Chaithh's Celestial Scrapper
Fair warning: inexperienced engineer post.
I’ve a few questions from playing around with this build yesterday. I’m struggling to work out exactly what the approach should be when using it.
1) is this build meant to pump out a load of condis? Is the condition damage more of a supplement to direct damage?
2) what are the really good reasons for taking elixir gun and what role should it take?
3) is the build a teamfighting bunker essentially?
1) The conditions you apply are vulnerability, weakness, chill, cripple and blind (utility), some minor poison damage (mainly utility), bleeds on EG#1 (low damage) and IP burning (good damage). Taking it all together and comparing it to the direct damage, I would say they are more or less equal.
2) Elixir Gun (EG) in that build has many benefits, such as a ranged option, another source of poison to deal with sustained healing type of builds, another low cooldown stunbreak, good condi cleanse, another blast finisher, 3 skills that proc might from HGH, an extra source of health regeneration. It greatly improves your survivability and support capabilities while providing a ton of extra might which is needed with the low offensive stats of celestial amulet.
3) Yes, teamfight-oriented bunker/support.
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Fair warning: inexperienced engineer post.
I’ve a few questions from playing around with this build yesterday. I’m struggling to work out exactly what the approach should be when using it.
1) is this build meant to pump out a load of condis? Is the condition damage more of a supplement to direct damage?
2) what are the really good reasons for taking elixir gun and what role should it take?
3) is the build a teamfighting bunker essentially?
I’ve been playing with this build for a few weeks now, so I think I can also share some insight with you.
1. This build is not meant to push out condi bombs. A lot of the conditions you put out are utility conditions that debilitate the enemy in some way rather than causing damage, such as cripple, blind, vuln, weakness, and poison. That said the bleeds, poisons, and burn you put out are a significant amount of damage, but i would still say they are mostly supplementary to your power damage. Think of them as pressure, rather than a main source of damage.
2. The main reason for taking E-gun is its synergy with HGH and the sustain/stunbreak you get with it. Acid bomb and super elixir both count as elixirs now as far as interacting with HGH, so you can stack might while also cleansing a lot of conditions with it. The auto attack is youre only reliable ranged attack and you can spam it to stack bleeds and put permanent weakness on somebody. Elixir gun is especially strong against other celes and bunkers as the poison uptime and weakness uptime (less endurance) are key to outsustaining opponents.
3. This build is excellent in teamfights as you have great support, good CC and damage, great cleave and decent res/stomp potential. You’re extremely tanky and very hard to burst down so in teamfights focus on healing allies with healing turret and elixir gun, cleansing conditions with elixirs and fumigate, cleaving downed bodies with acid bomb and fumigate/hammer skills, and spamming weakness on someone focusing one of your teammates. That said this build is also really great at 1v1s.
The key thing to remember about this build is utilizing rocket charge to the maximum effect. You have a poison field for weakness, 3 different water fields for healing, an ice field for frost armor, a lightning field to chain daze, and 2 light fields for retal. The strongest of these are the healing combos and the daze combos. Frost aura is good in team fights to mitigate some of the random cleave and weakness is better in 1v1s. Elixir shell (which also gets the benefits of HGH) from mortar kit combined with rocket charge is almost like a second heal, and combining it with healing turret can easily heal you from nearly zero-80% hp. You also need to make use of the healing turret f1 while using acid bomb or rocket charge. Using it simply for the regen isnt utilizing the skill to its fullest extent. There have been many times when i am trying to get away from a losing fight and the only reason i survived was dropping a water field at my feet and rocket charging away through the field.
Overall, this build is a lot like a D/D ele. You offer great support to a team through healing, boons, cleansing, downed cleave, and good damage while also having good mobility with about face acid bomb and rocket charge and being a significant threat 1v1 with how tanky you are and youre incredibly high sustain. I have even won several 1v2s due to the amount of aoe pressure you put out and the fact that you can stomp while also cleaving thanks to the function gyro.
I’ve been playing this in pve as well, and I’m having a blast.