Cleansing Burst sigh

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Cleansing Burst still doesn’t scale with healing power. :<


Bullet Punch

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I can say for a fact that this bug was reported, too. Did it myself, in-game and on-forum.

Given that I, at one point, had something like thirty items on the Big Turret Bug List, before they were almost all resolved, I think they either rotate through or cherry-pick problems in order of difficulty. The Turret fixes all came within a period of a couple months, it seemed like, after six months to a year of absolute silence (as I recall), but the Turret skillset also seemingly has the most redundant, overcomplicated system that I’ve heard of, which has caused some bizarre bugs including a time when Rocket Turret was at a half-patched state.

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


yea this is a known bug – overcharge of ht doesn’t scale with hp

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaith.8256


I think it’s intended design.

None of the abilities that Turrets themselves use are able to scale (condition application being a strange exception.)

Also, the fact that it didn’t scale was surely taken into account when Healing Turret was balanced.

Because Healing Turret is light years ahead of all of the other Healing Abilities for Engineer, which is super imbalanced.

It’d be like Buffing Healing Signet, Consume Conditions, or Ether Feast which all hold a huge monopoly on Healing Skill real estate. (In PvP)

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


yes, it’s a bug.
no, it doesn’t need fixing.
because it performs well as it is.

on the other hand, for PvE it would be awesome if:
- turrets could crit
- would scale with all your values (including vitality / toughness)

That could open a whole new world for solo-dungeon builds and make them more fun and rewarding for new players who got hyped about the engi mainly because TURRETS.
Ofc these changes should never ever make their way into pvp because the QQ is already loud enough there.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

(edited by Arantheal.7396)

Cleansing Burst sigh

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Also, the fact that it didn’t scale was surely taken into account when Healing Turret was balanced.

Because Healing Turret is light years ahead of all of the other Healing Abilities for Engineer, which is super imbalanced.

I think assuming it was taken into account is giving too much credit. We don’t know that, and the lack of scaling doesn’t seem to make any logical sense. You invest into healing power, and then a healing ability doesn’t scale with it. Furthermore, if it was surely taken into account as part of the design, why does the tool tip still scale with healing power? Surely they would have remembered to make the tool tip work correctly, right?

Though I do concede your latter point. If they did make it scale, it would just make it better than it is already, and the other healing skills that are already lacklustre would just become even more so.

Though that of course brings us back to the discussion on how healing turret is not, in fact, a turret and is instead a glorified water field bomb that is most optimally used by ignoring that it’s a turret at all. But there’s already been several threads on that.