Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827


This is killin’ me. I gatta know. Very simply, can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

I really hope we get a response.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014



God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


This is killin’ me. I gatta know. Very simply, can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

I really hope we get a response.

I wouldn’t be surprised if an ANet class developer saw this and thought “What’s an Engineer…?”

So no. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


GoZero.9708 probably hit that right on the nose… You just got the most accurate answer you should expect with this post.

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gorwe.9672


Yeah. They don’t even know we exist…

Meh. Some undergrad designed our class. Just Bloody terrific!

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They say they’re focusing on bugfixes instead of new content. Of course, they should have done that from the beginning. If they did, it doesn’t show – at least, not for us.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Dont get your hopes up. They probably will fix some bugs, likely introduce new (old) bugs in the process.
But not really touch the stuff that matters, and in their ignorance slap some nerfs around to compensate for having a trait or two actually flippin work. Their ignorance towards the Engineer profession is likely whats holding them back from actually fixing and buffing. They dont know what the buff would do, since they have to be reminded this profession even exists. So they approach it conservatively.

I think all employees that worked on the engineer have left halfway through the Beta and no one picked up after them.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Absolutionis.9427


Tigirius may be more right than we realize.

They nerfed the underwater Rocket Boots the first month of the game to not function at all because it could launch you out of water in a comedic fashion. This was due to poor coding.

They still haven’t fixed it.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


What tigirius has just summed up is basicly the cycle we’ve gone through about 2, 3, times since launch.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Tigirius may be more right than we realize.

They nerfed the underwater Rocket Boots the first month of the game to not function at all because it could launch you out of water in a comedic fashion. This was due to poor coding.

They still haven’t fixed it.

And they still haven’t fixed Deployable Turrets, either. Even LoreChief stopped talking about that – after the 80th day thread.

Come to think of it, have they fixed any notable bugs for the Engineer since release? I can’t recall.

What I can recall is that just about every single patch, as far as Engineers have been concerned, even – no, especially – the one where they mentioned that they had thirty bullet points for Engineers, has been just about pointless. No fixes to our laundry list of actual issues, no buffs to bring us in line with the other classes, just nerfs and “Oh, sorry, that was actually useful for a minute.”

I actually stopped playing entirely for a month or two out of sheer irritation with the continued perceived neglect. If the last of these ’expansion’s worth of stuff’ patches passes without fixing our bugs…I’ll just have to find something else to play.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Where is your evidence for them testing it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge?

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


I am honestly surprised people are still trying to be competitive with their engineers.

The class is fun and that is literally its only strong point right now.

Being loyal to this class if you can’t handle being sub-par is a recipe for frustration, ANet has 2 people working on class balance and engineers are a tiny minority of the playerbase – if the fixes to the bugs and under-powered skills come, they won’t come any time soon.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


They’ve basically thrown this class in with commando, meaning they’ve forgotten this is supposed to be an actual class.

+Come to think of it, could grab some of those ideas and try transplanting it on us.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Thenoob.1480)

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Commando looked like it had more balance and less RNG from the preview, would rather have it TBH

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xplosiv.1503


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Honestly, could not put it in better words. Perfect answer.

Another one of my pvp friends rerolled to a mesmer today [*], i wonder how much longer will the persistent pvp engineers stay, since lately everyone with common sense is rerolling ^

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Honestly, could not put it in better words. Perfect answer.

Another one of my pvp friends rerolled to a mesmer today [*], i wonder how much longer will the persistent pvp engineers stay, since lately everyone with common sense is rerolling ^

I don’t think I ever ran into a good TPvP team that used an engineer post fractals patch. I think people realised that although the knockbacks are pretty cool, guardians and eles make far better bunkers.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Where is your evidence for them testing it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge?

Theyve said so. Not in this forum ofcourse, but in the Mesmer forum. When asked about iZerker.
And the fact they seemed to have insisted Grenades are so powerful for quite a while supports it even further. Grenades are poor against mobile enemies over more then short-range. But they shined against immobile targets.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I honestly dont understand why the Deployable Turrent Trait is still broken… It works in PvP, someone at ANet Please COPY AND REPLACE the PvE code with the PvP code…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I honestly dont understand why the Deployable Turrent Trait is still broken… It works in PvP, someone at ANet Please COPY AND REPLACE the PvE code with the PvP code…

Apparently, the issue is that they have the same code in both places, and it’s just not working for reasons unknown. They’ve been working on it, in theory.

‘course, it’s been, what, six months? I’m not holding out hope for it getting fixed, though, honestly, it should be well past due for being fixed.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Come to think of it, have they fixed any notable bugs for the Engineer since release? I can’t recall..

They fixed the bug with Juggernaut FT being good (stability).
They fixed the bug with Elixir Gun Super Elixir being good (health on tick).
They fixed p/p, although that might have been before release.. I can’t remember.
They fixed some selected tooltips.

Notable bugs that will be addressed in a future patch:
- Pie
- underwater thrown Elixir S duration
- FT cleansing off a condition with Kit Refinement
- Static Shield being active while using other abilities
- Kits being usable under the effect of Elixir S
- tossed Elixir Us Veil being an etheral combo field
- (if weapon stats apply to kits, reduction of damage capability of every kit)

Anything else, that makes the Jester of Versatility closer to being on par with other professions without paying the cost for it? Don’t worry it will be fixed. qq

Red Guard

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Where is your evidence for them testing it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge?

It’s obvious to anyone who’s been in a game with PTR. 33% nerf to grenades when there’s only two damaging Sigils whose damage hardly makes up for the loss in this weapon and the explosive radius bug still exists for both bombs and grenades, and the Forceful Explosives bug which further reduces the explosive radius of the #1 attack on both kits, means that the way they tested it was in an environment where the target was not moving or moved in a very slow, non-aggressive manner in which the radius of these explosions were a non-issue during testing. It’s not rocket science.

If they had finally made the #1 ability on the grenades kit an explode-on-impact-tab-target system then I could see them being completely justified in adding a nerf of this size to this kit, but as it is, it’s amazing how they still haven’t done that and try to justify this kind of nerf to a class that still doesn’t have the 1 shot or 3 shot capabilities of any of the other classes that easily enjoy that even under the same 2 categories, Adventurer and Versatility, one of which is thrown at us all the time as the explanation for these nerfs.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Come to think of it, have they fixed any notable bugs for the Engineer since release? I can’t recall..

They fixed the bug with Juggernaut FT being good (stability).
They fixed the bug with Elixir Gun Super Elixir being good (health on tick).
They fixed p/p, although that might have been before release.. I can’t remember.
They fixed some selected tooltips.

Notable bugs that will be addressed in a future patch:
- Pie
- underwater thrown Elixir S duration
- FT cleansing off a condition with Kit Refinement
- Static Shield being active while using other abilities
- Kits being usable under the effect of Elixir S
- tossed Elixir Us Veil being an etheral combo field
- (if weapon stats apply to kits, reduction of damage capability of every kit)

Anything else, that makes the Jester of Versatility closer to being on par with other professions without paying the cost for it? Don’t worry it will be fixed. qq

Completely agree. It’s amazing how every time there’s a fix it’s something that actually makes this class ‘work’ in the way they described their vision of this class. Like why is it that when we have something that works that gives us more then 2 workable builds it’s considered an unfair advantage and ‘fixed’ when the other two adventurer classes don’t have to deal with this in the slightest. I know I played all three.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xae.7204


It’s cute people think the Developers read the Engineer forums.

Like seriously adorable.

Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


It’s cute people think the Developers read the Engineer forums.

Like seriously adorable.

Pretty sure all you have to do to dispel that particular notion is…

Well, look at what was chosen as the answer to the question asked. Wouldn’t have been chosen if the devs would actually have said something, in all likelihood.