Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


I believe that Engineers need melee options and with the whole steampunk thing going on with Charrs and the techno-magic with Asuras a chainsaw kit would fit in just perfectly with lore and not to mention it would be freaking awesome. I would love to see the kit with a lot of direct damage and a couple bleeds worked in.

My proposed attacks:

1. Three part auto-attack-
-See- Swing left to right
-Saw- Swing right to left
-Smash- Swing over your head and bring it down hard like Maul and evade

2. Timberrr! (8s)- A channelled attack frontal cone saw attack that inflicts bleeds and direct damage. Doesn’t root, can move around during channel.

3. Saw Juggle(12s)- Throw the chainsaw and it bounces between 3 targets, inflicting 3 stacks of vulnerability each and granting Fury once it returns. (Projectile Finisher)

4. Chain Grab(15s)- Fire a chain at the target, immobilize and damage them.
- Retracting Chains(20s)- Pull the chains back pulling the target into melee range. Increases cooldown by 5s,
4. VHROOOM!(20s)- Pull on the chainsaw’s rip chord, a sonic attack, inflict damage and Fear to nearby foes.

5. Chain Frenzy(25s)- The chains from the saw get dislodged from the saw and swing around the engineer, damaging foes, blocking projectiles and bleed/vulnerability inflicted on foes. (Imagine Whirling Defense) (Whirling Finisher)

Toolbelt skill:
Heat Vent (45s): All the heat built up from the chainsaw is released as steam blinding surrounding targets.

VHROOOM! (45s): Inflict Fear to all near by targets and send them running.

This would work for condition damage and direct damage builds. Several bleed sources, weakness source, lots of direct damage.

-This would work excellently with Sharpshooter and Incendiary Powder traits.
-Juggernaut trait can be changed to include the Chainsaw Kit.
-Power Wrench should be changed to Power Tools, reducing the cooldown on all melee tools and adding a cripple to their first auto-attack and toolbelt skills
-Scope needs to be changed to do greater damage/increase critical chance in melee kits.

(edited by jpnova.4572)

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Well chainsaw kit idea is great but it need some less generic skills in that kit:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


Well chainsaw kit idea is great but it need some less generic skills in that kit:-)

What do you consider generic skills?

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Well you pretty much have warrior/guardian gs skills with different names. Its need something fresh and unique because right now is engineer trashcan of other classes skills mostly in weaker/shorter/random version (toss elixir U for example).
Right now I havent any better idea for chainsaw but I have for example one older idea for FT.

Skill 5: You aim FT into ground like rocket propeller. For 7s you will hover above ground and flame circle on ground around you will hit enemies, reflect projetiles and grants stability to you and ally in that circle. ALSO when you jump from high cliff and use skill in right time its slows you fall and negate fall damage.

Engineer needs unique abilities.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

(edited by Rozbuska.5263)

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: shockwave.1764


Honestly, I think the Engineer getting a hammer as a weapon would fit in much better, anyways, I have to agree your skills were pretty generic.

  1. was just Hundred Blades
  2. Leap of faith
  3. Similar to warriors greatsword throw, or exactly like Mesmers
  4. just like warriors spin
    the second #5 is intriguing though
Shóckwávé 80 Elementalist, Shawk 80 Guardian,
Aolbjorn 80 Engineer | Rank 29
Staunch Evon Supporter

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


I worked the skills slightly to be a bit different.
2. I realise it’s too much like Hundred Blades and needs a change
3. Perhaps a more of a pull attack combining Magnetic Leap and Magnet Pull
4. Thematically there isn’t much that can be done with ranged attacks on a chainsaw, so I believe a bounce attack would work best.

Also I have an idea for an exploding hammer kit as well, I’ll post it later.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Instead chainsaw bounce between targets it can be whole engi with chainsaw bounce between targets:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Replace a skill with
VVVRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRMMMMMM: Turn on your chainsaw to make loud noises, causing fear for 3 seconds


Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


Instead chainsaw bounce between targets it can be whole engi with chainsaw bounce between targets:-)

As awesome as that would look on my Asura Engineer, I dunno if it would look good on the other races.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Kizzu.5826


I’d rather see a Gatling kit _

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


I’d rather see a Gatling kit _

The point of this is to suggest more melee options for us. Considering the amount of anti-range skills mesmers and guardians have Engineers need more melee attack options.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I’d rather see a Gatling kit _


Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Replace a skill with
VVVRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRMMMMMM: Turn on your chainsaw to make loud noises, causing fear for 3 seconds


That sounds amazing:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


Replace a skill with
VVVRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRMMMMMM: Turn on your chainsaw to make loud noises, causing fear for 3 seconds


That sounds amazing:-)

Agreed I’ve added it to my list as a possible 4 and toolbelt skill.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I’d rather see a Gatling kit _

Or a Sniper kit?

Maybe the sniper gatling gun Jesse Ventura used in Predator?

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Plumbing kit.

The great forum duppy.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: jpnova.4572


I love that idea!!

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Recursive Kit.

A kit made up of other kits, made up of other kits, made up of other kits…

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Sandwhichmancer kit?

Or maybe we can fix the current kits.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Lots of possibilities kit wise. A Mace could have its place with the current Shield, and… well, as much as I frown at the whole Sniper thingy, it could be something like these stationary precision rifles found in the game, could be an elite, just like the lame Mortar we actually have.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I will say that we are much more likely to receive a new Kit than receive access to a new weapon.
Imo Hammer would fit really nice with Engineer but I seriously we will ever get tht or any other of the current weapons. Maybe new weapons types one day.

Chainsaw Kit sounds kewl and they already have the Skin for it, just need a plain brown leather hobo sack with unrelated stuff hanging off it to finsih the look.

Chainsaw Kit- More melee for Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

11/10, would main engineer for this kit.

Also an idea – for the third skill, saw juggle, instead of just throwing the chainsaw, how about the model for the kit has two parallel blades and it fires one of them, which then returns? That way the engineer wouldn’t look silly if he attacks while the chainsaw’s bouncing around enemies.

Just a visual idea.