(edited by cedi.3612)
Celestial roaming
it’s a lot harder to pull off celestial roamer in wvw since the changes. it’s actually pretty frustrating. however, this might help: http://www.wolfineer.com/the-celestial-engineer/
it’s a lot harder to pull off celestial roamer in wvw since the changes. it’s actually pretty frustrating. however, this might help: http://www.wolfineer.com/the-celestial-engineer/
I don’t really like his build. It offers almost zero condition damage, rendering the whole concept of Celestial kind of pointless.
This is what I was running yesterday. I use Force/Peril since I have a legendary weapon, but I suppose you could better specialize for something else: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-Z;4cPVg0l6gTkw0;9;4ijl;0037248156;45s;4m9fgm9fg20ky3;6fdf8gdg8hdhdFDWD7330;9;9;9;9;9;9-V6s5D
When I joined into a zerg I’d drop Elixir Gun and Elixir X for Rocket Boots and Mortar Kit, swapping HGH with Iron Blooded. I’ve only done WvW like twice since the patch, so I’m sure this is far from optimal. Only class I really had significant trouble with were mesmers, but that’s obvious. A good mesmer will shred us regardless of what we run, currently.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
Thank you for your advice
I Know the builds of wolfineer And I like them but his celestial build isn’t the kind of build i’m looking for.
Is it possible to Do more with elixirs and maybe bombs instead of nades ?
Haven’t tried an Elixir focused build since patch, but Bombs won’t be preferable until they fix the radius.
Ah yes i forgot this… I’m on vacation And I’ll try an elixir build with celestial when i’m back home (17.07) And Tell you my thoughts
Thank you for your advice
I Know the builds of wolfineer And I like them but his celestial build isn’t the kind of build i’m looking for.Is it possible to Do more with elixirs and maybe bombs instead of nades ?
Definitely possible in a way. I would drop the elixirs though as you won’t want to give up mecha legs, AMR, Incendiary Powder or Short Fuse.
I would say bombs for Cele is better than nades, however bombs have issues at the moment and going into Explosives feels pointless for condi in general.
Here is something I tested a bit on : EDIT : fixed the link
Alernatively you could run a FT elixir build with cele but more of a condition focus. Not ideal, but it works.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
(edited by Novuake.2691)
The FT build looks nice.. I Don’t Know that we can go ft with celestial but i Like the dubble pistol thing. So i want to try it. It seems like the ft hgh juggernaut “Meta” with more condition
You can always try to emulate the soldier rifle or marauder form sPvP.(the later mixed with some knight gear)
it’s a lot harder to pull off celestial roamer in wvw since the changes. it’s actually pretty frustrating. however, this might help: http://www.wolfineer.com/the-celestial-engineer/
I don’t really like his build. It offers almost zero condition damage, rendering the whole concept of Celestial kind of pointless.
I don’t think he actually even runs that build any more. His wvw builds for the current meta uses knights not celestial I think.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Alernatively you could run a FT elixir build with cele but more of a condition focus. Not ideal, but it works.
I ran this FT build from Phineas Poe in sPvP yesterday with a lot of success:
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The FT build looks nice.. I Don’t Know that we can go ft with celestial but i Like the dubble pistol thing. So i want to try it. It seems like the ft hgh juggernaut “Meta” with more condition
Yeah i have defaulted to condition builds based on cele and if i want to go power or similar to old cele meta, marauders or knights.
Cele isnt that great for us anymore.
The main reason for going FT is for the burning on toolbelt as well as FT2 dmg, you won’t be using the autoattack that much.
Keep in mind the build is a bit weak to condi spammers.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
(edited by Novuake.2691)
Running this build at the moment. Still testing gear setup, probably going all berserk jewels, still needs testing though. Nice disengage and for stomp/resses, small group roaming mainly.
I run a celestial/elixir build. I’ve had great success with it.
Celestial has been destroyed, our new trait lines focusing on lack of diversity force us into either full condition or full power builds. If you try roaming with celestial you’ll get rolfstompedX1000 as engineer currently is with many bugged traits.
I know you said you’ve already crafted celestial but this my set up, I didn’t want healing power as it scales poorly so i focused it into other stats. Ferocity is a bit low but overall its a good balance.
(edited by SuicideFall.3697)
The FT build looks nice.. I Don’t Know that we can go ft with celestial but i Like the dubble pistol thing. So i want to try it. It seems like the ft hgh juggernaut “Meta” with more condition
Don’t laugh, but I’ve been running Ascended Celestial P/P Static Discharge for the last 4 months or so, and it’s fun as kitten. EG, Rocket Turret, Tool Kit.
Celestial has been destroyed, our new trait lines focusing on lack of diversity force us into either full condition or full power builds. If you try roaming with celestial you’ll get rolfstompedX1000 as engineer currently is with many bugged traits.
I know you said you’ve already crafted celestial but this my set up, I didn’t want healing power as it scales poorly so i focused it into other stats. Ferocity is a bit low but overall its a good balance.
Speak for yourself. Roaming in WvW, I thrive more now, then I did before the changes, with a very similar build.
Speak for yourself. Roaming in WvW, I thrive more now, then I did before the changes, with a very similar build.
The new trait lines, variants are in no way better than the previous so to say you’re doing better is total crap.
That’s not even taking into consideration all the bugged traits after update.
Celestial has been destroyed, our new trait lines focusing on lack of diversity force us into either full condition or full power builds. If you try roaming with celestial you’ll get rolfstompedX1000 as engineer currently is with many bugged traits.
Only not, as many have attested on this thread.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Celestial rifle engineer is significantly weaker after the patch in WvWvW roaming. Cele engi lacks dmg due incendiary powder moved to firearms tree (which you cannot equip unless you sacrifice survivability). Grenade kit got nerfed (it is difficult to hit the the siege and archers standing on the walls).
I have been now playing much less on my engineer. Generally WvWvW solo roaming became harder for all professions, except maybe the mesmer. The damage is all over the place, so much stuns and immobilize.
agreed. celestial rifle engineer is a shell of its former self with the new trait system and other nerfs.
i think there’s a good reason why wolfineer celestial build uses all knights armor and focuses so much on power over condi.
it sucks, but it is what it is.
hopefully anet will realize that the new trait system is terrible and revert
Cele engi lacks dmg due incendiary powder moved to firearms tree (which you cannot equip unless you sacrifice survivability).
It’s actually the exact same defensive traits we had pre-patch if not better: Heavy Armor Exploit syngergizes with Invigorating Speed for permanent vigor, and you still have Backpack Regenerator to take, and HGH shortens the cooldown of your Toss Elixir S and consumed Elixir S. The only thing you lose out going Firearms is Power Wrench.
The problem with Celestial, and this has been noted and discussed to death, is that other classes have obtained such massive power gains that your defensive stats feel a lot weaker. Other classes have also obtained massive defensive gains so that your power and condition damage feels a lot weaker. Killing a D/D ele with Rampage as a Celestial engineer is kind of like beating your head against a wall.
It’s not the stats. It’s our class. And you can put a bandaid on it by running Marauder or Soldier and specializing in sPvP, and you can go full-cancer with Rabid Perplexity, but truthfully the problem is that engineers by design are very underpowered at the moment. D/D ele and guardian outperform us at bunkering right now, and warrior, mesmer, and thief offer significantly better damage output.
I have still had plenty of success playing Celestial in WvW roaming, and running Berserker in zergs. But engineer has seemed to have swapped roles between PvE and PvP in this patch: we’re now a meta class in PvE, and just on the periphery in PvP; viable, but not optimal.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
Cele engi lacks dmg due incendiary powder moved to firearms tree (which you cannot equip unless you sacrifice survivability).
It’s actually the exact same defensive traits we had pre-patch if not better: Heavy Armor Exploit syngergizes with Invigorating Speed for permanent vigor, and you still have Backpack Regenerator to take, and HGH shortens the cooldown of your Toss Elixir S and consumed Elixir S. The only thing you lose out going Firearms is Power Wrench.
The problem with Celestial, and this has been noted and discussed to death, is that other classes have obtained such massive power gains that your defensive stats feel a lot weaker. Other classes have also obtained massive defensive gains so that your power and condition damage feels a lot weaker. Killing a D/D ele with Rampage as a Celestial engineer is kind of like beating your head against a wall.
It’s not the stats. It’s our class. And you can put a bandaid on it by running Marauder or Soldier and specializing in sPvP, and you can go full-cancer with Rabid Perplexity, but truthfully the problem is that engineers by design are very underpowered at the moment. D/D ele and guardian outperform us at bunkering right now, and warrior, mesmer, and thief offer significantly better damage output.
I have still had plenty of success playing Celestial in WvW roaming, and running Berserker in zergs. But engineer has seemed to have swapped roles between PvE and PvP in this patch: we’re now a meta class in PvE, and just on the periphery in PvP; viable, but not optimal.
You forgot to mention that Celestial condi dmg output is a lot lower too. A LOT…
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Cele engi lacks dmg due incendiary powder moved to firearms tree (which you cannot equip unless you sacrifice survivability).
It’s actually the exact same defensive traits we had pre-patch if not better: Heavy Armor Exploit syngergizes with Invigorating Speed for permanent vigor, and you still have Backpack Regenerator to take, and HGH shortens the cooldown of your Toss Elixir S and consumed Elixir S. The only thing you lose out going Firearms is Power Wrench.
The problem with Celestial, and this has been noted and discussed to death, is that other classes have obtained such massive power gains that your defensive stats feel a lot weaker. Other classes have also obtained massive defensive gains so that your power and condition damage feels a lot weaker. Killing a D/D ele with Rampage as a Celestial engineer is kind of like beating your head against a wall.
It’s not the stats. It’s our class. And you can put a bandaid on it by running Marauder or Soldier and specializing in sPvP, and you can go full-cancer with Rabid Perplexity, but truthfully the problem is that engineers by design are very underpowered at the moment. D/D ele and guardian outperform us at bunkering right now, and warrior, mesmer, and thief offer significantly better damage output.
I have still had plenty of success playing Celestial in WvW roaming, and running Berserker in zergs. But engineer has seemed to have swapped roles between PvE and PvP in this patch: we’re now a meta class in PvE, and just on the periphery in PvP; viable, but not optimal.
You forgot to mention that Celestial condi dmg output is a lot lower too. A LOT…
Yeah, Incendiary Powder is kind of garbage now unless running Carrion/Rabid. In sPvP it adds about 2,000 damage per 10 seconds, which is far less to what it did pre-patch.
Celestial has been destroyed, our new trait lines focusing on lack of diversity force us into either full condition or full power builds. If you try roaming with celestial you’ll get rolfstompedX1000 as engineer currently is with many bugged traits.
I know you said you’ve already crafted celestial but this my set up, I didn’t want healing power as it scales poorly so i focused it into other stats. Ferocity is a bit low but overall its a good balance.
Actually I switched to celestial and it has gone well… really well.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
The pile of salt I have accumulated after this patch is unreal. Engineers saw almost no power gains/losses this patch and yet we SUCK now. I am convinced that there is not a single build for Engineer that can beat an equally skilled player who is on Mesmer/Ele.
I feel like I am constantly running away in fights and its hard to put out pressure, these other classes like Ele/Mes have invulns/evades that let them continue to do damage. All of Engi mechanics require us to stop pressuring and just run away which means our opponents get all the initiative in the fight.
Prepatch Engi could deal a ton of damage whenever you hit someone and the rest of the time you were doing your dodge/block/shrink thing.
On a side note, is anyone NOT running TK + Elixer S????
(edited by displacedTitan.6897)
On a side note, is anyone NOT running TK + Elixer S????
I am still running with rifle + medkit + grenades / bomb kit + elixir gun + rocket boots. And yes, it sucks. Focus fire kills that build easily easily. Medkit can still heal a lot, but the throw skills + bandage self are simply too slow to activate reliably in the current meta. Enemies like to run multiple mesmers, mantra of distraction + Confounding Suggestions = lots of stuns. Ranger with wolf pet + point blank shot. hammer/gs warriors. And of course thieves. The amount of hard CC (stun, push back etc) + immobilize is hilarious. To make it even "better, medkit #1 which doesn’t self heal at all.
On a side note, is anyone NOT running TK + Elixer S????
I highly doubt it. Everyone’s damage is increased, you can’t soak it anymore with stats. So you do like the rest of them do: Use as many invul, block, and other active or passive damage avoidance skills you can have at once. The problem is that you can’t apply pressure when using any of those. During this time, some classes will kitten you up with twice your current damage while at least a layer of their defenses is up.
I honestly don’t know what’s happening anymore. It’s insane.
Celestial is quite strong for eng even now. I suggest to look at last tgc match streamed by jebro. You find a really good celestial build for spvp.
Celestial is quite strong for eng even now. I suggest to look at last tgc match streamed by jebro. You find a really good celestial build for spvp.
got a link? i think last match they didn’t run engi at all.
Celestial is a bit different in WvW than it is in PvP. I under the impression the OP is asking in a WvW context. Unless I am missing something, and am incorrect in that assessment, why does this conversation keep getting drug off topic, into PvP?
Celestial is a bit different in WvW than it is in PvP. I under the impression the OP is asking in a WvW context. Unless I am missing something, and am incorrect in that assessment, why does this conversation keep getting drug off topic, into PvP?
Most people saw the words “celestial” and “good” and started typing without paying any mind to the OP. In WvW I honestly believe roaming as an engi is more about the build than anything else. If you can’t run or kite you can’t roam simple as that. The stats are important but celestial is a big investment when you could run dire, rabid, or knights and still get some decent results.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Celestial is still pretty dope in WvW roaming. I run full Cele with Traveler runes, taking Explosives/Firearms/Alchemy. If not running grenades, you could probably drop Explosives for Tools.
I switch to Berserker/Knight in zergs, though.
Elixirs + Elixir Gun.
Strength runes. Strength Sigil.
This is my cele rifle build for engi. I love it in pvp and it’s easily transferrable to vwv. Is that what you’re looking for? Elite is optional. And smoke bomb is better if you use heal turret cause amr still bugs it. If you run elixir X you will want to take hgh over stim supp.
Celestial is still pretty dope in WvW roaming. I run full Cele with Traveler runes, taking Explosives/Firearms/Alchemy. If not running grenades, you could probably drop Explosives for Tools.
I switch to Berserker/Knight in zergs, though.
You actually might want to drop Explosives for Tools right away. Explosives has nearly nothing crucially useful in the end compared to the latter.