA damage and #2 becoming a blast finisher we might actually have some pretty lethal builds!

as to buffs, i’m not sure!

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Phyrak.7260


Currently what I have written down in relation to camping kits

Numbers still need to be run in order to give some sort of balance to them

For all kits – each specific trait in relation to kit will change it aesthetically…or at least that’s the hope
FT: juggernaut
- reduced incoming dmg (-10% I’m think rather then x toughness)
- specifically around condi
- alternate kit of FT – chaos gun…I need a better name for it…
Basically % to apply confusing or torment – a more aggressive version of EG but less so then the FT

Heavy gunner: minigun
- gun accuracy based on crit change
- fury increase accuracy
-medium to long range
- reflect projectiles/ shielding

Explosives expert: bombs/ grenades
- based on one kit
- uses button to switch between them
- grenades condi/ bombs power

Battle tech: tool kit
- increased chance to crit whilst in kit
- improved armour due to being in cc
- shield now flows between blocks and pulls in relation to animation
- iron man esque stylistic changes and some potential for attacks

Mitigator: EG
- high condi
- close to medium range
- improved boon duration for allies affected by your boons

Explosives expert: mortar
- high cc
-low damage
-long range to very long range
-condi based
-some low damage high duration condi

Explosives expert: rocket launcher
- think mix between rifle and grenades in relation to skills
- power based
- High vuln stacking
- few fields
- more mobile then the mortar but not by much

Marksman: sniper rifle
- low mobility
- power based
- damage based on charge (think of the AA yellow bar filling as you attack – the more it fills, the more damage you do)
- high vuln stacking
- Long to very long range

To come

The option to put elixirs onto passive – Mesmer SoM style with less rng with some a little extra added onto the activated

Same thing goes with gadgets

Keep in mind that these thoughts are kept by the hope that there would be a button or something like that which would allow you to choose when ever you want if you want to use your elixirs as actives or as passives

To use the FT or click the button and the FT turns into a minigun of which you then need to get the matching traits for it

Positive discussion is always nice


- Phyrak

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: fluidmonolith.3584



I just responded to your similar thread in the Ele forum. Overall, I think the idea is fine, and I would appreciate the added versatility to the class, despite some complaints by others. I will compare your idea to turrets: We can make a turret build that focuses on maintaining turrets as a permanent damage source with things like Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels. Or we can use turrets as a short-term expendable effect or buff with things like Accelerant Packed Turrets and Fortified Turrets. These different methods of using the same skills is really cool and should be applied to other skills, if possible.

We already have Juggernaut that encourages camping in FT, maybe with the upcoming damage buff, it will be just fine to do that.

I like the idea, but I caution the difference between “stay in a single kit a lot” and “never ever unequip the kit, not even to use Static Shot or Overcharged Shot”, for example". One of these makes sense, and one does not.

Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: Phyrak.7260


Yup, I know the difference of perma-kitting and the occasional swap out for damage or buffs

Once I get the traits for each individual kit written up – ill then put it onto here for opinion

Keep in mind that it would be making something like juganaught a little bit more hardcore then a couple of stacks of might and a bit of toughness >:D

Thank you for the bit of positivity