Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Sullydog.9206



This is the first time I’ve posted a build on the forums. I played a necro for the longest time and only recently switched over and got my Engineer to 80. Since reaching 80 I’ve had nothing but fun with my engineer, I love em! I could care less what others say, and I encourage people considering the class to go with it, not the best 1v1 stats class in the game, but can sure be loads of fun.

Anyway, on with my build. I’m sure others have played around with similar builds. One thing I’ve noticed with the engineer on the forums is the large abundance of empirical based boring builds. Two things I can’t stand in my MMOs is empirically backed builds =P and even worse, those builds being boring…enter the various grenade builds, I fall asleep playing these, as well as builds that utilize our elixirs.

So I’ve been playing around with a distance (rifle or pistol) based build that revolves around gadgets, more precisely gadgets that allow you to fly all over the place (or your enemy). This build is primarily for WvWvW – your not going to be the top damage dealer, but, kitten your going to be hard to catch and kill. I seem to shine most against thieves, who absolutely stand no chance at all, even when they get the jump on you.

So with further ado I present my first ever build (be kind to me): Catch me if you can -

The idea is simple, you max out rifle (or pistol) damage, depending what you prefer, I prefer the rifle because of netshot, which is very, very handy in both groups and solo, as well as your blowback, which is also pretty funny to use.

Next I max out gadget usefulness equipping Rocket boots (downright awesome), Slick shoes (which in my opinion are one of our greatest skills, seriously, this thing is sweet for WvWvW and it’s also funny, its the death of thieves, especially melee based thieves, lastly I switch out personal battering ram and Elixir S. Personal battering ram is the ultimate joke if you can get if off…nothing like making a person go flying through the air after having already used oil slick on them.

The play is easy and fun – you keep people away from you by knocking them down (slick shoes), shooting away from them (rocket boots) and knocking them back (ram battering). You then use your net shot and rifle to kill them. You can’t forget your tool belt skills either, especially Super speed, which is super useful for getting into a keep or catching a runner who has a head start.

The other trick is I have Speedy Kits trait equipped, I then use med kit as my heal ability, which I’ve hot-keyed to my middle mouse button, I casually click this which gives me unlimited swiftness, as long as you click it every 5 seconds or so (which is easy if you hotkey it to middle mouse) you can fly around the map.

Anyway, I’m very aware this isn’t probably everyone’s cup of tea, I was looking for something fun, I personally think its a great WvW build, it has GREAT survivability, thieves ALWAYS, ALWAYS underestimate us engineers and this plays perfectly on that. Give it a try and I think you will find it as enjoyable as I have.

Lastly, for style points, you must be either an Asura or Charr engineer, you then must use the popgun skin on your rifle and wear the toymaker backpack from Christmas event.

Good luck, and remember, it’s not about stats and being the best 1v1 class, it’s about having fun and making people frustrated!

-Gizmo the Widget (Blackgate)

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Volstag.6371


New Engineer here. As far as I can tell, if you‘re having fun with it, it sounds awesome, just watch the knockdown on them rocket boots. I have had some luck using Rifle-Net Shot to play keep away with Ettins in PVE, it sounds like you took the ball and ran with it.

some men aren’t looking for anything logical…
some men just want to watch the world burn.

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


This build would be more awesome with Quaggan backpack… just saying.

Red Guard

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


nice post, and I agree Engineer really is good for just having fun with the game. But some people find fun in min/max style play.
As for constructive critisism, I would take a look at bomb kit simply for Big ‘Ol Bomb, Its incredible fun, similar to slick shoes. Also smoke bomb + rocket boots = stealth flying engi. Its fun to give those nasty thieves a taste of their own medicine. I’ll also suggest switching to the grandmaster trait in tools to Adrenal Implant as it synergises well with enduring damage and dodging backstabbing invaders.

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Caino.7130


i know you say you dont like to follow other peoples builds but try this:
Drop 10 points in inventions and put them into explosives. 33% chance to burn (using zerker gear is epic) + being invisible is not very useful and you will still get owned hard by melee classes with 1/2 a brain.
Change 1st trait in firearms to vulnerability stacking. 1/2 your hits will stack it and that synagize’s well with other traits and the weapon sigil.
Weapon sigil accuracy for stacking crit chance.
Make sure if your doing WvW/Spvp have an extra rifle in your bags you can switch too once you have full stacks. (Sigil of earth on the spare rifle)
I see this so often. DONT USE SPEEDY KITS lol.
Use Packaged stimulants. Using this means that you med kit 5 ability will give you 24/7 swiftness AND fury! For once we have a bug that can be used to our advantage!
With that extra10 points put them into tools for the extra endurance regen and of course the 10% extra damage when endurance is full + An extra 10% crit damage from trait line passive
And eagle runes since they just totallykick kitten

Recap. Once you have full stacks on switch to your spare rifle and you will have:
91% Crit chance
33% chance to burn on crit.
30% chance to bleed on crit (trait)
60% chance to bleed on crit (spare rifle)
1/2 your crits stacks vulnerability.

And that my friends is how you BBQ
P.S The reason Scope trait is replaced is because it don’t work.
P.P.S I only do Spvp/Tpvp. So WvW i know the stats can be played around with a bit more and food buff’s etc.

rank 500+ Piken / Rank 60 PvP
Warrior – Teined
Guardian – Nomoreroomformyname

(edited by Caino.7130)

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Sullydog.9206


i know you say you dont like to follow other peoples builds but try this:
Drop 10 points in inventions and put them into explosives. 33% chance to burn (using zerker gear is epic) + being invisible is not very useful and you will still get owned hard by melee classes with 1/2 a brain.
Change 1st trait in firearms to vulnerability stacking. 1/2 your hits will stack it and that synagize’s well with other traits and the weapon sigil.
Weapon sigil accuracy for stacking crit chance.
Make sure if your doing WvW/Spvp have an extra rifle in your bags you can switch too once you have full stacks. (Sigil of earth on the spare rifle)
I see this so often. DONT USE SPEEDY KITS lol.
Use Packaged stimulants. Using this means that you med kit 5 ability will give you 24/7 swiftness AND fury! For once we have a bug that can be used to our advantage!
With that extra10 points put them into tools for the extra endurance regen and of course the 10% extra damage when endurance is full + An extra 10% crit damage from trait line passive
And eagle runes since they just totallykick kitten

Recap. Once you have full stacks on switch to your spare rifle and you will have:
91% Crit chance
33% chance to burn on crit.
30% chance to bleed on crit (trait)
60% chance to bleed on crit (spare rifle)
1/2 your crits stacks vulnerability.

And that my friends is how you BBQ
P.S The reason Scope trait is replaced is because it don’t work.
P.P.S I only do Spvp/Tpvp. So WvW i know the stats can be played around with a bit more and food buff’s etc.

Great advice! will give your recommendations a shot!

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Good luck, and remember, it’s not about stats and being the best 1v1 class, it’s about having fun and making people frustrated!

^ this

It’s good to know another way to make life difficult for thieves.

Also in WvW you can swap in toolkit instead of ram (ram might not help as much in a zerg) and pull from 1200 range. Since you have tools 20 you can momentarily swap in power tools for reduced cooldown and cripple if you’re the kind of person that’s willing to swap traits around before different types of fights like a tryhard.

(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)

Catch me if you can - Build 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


I’ve been playing around with a similar build in my Engi, open world PvE, Throw mine instead of Slick Shoes. The mine is great for blasting enemies backwards while doing damage, works on a cluster of trash quite well and the F ability can hinder persuit quite nicely. Especialy with permaswift already back you up. Your traits are different but I might try them out.

It’sa fun build in PvE but a bit slow to take things down. Can really save your kitten tho, too.