Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Markus.9084



Hi !
(sorry if the title or the post aren’t clear, it’s quite complex and english isn’t my native language)

I play engi since launch, and I’ve seen very few other players doing this… so I decided to create this thread. Ofc many veterans may know this trick, but it can still be helpful for beginners

Some engi skill are very telegraphed… Magnet and supply crate are the 2 main examples in my mind. The trick is to deceive the enemy, and force him to dodge or use an invuberability spell. You just need to cast your skill and cancel it just before the end of the channeling.
The game will display the animation (both you and your ennemy will see the crate fall or the white track of the magnet) ; normally your opponent will do something (like dodging or use stability). But as you cancel your skill, you’ll be able to recast it with a much shorter cooldown (like 4-5 sec). And the second time you cast it, the ennemy won’t be able to escape.

It’s a cool and uncommon game mechanic, but my only problem is that too many players just ignore the animation and do nothing. So you have to judge : is your opponent is skilled enough to predict and react to your skills ? Or will he take everything in the face like a rock ?

And so far I only use it with magnet and crate, but maybe you have other ideas ?

(edited by Markus.9084)

Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lert.6287


Little tip for those who do not know it – have another interrupt ready. It’s good to cast magnet pull, force enemy to dodge, since it’s pretty predictable and easy to avoid, and then interrupt him with something else (such as Overcharged shot from rifle).

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
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Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

It’s a really cool trick with Magnet especially as the animation is so well-known and 99% of experienced players know when to evade (about a second after you see the lines). It kindaa works with Crate but in a hectic fight if you need to crate most people might miss the animation anyway.

There are a lot of cool tricks on Engi. For example you can aim Static Discharge using left-click and right-click (for example most people think SD doesn’t work on detonate turret) but in reality you just have to aim it (it’s very fiddly probably the hardest thing I’ve yet to encounter in GW2 but still…

And of course there’s the swap out of Elixir Gun 4 trick where you activate the Acid Bomb ability then swap out using weapon swap, meaning you put the acid at your feet but don’t leap back.

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can bait dodges with magnet for sure. I don’t really see a lot of people dodging crate(especially since you use it in team fights more than 1v1).
So yea it’s worth to bait dodges with magnet but not with crate.