Celestial Build Option

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


There are probable a lot of Engineers like me, whose only Ascended Gear is Celestial. And if you are also like me, the idea of leaving it in bank to “go Condi” in the post-patch world is depressing – considering how many hours you spent crafting acquiring it.

My play style favors Pistol Pistol and high maneuverability, using dodge to avoid damage rather than relying on Lemon Grass. My build exploits the Condi nature of Pistols, but also is Static Discharge. To exploit the best of both worlds, I rely on using HGH for Might stacking via the Elixer and Mortar Guns and Sigils and Runes. With out even trying (or kit-ing elixers) I can maintain 12 to 19 stacks of Might with ease.

Some other examples of pure damage:

Poison Dart Volley: 4,400 crit damage
Tranqulizer Dart: 850 crit damage
Blowtorc: 1,700 crit damage
Prybar: 3,300 crit damag
Suprise Shot: 2,200 crit damage

This is on top of stacking – almost at-will – Burning, Poison, Bleeding, Confusion, Torment, Blindness all at once.

Plus there is constant access to Vigor, Regens and Heals on short cool downs.

It holds it own in WvW for small-group roaming, solo camp flipping and Zerging and Tower Seiging. And helps remove conditions and gives heals to Team Mates.

This is one of the most satisfying build in my 4,100 hours of playing Engi.


(edited by Soon.5240)

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i would trade static discharge ( i really hate it ) with power wrench and i would substitute rifle turret with elixir B . So you should gain more might and 3 stack of stability for 5 second every 17 secs. It is quite good for stomping . Mortar and eg are strong but in my opinion , with hgh , having an elixir which you can costantly push for pop up might is better. You can not waste your eg skills or your mortar 5 for stacking might instead you can waste your elixir B as you want and it gives you good boons. And a little of stability is alwasy good. It also helps you removing conditions . In any case, for P/P i really prefer rabid …. i have 2 sets ascended, 1 rabid and 1 celestial and in my opinion pistols work better with rabid and celestial works better with rifle … but that is another story

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


You can go celestial with rifle quite well in my opinion . It is not op as it was becouse you lost IP if you take explosive for nades but in any case it can be strong even now celestial engi

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Good input on Elixer B. I never use Elixers, or HGH. Elixer B has some good things going for it. I prefer a more boon-passive playstyle, but I will try it.


Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


Cele armor is junk in wvw, knight and rabid are much much better. Also you can easily reforge your armor to any stats in mystic toilet

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Cele armor is junk in wvw, knight and rabid are much much better. Also you can easily reforge your armor to any stats in mystic toilet

You clearly don’t “get” Engi if you are willing to make such drastic changes to an Anet update.

The Engi motto is, to borrow a phrase:

“Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.”

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Cele armor is junk in wvw, knight and rabid are much much better. Also you can easily reforge your armor to any stats in mystic toilet

Much better at what?

How do you define celestial as junk?

Unless you offer actual reasoning to such diffinitive statements, it simply appears thay you confuse your subjective opinion with that of objective fact. Which is unfortunate.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Cele armor is junk in wvw, knight and rabid are much much better. Also you can easily reforge your armor to any stats in mystic toilet

You clearly don’t “get” Engi if you are willing to make such drastic changes to an Anet update.

The Engi motto is, to borrow a phrase:

“Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.”

That’s what the man you quoted just did.

Much better at what?

How do you define celestial as junk?

I’m going to try my hardest: The power gain from most of classes has reached kittened levels in WvW and the Celestial Rifle Engineer’s abilities are scattered across 4 trait lines. You usually want to make every stat count when donning such armor and the thing is, what trait line would you want to forsake?

-Would you abandon the Explosives trait line? And lose quite a lot of punch from the grenades as well as your damage overall?

-Would you abandon Firearms, and forsake the only actually damaging condition you fuel up with the few bits of condition-damage you gathered on your Celestial set?

-Would you abandon eh… Tools? And deal a large blow to your survivability and increasing most of important cooldowns?

-Alchemy/Inventions perhaps? Very unlikely.

If you go for the first option, your power will become rather laughable and at this point why not go all the way Rabid/Dire?

If you go for the second option, the condition damage will only fuel Bleed, Poison, and Confusion and the last two ones are sometimes hard to land. Would that stat still be worth it? Why not go all the way for a Knight/Berserker/Valkyrie mix?

If going for the third or fourth option, your damage will remain pristine, but your build has become rather suicidal, kill before being killed. If you can cope with that then go ahead.

I didn’t remain long with Dire/Rabid or Berserker/Valkyrie/Knight because I love Celestial and I still use it primarily even now. But I have my share of encounters on WvW with most of trait combinations and the tankier, condition based builds gave me an insanely hard time, and it turns out people like to roam with abominations of that sort, a really bad habit on the long run. Hell, the last P/D Thief I downed prefered to log off before I stomped him.

EDIT: Oh, and let’s not get started about Saffron Bread and Lemongrass Poultry Soups.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

(edited by MrForz.1953)

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

At risk of ruining my advantage, here is the best solo build in the game

You’re all welcome.

Edit: you can swap Mortar for elixir X, depending on how much you value the blind field/water fields

(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


we are not sayiing that celestial or engineer has not beeing nerfed. But for example, if you want an hint, try wolfineer celestial wvw build. Obviously cele eng is not strong as it was pre patch , but it seems to me in any case viable .

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


Pre patch cele were running knight armor and cele trinkets. Cele armor is junk cause you don’t need vitality from it in wvw, so there are redundant stats. Also with condi +- food cele condies are not harming anyone. Plus oil, world bonuses, forts buffs etc.
In wvw you have to get primary stat damage, otherwise your build is junk and you are dead.

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i went celestial before pre patch and it was not that bad. Vitality helps you against conditions if you are not in zergs . Engi has not great condi remove. And knight has no healing power. It is something you feel on your HT . Now rabid is better than celestial for roaming, i agree, but it is not that bad to roam with celestial in any case. Perhaps there are better setup or it depends on and it depends on the way you are used to play but saying it is completely unviable is a little strong in my opinion . The only thing we have really lost, and it is a great loss, if you use nades , is Incendiary Powder. It is and was really strong but in any case you can kill also without that .

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


I created this build fully realizing that it’s based SOLELY on the fact that I prefer the Pistol Pistol, SD, high mobility, Tag’em-N-Bag’em play style.

Rifle is, to me, too ’pink, ’pink, ’pink, Net, ’pink, ’pink, ’pink, ’pink ….


Maybe I should see a doctor about ADD?

(edited by Soon.5240)

Celestial Build Option

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


sure, make a visit.

pistol scaling from power is awful – 035, 04, 04 and only blowtorch scales by 1 in closest range. now you have two more useless stats – power and critical damage.

PierPiero, healing power sucked even more prepatch, cause half of your healing skill do not scale with it(overcharge turret).
and cmon, about vitality – cele armor gives you 207, guards stacks 250…