Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

Thought I’d get some bomb action going on on me Engie!

Heres the video::
Game play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pVVEqFtb5Q&feature=gp-n-y&google_comment_id=z13qwz54ulqiwvnsh22st11awzzhftkt4

Wanted to get some feedback on sigils and also how you guys think this plays.

Personally Im surviving a ton as a cele engie does ofc, but then still maintaing high might stacks with some nice dots on targets with the torment sigil.

Let me know your thoughts!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


You have no extra dodges and that hurts your survivability by a lot! Swap out Torment Sigil for Energy Sigil or drop the Inventions line altogether because it’s poopy and opt for the 30/0/0/30/10 build with Invigorating Speed and Speedy Kits! Otherwise looks gr8 m8!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


This is where it can be altered.

Dodge wise Id replace the sigil for that ofc

Speedy kits is amazing YES but not always needed imo. I like to go outside the mainstream a bit tbh :P. Power shoes gives you the speed, also the stun break from slick shoes, the block on toolkit, the cc with rifle and the various knockbacks and cc can help a ton with survivability. Dont forget you have a high up time also on protection. Which makes you quite tanky as well, so youre taking damage to the face and mitigating it rather than dodging to a degree.

But I do like I said, play this build with speedy kits as a variant :P. Thanks fror the feedback dude

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Dolt.2731


6/0/0/6/2 is definitely the way to go. This way you can run battle/ doom sigil while having great uptime on swiftness/ vigor. Rifle and bombs is fun.

Your go to cc combo should be drop BoB, magnet pull (into BoB)/ prybar, op shot, net shot, jump shot, blunderbuss. You can keep someone cc’ed for a very very long time with this. Also, It will wreck most classes or force a stun-break.

I run p/s carrion/ balth, with geomancy/ int sigil variant. Bombs away friend

Ebenezer Smee, Ranger SBI

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Dead Muppet.9718

Dead Muppet.9718

Hey all!

Thought I’d get some bomb action going on on me Engie!

Heres the video::


Wanted to get some feedback on sigils and also how you guys think this plays.

Personally Im surviving a ton as a cele engie does ofc, but then still maintaing high might stacks with some nice dots on targets with the torment sigil.

Let me know your thoughts!


You get 3 to 6 stacks of might if you use medkit just by swapping to it.

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


You get 3 to 6 stacks of might if you use medkit just by swapping to it.

Yeah, but then he just dies to conditions much more easily and can’t burst heal his allies, so it’s not really a good exchange even though he would have better might.

The one thing that’s really valuable in the inventions line is the 3 point trait. It can help ensure you can use your heal for clearing condis earlier on, and then still have it if you get bursted when the opponent thinks you’ve wasted your heal. But going with speedy kits and invigorating speed can give you more dodges that prevent the need for the extra heal in the first place, not to mention give you a bit of a damage boost.

I find the inclusion of the torment sigil a bit odd though. I’d spec for doom instead since the poison can end up being much more valuable, or energy for the dodges of course. Doom also has the added benefit of being deliberately activated, whereas you’d have to rely on a proc to get your torment off and you have relatively low precision with only passive access to fury. Not to mention the poison would do more damage per tick with a longer duration.

I’d like to suggest something other than 60062, but unless you want to go for some kind of healing build I don’t think I can.

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


I run a ton of engie builds. One of the main reasons is being a little bored of speedy kits

Going to the med pack heal is well, not viable tbh. Healing turret is too strong to not use tbh!

I still believe with protection up time compared to the speed and using protection in conjunction with bombs is in my playstyle more preferable. I can face tank damage a bit more and plant my bombs rather than dodging the damage which can take me away from placing them down (other than the bomb on dodge ofc)

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


how can you fight pew pew rangers or ranged class in any case ? you can not stealth with elixir S to get close to them … only the block … but it is hard to get close to them with sufficient heal …. with nades at least you can blind them ..

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Swap out Torment Sigil for Energy Sigil

this is what i suggest to start off.

i dont call inventions bad though. i think speedy kits is better for pvp for several reasons:

  1. tools has damage stats instead of tank stats and the current balance point in pvp is such that engi doesnt need extra tankyness imo.
  2. the good adept inventions traits dont really do a whole lot for you — prot-on-critted has low uptime. stab armor is best in a 0 stunbreak build, which just isnt gonna be good in pvp. metal plating wont do anything for you.
  3. both tools and inventions give you a reset for master minor. the tools reset lets you escape. the heal reset lets you survive. in pvp, its kind of a wash as to which is better. as for the difference between 60044 and 60062, i think its also a wash for a bombs build, because you really want prot injection and vigor to help you get into melee while staying healthy, but of course an extra escape is really good to have.
JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I tried your build and it is quite fun . It is a little different from the usual cele rifle … and sometimes changing is better . It works quite well .

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Raever.9483


Played around with this a bit yesterday. Was a lot of fun and a nice change from grenades.

I’ve always preferred bombs but also really enjoyed the cc of rifle. The combo between protection injection and protective shield was pretty sweet too.

I did play around with the tools line instead of inventions, and also some weird hybrid that took both the 3 point from inventions and the 3 poinot from tools for those instant recharges at low health. I felt like it sacrificed a bit too much though.

Any further testing updates or notes on the build recently?

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: SchiTown.7598


Not a fan of it, I think if you are going to use bombs then you need to use grenades as well on engi. The two cover each other’s respective weaknesses perfectly. With this current build you are pretty useless if you are unable to stand on a point, which is pretty often; cele engis aren’t all that tanky and are pretty easily focused. So what do you drop for grenades?

Personally I’d drop toolkit so you still have a stun break. You could also replace slick shoes with egun, but both are good options. E-gun gives you better mobility and a very short cd blast finisher to combo with bombs.

Bombs are more or less a replacement for toolkit on an engi skill bar. They don’t really fill the same role, but the fact that grenades are so good and you need a stunbreak generally means tk and bombs are the only contenders left for that last slot.

Spoon Girl

(edited by SchiTown.7598)

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


but if you leave toolkit you will not have any kind of shield … then it is much better a condi build with nades and bombs and pistol shield … and it is an old build

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: SchiTown.7598


I’d argue gear shield isn’t 100% necessary. Sure it’s the easier route; if you have poor positioning you can just gear shield and be OK most of the time. But running without toolkit is more than doable, you just have to be more aware of your positioning. E-gun helps a lot with this, as acid bomb is great for getting back after dropping some bomb pressure on a point.

Spoon Girl

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Just updated this with a game play video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pVVEqFtb5Q&feature=gp-n-y&google_comment_id=z13qwz54ulqiwvnsh22st11awzzhftkt4

Enjoy! Great feedback here guys, I might tweet it a lil from these great suggestions above keep it coming!

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


More impressive then this build is your skill of understanding the situation and you rotations.

This build is really tanky and the aoe damage looks ok

well done

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


well played but i didnt see anything about that build it self. id say you could do the same with empty bombs utility slot and no might from turret.

id like to see what happens to you when you meet mesmer, ranger, power necro in 1vs1 on point situation.

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: jebro.6370


yea agreed, I need to really get some better footage. I kinda out rotated the dps builds in that game xD

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i tried your build . You are tanky and your damage is good , but there is only a problem …. the rangers and the ranged professions. With nades, at leaset, you can try to blind them with nades 3 and then to catch them in melee distance …

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


With bombs you can stealth yourself or use toolkit

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


yes but i find it not so easy … with nades it comes to me more mecchanic … perhaps it is only the fact that i am more used to nades

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


on range you have to stay on rifle. I like also nades more. But this build works well. Against condi necro it is never easy. I guess it will be harder vs mesmer. But in team fights on point it is more useful

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: Novuake.2691


well played but i didnt see anything about that build it self. id say you could do the same with empty bombs utility slot and no might from turret.

id like to see what happens to you when you meet mesmer, ranger, power necro in 1vs1 on point situation.

I can tell you now.
Mesmer : She/he be deadeadead.
Ranger : She/he be deadeadead.
Necro : You be deaddeaddead.

At least thats how it should go assuming near equal skill level or even slight bias either way.

I could elaborate why?

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: JDjitsu.7895


For PvP this can work, looks like it works for Jeb. I love me some slick shoes in PvP..I myself would switch the Torment out for energy with this build, but if you know all the other classes really well and know what abilities to dodge, torment, doom, hydromancy or geomancy work great. Cleansing is nice when you don’t have EG for the extra condi clear..good to have in inventory if having problems with condi necro/condi heavy classes on the other team. I like doom when facing regen Ranger or Warrior when I’m not using nades or pistol(even with pistol sometimes). Torment if not, cause its aoe in the usual tight spaces of PvP, and you can never have too few condis, especially to cover the strong ones like fire, confusion, blind ect.

Thanks for sharing, Jebro. You have a good YT channel. Keep up the good work.

Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: chungiee.8764


Yo Jebro, been a while since we discussed builds so I thought i’d drop my thoughts :P.

The build actually looks very solid and I’d love to try it out myself (since I love the Inventions 3-point trait).

Without testing, my only changes would be to swap out Torment (as you aren’t running Rabid) for Energy and drop Enhance Performance for Short Fuse.

I realise based on your title the latter change isn’t one you would wish to make =p but something I recently realised (but should have realised a long time ago) is that by running Short Fuse, your cooldown for Healing Turret = Smoke Bomb.

This makes it a lot easier to time and means you can stealth up every 20 seconds without fail which increases survivability massively.

Of course, you do lose 3-6 stacks of might with this change so… maybe i’ll comment again once I’ve tried the build.

Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

Celestial Bomber Build - Might on heal!

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


you can also get stealth with rifle and bomb 4 in any case .