Celestial build weapons.
sorry for the translation, I use a translator
no problem, you can take the gun, guns, shield, zerk, dire, rabbit, soldier it depends on what you’re looking for and get your rune, the problem is that if you exchange a celeste rifles against a soldier you lose 89 precision exo, it is not nothing, not much to gain in the end,
I personally have three celeste craft armor with different rune to access a different possibility, so I have a gun celeste bloodthirsty knight, a zerk and a cleric, the same gun and shield, it really makes a lot of possibilities ,
(edited by darknanor.6810)
Nah, don’t have to. Pick whatever you want to compensate for what feels lackluster to you. Many tend to go for additional precision.
if you wanna be condi, dont have cele. having any cele makes your condis weaker. you get enough survivability from condi gear to not need cele for its survivability.
if you wanna be power, cele is a good replacement for zerk to gain survivability without losing too much crit investment and you should definitely use cele to taste.
if you wanna be tanky, cele isnt gonna make you really tanky. soldier or knights will, but celes tertiary stats just dont give you enough of what you want. get your mitigation stats from a primary or secondary, and use a lot of that gear type (especially if its secondary).
if you wanna be hybrid, go full cele. youre gonna need the extra stat budget for it to be really good.
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