Can an Engineer build do this?

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shtos Vant.4182

Shtos Vant.4182

I main a mesmer, and sometimes crash around with a warrior. Didn’t enjoy guardian.

It’s been tickling my noodle that an Engineer could be as much fun as mes and war combined.

For running towards the front of a 20ish man zerg in T6-8, how would you build to accomplish:
1. Super resilient (backpack regen + high toughness?)
2. Easy AA to continually lay out some DPS (Flamethrower?)
3. High dodge/blink (Rocket boots/rifle jumpshot?)

Just looking for thoughts and opinions before dropping a couple hundred gold to level and equip an Engineer. (+ so sexy med armor options!)

Thanks Frands!
(After reading the engie forum, couldn’t resist an homage)

Having fun on Kaineng [SKY]

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I actually play an engineer just how you describe it apart from the AA(if your doing PvP)

Use Rabid gear and runes of the undead, giving your engineer a ton of condition damage, using a sigil of torment on your weapon, which is generally going to be a pistol/shield

Engineers aren’t as tanky as say guardians, however their resilience comes from the amount of healing you can do with your healing turret(picking it up making your heal 14? second cooldown, or using an AOE healing blast for grouping)
In PVP/WvW engineers also use the tool kit which has a shield for 3 seconds blocking everything

In sPVP and WvW most engineers have crazy mobility because they use rocket boots as you mentioned, and one of their traits(costs 2 points) allows them to have Swiftness 100% of the time by swapping kits as well as vigor on swiftness meaning when you change a kit you gain swiftness/vigor giving a ton of mobility, and dodge potencial.

What this type of engineer lacks is burst, meaning most of your damage is sustained and you will outlast your opponents more then anything while watching them have EVERY condition besides fear and see them burn down.

And last but not least, an engineer is cheap to build, Undead runes cost 1 Silver each i believe, the most expensive piece would be the sigil of torment for 10G’s

Anyhows i have a mesmer and i’m pretty sure you will be happy with your engineer

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shtos Vant.4182

Shtos Vant.4182

Love it. Still enamored with the idea of the flamethrower, but I’ll keep my options open.
Thanks for the response-

Having fun on Kaineng [SKY]

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Exeon.4358


The flamethrower got a big buff, and i do use it in PvE when i level or during meta events, in PvP i’ve tried it however since i’m a condition engineer i forget to change from my flamethrower to my condition dealing weapons, as flamethrower only has burn and blind as far as conditions go.

In WvW in zergs the flamethrower can be usefull to mass hit everyone as well, because flame jet(primary flamethrower skill) doesn’t seem to have a target limit, meaning it could hit 10 target, although my beef with the flamethrower(in pvp) is that the hitbox can feel weird and clunky

still besides this it’s great

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arleon.5921


@ Exeon

The Flamejet hits 3 targets at once – but it hit`s 5 times per second, so you can spread the hit`s on a whole zerg.

@Shtos Vant

Yes there are engineer buils that have all the things you expect of it.
This is my version of the juggernaut:

if you want to have backpack regen, you can change 2 points from tools into alchemy to get it.

you can find the forum discussion on it here:

The best buff food is the Prickly Pear Pie, but it`s not yet registered in the build editor.

You got a high sustain, cause of backpack regen, protection injection, and a high life pool, as well as you got a good toughness. You`re defence is increasing while you are wearing a Flamethrower, so you also got this point on you`re list.
The AA of the Flamethrower is easy to apply, and it is dispensing a mine every two seconds ( bunker down ) and gives you a “regen” of 328 per second ( buff food ). Those mines are tricky, and you won`t be able to apply them on a range fighter that easy, but they are a killer if someone keeps close to you or even rushes into you.
Furthermore you got tons of vigor -> many dodges, as well as jump shot and acid bomb for moving around, and jump along cliffs where every normal jump would fail.

At least you have acces to water, fire, and light combo fields, a huge amount of blasts and a leap combo.
The build needs some practice untill you can use all of those skills and combos in the right time, but the reward is a * strong build with all you listed above, and a big diversity of options.

If you have any further questions or criticism on the build – I`d love to hear that

(edited by Arleon.5921)

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Black para goner.7612

Black para goner.7612

All I’ll say is flamethrower will get hit by retaliation to much, I’d prefer Zerk and ascended Valk trinkets using grenades with tool kit and elixir S, pretty gd CC and great dmg. Or you you wanna be in the zerk play Bombs, elixir gun and Elixir B, stability, AoE dmg and soft CC also condi removal and 2 stun breaks, I suggest run around 2.6-2.8k armor for this build.

Nova Bushido Top Charr Engineer, AG IRQ.
Predator | Quip | Flameseeker | Juggernaut

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arleon.5921


there is no need to spam the FT AA all the time when you`re opponent has retaliation up, there are several other skills to act with — you can actually fight someone without any AA.

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


You can also go for the full Celestial route with 6/6/2/0/0 (Grenadier + Modified Ammunition) and carrying a Rifle, a Grenade Kit, a Tool Kit and and an utility skill of your choice (Preferably Elixir Gun) depending of the situation.

The damage will be hybrid but thanks to the trait combo above you’ll deal additional damage based on the number of conditions your target has, so you’ll hit like a truck and riddle them with all sorts of conditions.

Grenades will be your main source of damage if you have an occasion to land them (Knocked down target or immobilize) Your rifle auto-attack (if you’re lazy) will hit hard and often serves as a tenderizer of some sort, and the mix of vitality, toughness and healing power from the celestial gear will help you being resilient.

Tool Kit will remain a must as it adds a long range pull and a 3 seconds block to your kitten nal and if you can apply it, the Pry Bar is a great source of damage. The Box of Nails will help you making a retreat should you flee and the Throw Wrench is a great chasing tool.

Healing Turret will remain the only choice since it’s a good heal on short cooldown that removes 2 conditions, once you’re familiar with the trick you won’t leave it.

Concerning mobility, Jump Shot is okay, and pairs well with the Acid Bomb’s backward leap from the Elixir Gun. While it remains the best option for the 3rd utility skill (due to the ability to spam weakness, to use the awesome Super-Elixir and to make a backwards leap. Nothing really prevents you from using something else like the Elixir S or the Rocket Boots.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


flamethrower against zergs is suicide, u guise forgetting retaliation

just my ytb channel


Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arleon.5921


If you spam FT AA in the wrong moment, it will kill you – even if you`re not in a Zerg fight, as long as you`re opponent has any kind of " on – hit – debuffing" like chaos aura etc.

Furthermore the build I posted was never ment to be used in massive fights, it`s a roaming build. And in a fight of that scale it`s realy easy to prevent youreself from suffering to much retaliation dmg.

Can an Engineer build do this?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


If you spam FT AA in the wrong moment, it will kill you – even if you`re not in a Zerg fight, as long as you`re opponent has any kind of " on – hit – debuffing" like chaos aura etc.

Furthermore the build I posted was never ment to be used in massive fights, it`s a roaming build. And in a fight of that scale it`s realy easy to prevent youreself from suffering to much retaliation dmg.

chaos armour has a 1 s icd

just my ytb channel
