Charr engi rifle animations !?

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: BarronTV.4632


I don’t know if anyone else thinks the same as me but the Charr engineer rifle animations are actually quite bad. The number 1 skill is called hip shot, all the other 4 races shoot from the chest when doing this attack and the charr, they shoot from there ankles. Like WTF. I think it would be better if they just used the warrior animations which are more polished and believable even for the other attacks.
I’ve been holding this on my chest since the 1st beta weekend and I’ve finally got it off.
Give feedback if you agree and feedback if you don’t but if you don’t then at least give a reason, please.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


I would also prefer the warrior 1 animation. Hip shot just looks kittened i dont even know how the characters hit the targets without aiming the rifle.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I like the hip shot. It adds more character to engineers. I don’t think the hipshot is too low on the charr. Also, hipshooting is a form of point shooting. With practice, it can be effective and in various situations, is more ideal than aimed shooting.


Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


Here is an exagerated example of why I dislike the Hip Shot animation.

Why does my duster go flowing up like Marilyn Monroe’s dress every time I take a shot?

This is more a problem with armor on Char I think, which I have begrudgingly put up with for over a year because I love my Engi so much.


Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


You don’t hip shot with rifle. Blunderbuss or shotgun okay, but not rifle.
But as it does not concern warriors I doubt it is anywhere near even middle of priority list.
Warriors sword chain finisher was remodeled cause it was “clunky and ugly”, but thief’s one (that uses the very same animation warriors had) wasn’t.
Hope you got the point. Play a shiny and graceful warrior like majority or bleed your eyes for couple of more years.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


You don’t hip shot with rifle. Blunderbuss or shotgun okay, but not rifle.

In recent times, “rifle” is used as a catch all for any longbarrel gun. But even rifled barrel guns can be point shot.

edit: early Winchester lever action rifles also boasted a rate of fire of two shots per second. They were rifled barrels and shot from the hip to achieve that rate of fire.

edit 2: here is a link to the Savage Model Mark I-GSB Smooth Bore Rimfire Rifle. Demonstrating the usage of the term “rifle” to a smoothbore long gun.


(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Much more iritate me runing animation with rifle. You run like with stick in butt..

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Unhinged Carrot.3849

Unhinged Carrot.3849

Yeah I long for the day we get Warrior animations on rifle. It’ll never happen, but a man can dream.

Zobb – Asura Engineer – Seafarer’s Rest

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


Much more iritate me runing animation with rifle. You run like with stick in butt..

Also when you walk with grenade/bomb kit, it looks so weird. My favourite race/prof combo can’t have swag

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: cenobite.1506


Why does my duster go flowing up like Marilyn Monroe’s dress every time I take a shot?

God, this is killing me. Looks really stupid. I’ve got feeling, that every time my charr engi shoots rifle he looks surprised. Like “WTF? This thing shoots?!”. That’s why I’m using pistols, these one animated really good.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


“Smoothbore Rifle” is an oxymoron. Whoever posted that is an idiot.

That’s not simply one poster. That is the name of the weapon. So while it is an oxymoron, it demonstrates that the term rifle doesn’t solely refer to a rifled bore in todays terminology. just as the word “witch” doesn’t refer to someone who is necessarily wise. Words evolve with language. This is one of them that has.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


Well I am sorry then. In my language “rifle” and “smooth-bore rifle” are a very, very different words.
But the point I wanted to make is that GW2 uses target system, not free aim and collision detection. With that I assume that bearers of the rifles are more concerned with hitting their target – meaning I would personally prefer aiming animations over the hip-shot ones. The blunderbuss skill is okay, the overcharged shot is so-so (would be much easier to lose your balance shooting from higher point) but the auto is just… ugly. Not to mention everything that goes with it (dancing skirts, haircuts, backpacks and all other clipping wonders)

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I won’t speak for dancing skirts and all that. :P

Rifles barrels are point shot though, as the pic demonstrates. It is from a training manual. When point shooting is taught in various militaries all over the world, (Including the USA), it is taught because it is better suited for specific conditions that aimed shooting is disadvantaged at. Like low lights, or close combat. Since engis are midranged, that is close combat when it comes to gun fights. So they are concerned with hitting their target. And point shooting which hip shooting is a form of, is geared toward rapidly and accurately hitting your target. So either way, hip firing is fine for both rifled and smoothbore weapons. The old lever action Winchester being a prime example since it really made way for rapid hip firing.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


It seems we came to a disagreement with engineer’s place on the battlefield.
Anyways, what I care about is smooth and believable animation. Okay, it may be hip shot, but not what is in game now.
Its just already poorly designed (though with great idea) class is on top of it the most unfriendly to sight. Where as the sole other bearer of rifle (i just love rifles in mmos) is a warrior. I know this game is about warriors and warriors will always get a lot of love but consider just for once what would happen if someday the rifle animations for warriors (heavily armored flashy WARRIOR) and engineers (medium armored back-line support) were switched. I would believe warriors, that excel and were created for close combat are the ones that should be hip shooting around (why stay at long range with all that shiny and thick metal armor?). And I would believe also that it is engineer who needs to spot and snipe potential threats to back line. And, lastly, I believe if that does happen, the warrior subforum will explode with rage.
And that is the point of this thread I think. If we can’t be all equal in combat we could at least be treated equally.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I thought it was common knowledge that engis were built to be mostly a mid range class. We have plenty of survivability. And we can get extremely tanky. Just look at all the engi soloing vids. It’s my opinion that engineers actually weild smoothbore weapons (which can be referred to as rifles). Evidence is that we have to spec into rifled barrels. So that would make the weapons closer range than the rifles that the wariors seem to use.

I prefer it this way, anyway. I like being up front. But then I like the class.