Bone Fighter (Minionmaster Necro)
Kakumvale (Conditioner Necro)
I want to ask a only one question , “When will we get a new melee weapon?”
You said “Anet will give engineers new melee weapon” 6 months ago and im still waiting…
(In matt’s video , 6:47 )
This is EXACTLY why they don’t answer us or respond to threads about if/when they’re going to fix something. Exactly. People crucify them for it and start negative threads like this “Anet you promised, it was 6 months ago, blah blah blah”.
He didn’t say when.
I don’t mind if it takes a long time if it means they actually get it working. Rushing content is why Living Story is often bugged in stupid ways, why Turrets barely work…
Patience is necessary.
I didn’t judge them :D Im happy with my engi , I just want to use a new melee weapon , i mean new somethings like traits,skills etc… I just got excited when i heard it and i asked it with a dissapointed heart :)
I didn’t judge them
Im happy with my engi , I just want to use a new melee weapon , i mean new somethings like traits,skills etc… I just got excited when i heard it and i asked it with a dissapointed heart
If you’re not judging them and you’re happy you shouldn’t make a post like this. It doesn’t look not judging and happy. What good can come from “you promised us something now where is it?”
A.E.D.’s F-Skill is melee. have fun!
i’d be happier waiting another year if they stuck to fixing bugs and balancing, and able to pump those out faster.
We’re also waiting for things promised that affect everybody, rather than only those who play the least used profession.
Not that I’m denying this needs seeing to, there are just more pressing issues.
This is EXACTLY why they don’t answer us or respond to threads about if/when they’re going to fix something. Exactly. People crucify them for it and start negative threads like this “Anet you promised, it was 6 months ago, blah blah blah”.
Yeah. I was really surprised when they started the whole CDI thingy, because usually that’s exactly not how you want to approach your MMO playerbase.
The vocal part is way too grumpy and annoyed to work as a reasonable surface for interaction, and the others won’t give you feedback because they’re happy playing. They’d need an ingame poll popup to notice.
As somebody thought shocking to discover, people on forums tend to be the vocal minority. If somebody is happy with how things are going, usually they end up just…playing the game.
I might be dense, but why would the engi need even more weapons? I mean, you can use all the ranged weapons in melee, and have toolkit for bashing in peoples heads.
I rather have Anet give ranger a rifle then engis a melee weapon.
But that is just my opinion.
Well, people tend to want a new weapon so the class is less reliant on kits, and I agree with that notion.
Sure, if you use kits then you have no reason, Bomb, Tool, Flamethrower and Grenade are all very melee-centric.
Engi hammer. That is all.
But really though, considering how almost all of our skills are best used at melee range (Looking at you, bomb kit, flamethrower, tool kit, and pretty much all of the gadgets) it only makes sense to give us a melee weapon. I personally feel that the hammer fits this best, but any way we get a melee weapon, I won’t complain.
The wrench for a main weapon instead of kit would be a nice addition.
Just look at all the weapons they’ve given the other classes since release!
Anet gave us bombs. Those are melee.
Well, people tend to want a new weapon so the class is less reliant on kits, and I agree with that notion.
Sure, if you use kits then you have no reason, Bomb, Tool, Flamethrower and Grenade are all very melee-centric.
a new weapon wont make us less kit centric
weapon swap function would…
but then how would engi be different from warrior, guard, mes, ranger, thief, or necro? homogenized gameplay gets stale.
but then how would engi be different from warrior, guard, mes, ranger, thief, or necro? homogenized gameplay gets stale.
It’s funny, I’m…pretty sure all those classes actually have different weapon and utility skills, as well as traits and class mechanics, from each other. They also each have different niches they fill to a greater or lesser degree.
How are they homogenized? I’m actually curious as to what the answer will be.
Variety for the sake of variety is a mistake; it might be the spice of life, but I’ve overseasoned steak before, and that was not pleasant.
You want to be moderate with your spices, not slap them on just because you can.
but then how would engi be different from warrior, guard, mes, ranger, thief, or necro? homogenized gameplay gets stale.
It’s funny, I’m…pretty sure all those classes actually have different weapon and utility skills, as well as traits and class mechanics, from each other. They also each have different niches they fill to a greater or lesser degree.
How are they homogenized? I’m actually curious as to what the answer will be.Variety for the sake of variety is a mistake; it might be the spice of life, but I’ve overseasoned steak before, and that was not pleasant.
You want to be moderate with your spices, not slap them on just because you can.
Or you can spice it all wrong right away…
That out of the way i wouldnt consider having a proper melee weapon a flaw at all. That way you would save one valuable skill slot in that you would use your tool kit or your bombs for the “sacrifice” of your rifle or pistol and so your default “sorta ranged” weapon and get a melee weapon that can by far excel any kit stat wise…cause kits are exotic rating at best while a weapon can be ascended. I for once ALWAYS find myself on the front lines cause i prever the flamerthrower as main weapon, dont trust bombs and grenades myself. The only times you see me away from the enemie is when i lick my wounds and heal up cause my e-gun and elixir couldnt balance the incoming damage anymore or just heal up my comrades like enjoy to do a lot. With a proper melee weapon like a brute of a hammer i could do MUCH more physical abuse on the front…since i seem to be an aggro magnet anyways for some obscure reason. Needless to say it also would broaden the possible builds and the overall utility of the engineer. Cause not every build is a bomb\grenade build…and whats the harm of having a melee weapon using engineer? Isnt like you could switch your weapons. And if you enjoy your pistols or rifle then just stick to them
This is EXACTLY why they don’t answer us or respond to threads about if/when they’re going to fix something. Exactly. People crucify them for it and start negative threads like this “Anet you promised, it was 6 months ago, blah blah blah”.
He didn’t say when.
Actually that’s no longer a valid excuse. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with customers asking when something that was promised is coming around the corner. We’ve been promised alot of things in the engineering forums things they keep saying they are “working on” but we still have yet to see them.
I applaud the OP for asking what is going on and why this type of thing keeps happening when it comes to the priority list. How can one expect people to take you at your word if all we keep seeing are delays and empty promises? Professionally speaking where is the break down in the process that keeps leading to extended wait times? Aren’t all classes supposed to be treated professionally equal in their concerns?
but then how would engi be different from warrior, guard, mes, ranger, thief, or necro? homogenized gameplay gets stale.
It’s funny, I’m…pretty sure all those classes actually have different weapon and utility skills, as well as traits and class mechanics, from each other. They also each have different niches they fill to a greater or lesser degree.
How are they homogenized? I’m actually curious as to what the answer will be.Variety for the sake of variety is a mistake; it might be the spice of life, but I’ve overseasoned steak before, and that was not pleasant.
You want to be moderate with your spices, not slap them on just because you can.
having every class carry 2 weapon sets is homogeneous.
but then how would engi be different from warrior, guard, mes, ranger, thief, or necro? homogenized gameplay gets stale.
It’s funny, I’m…pretty sure all those classes actually have different weapon and utility skills, as well as traits and class mechanics, from each other. They also each have different niches they fill to a greater or lesser degree.
How are they homogenized? I’m actually curious as to what the answer will be.Variety for the sake of variety is a mistake; it might be the spice of life, but I’ve overseasoned steak before, and that was not pleasant.
You want to be moderate with your spices, not slap them on just because you can.having every class carry 2 weapon sets is homogeneous.
How though? I feel like you changed from claiming it would make gameplay stale to have all the professions be the same to now just using the definition of homogeneous (which itself is not a negative thing). Of course every profession having a core mechanic of the game in common is homogeneous, but how is it bad?
i dont mean to imply all classes are the same.. but giving engis weapon swap mechanics reduces class diversity. learning how to fight as/against everything becomes a shorter process, especially because engi and ele are like distant outliers in that regard.
suddenly, you dont need to account for the engis access to like 20 weapon skills instantly. you can fight with the expectation that engi will be stuck in a certain weapon set. 1 kit builds might still be common, or 2 kit builds… but itll still take away instant access to every skill, which is what makes engi more complex than ele, and ele more complex than the rest for having 4 swaps w/ independent cds.
is that bad? subjective. maybe its easier to balance. i think its bad cuz we know that the capability for options besides 2 weapon sets is there but would have been removed.
I don’t see how it takes away from anything. We can still use kits and we still have instant access to all those skills, we just now have access to a second weapon with a 10s cooldown as well.
Though I don’t see how this really fixes anything in terms of kit reliance. The problem is not how many skills we can use at any one time, it’s how powerful the kit skills are compared to our weapons. Giving us the ability to weapon swap wouldn’t change that relationship. Weapon swap would only be a solution if our weapons were buffed to be as good as kits are, then we would truly have options when it comes to using a kit or not.
itd just relieve some of the pressure to use skills instead of autoing. by giving another way to access non-auto skills. hmm… i feel like thats unclear. for example, the last thing you wanna be doing on any class is autoing. engi takes kits so he always has some other skill besides an autoattack to use.
on the perceived power: i feel like its just a symptom of pistol and rifle autos being weak. i use pretty much everything the rifle can give me, which is everything but 1. p/p 2 and 5 probably could stand a buff (shield 5 is at least interesting). but i can live with or without tk, ft, or eg… each has great and unique utility but i only feel dependent on bombs or nades because once i blow every cd and i have to resort to autos, those have better autos.
itd just relieve some of the pressure to use skills instead of autoing. by giving another way to access non-auto skills. hmm… i feel like thats unclear. for example, the last thing you wanna be doing on any class is autoing. engi takes kits so he always has some other skill besides an autoattack to use.
on the perceived power: i feel like its just a symptom of pistol and rifle autos being weak. i use pretty much everything the rifle can give me, which is everything but 1. p/p 2 and 5 probably could stand a buff (shield 5 is at least interesting). but i can live with or without tk, ft, or eg… each has great and unique utility but i only feel dependent on bombs or nades because once i blow every cd and i have to resort to autos, those have better autos.
I couldn’t disagree with you more about auto attacks in general. Other professions want to use auto attacks to maintain DPS. I have an 80 Necro and Ranger, both of which can use their auto attacks to great success (Necro=dagger, Ranger=sword). I almost have a Guard to 80, and if you want to DPS on a Guard you’re making good use of auto attacks (sword, hammer). I’m sure this is the same for most other professions.
I think your second paragraph highlights the main issue. Engineer weapons are used as utilities rather than weapons. A Dev has stated that Engineers are balanced for using kits, that’s why our weapons aren’t very powerful. The problem here is that kits are just 1 of 4 choices for utilities. The way Engineers are currently balanced almost requires you to use at least one of those kits, which only make up 25% of our options. I believe this, more than any traits or individual kits themselves, is what is limiting Engineer build diversity.
Contrast this to an Elementalist. They do not rely on their auto attacks either, but they have 16 other weapon skills that they can use before they even look to their utilities. Their utilities complement their play style. They do not create their play style as it does with us.
I really just want to see our weapons buffed to useful levels. It may sound like I think Engineers are in a bad place, which is not true. I just think we have gone down a slippery slope in terms of balance decisions and it’s going to be hard to come back from that. I don’t want to be forced into kits any longer. When we someday get a new weapon I hope it has an attack chain on the auto attack, because those are usually pretty good.
(edited by Adamantium.3682)
If toolbelt kit isnt melee… then idk wtf it is… every class would love a weapon with those skills…
a new weapon wont make us less kit centric
Err, it would. Quite a bit so.
Right now if I want to melee on my Engineer, I need to equip a kit for it. Give me a melee weapon, I could go without a kit.
Yes, I probably will equip a Grenade Kit or Elixir Gun for ranged combat, but I wouldn’t need to, necessarily. When running in organized groups, I very well might be specialized into Elixir Support, and just run my natural weapon so I can equip 3 utility elixirs and still provide endless AE stun with my Hammer (I can dream, right? : P).
a new weapon wont make us less kit centric
Err, it would. Quite a bit so.
Right now if I want to melee on my Engineer, I need to equip a kit for it. Give me a melee weapon, I could go without a kit.Yes, I probably will equip a Grenade Kit or Elixir Gun for ranged combat, but I wouldn’t need to, necessarily. When running in organized groups, I very well might be specialized into Elixir Support, and just run my natural weapon so I can equip 3 utility elixirs and still provide endless AE stun with my Hammer (I can dream, right? : P).
It wouldn’t because of the way our weapons are balanced. Our weapons are balanced for the additional skills we get from kits, which is why nearly every build you see brings at least 1 kit and uses it liberally (even SD builds often have nades). Our weapons just aren’t strong enough to use on their own.
Just having a new weapon would not somehow make us less dependent on kits. The way our weapons are balanced would have to change.
a new weapon wont make us less kit centric
Err, it would. Quite a bit so.
Right now if I want to melee on my Engineer, I need to equip a kit for it. Give me a melee weapon, I could go without a kit.Yes, I probably will equip a Grenade Kit or Elixir Gun for ranged combat, but I wouldn’t need to, necessarily. When running in organized groups, I very well might be specialized into Elixir Support, and just run my natural weapon so I can equip 3 utility elixirs and still provide endless AE stun with my Hammer (I can dream, right? : P).
It wouldn’t because of the way our weapons are balanced. Our weapons are balanced for the additional skills we get from kits, which is why nearly every build you see brings at least 1 kit and uses it liberally (even SD builds often have nades). Our weapons just aren’t strong enough to use on their own.
Just having a new weapon would not somehow make us less dependent on kits. The way our weapons are balanced would have to change.
I have to…well, I’m not sure if I have to agree.
After all, for quite a while, I used a build that lacked Kits entirely – Healing/Rifle/Flame/Thumper Turrets, P/S. Not that it wasn’t easier to use Kits (occasionally I would to reaffirm my hatred), but I just…didn’t use them much.
However, and this is why I’m not sure if I have to agree: The Engineer is currently balanced around something you can go from level 5 to level 80 without ever unlocking or having on your skill bar. This is stupid.
a new weapon wont make us less kit centric
Err, it would. Quite a bit so.
Right now if I want to melee on my Engineer, I need to equip a kit for it. Give me a melee weapon, I could go without a kit.Yes, I probably will equip a Grenade Kit or Elixir Gun for ranged combat, but I wouldn’t need to, necessarily. When running in organized groups, I very well might be specialized into Elixir Support, and just run my natural weapon so I can equip 3 utility elixirs and still provide endless AE stun with my Hammer (I can dream, right? : P).
It wouldn’t because of the way our weapons are balanced. Our weapons are balanced for the additional skills we get from kits, which is why nearly every build you see brings at least 1 kit and uses it liberally (even SD builds often have nades). Our weapons just aren’t strong enough to use on their own.
Just having a new weapon would not somehow make us less dependent on kits. The way our weapons are balanced would have to change.
I have to…well, I’m not sure if I have to agree.
After all, for quite a while, I used a build that lacked Kits entirely – Healing/Rifle/Flame/Thumper Turrets, P/S. Not that it wasn’t easier to use Kits (occasionally I would to reaffirm my hatred), but I just…didn’t use them much.However, and this is why I’m not sure if I have to agree: The Engineer is currently balanced around something you can go from level 5 to level 80 without ever unlocking or having on your skill bar. This is stupid.
Well sure you could. You could make that case about anything though. An Elementalist could go 1-80 without ever switching attunements. Warriors could never use burst. Necros could never go into DS.
I agree with you that would be stupid.
The difference is that they don’t have to make any choices to get those mechanics they’re balanced around. We do, and that’s what sucks.
Well, you got the point, one way or another – the point being, of course, access.
We have to choose to gain access, but everyone else has it to begin with.
thieves dont have stealth in the beginning fwiw
…Yes, they do. Their first healing skill is a stealth-giving skill. They also start out with Steal, though I can’t guess which they’re balanced around.
o kitten, the heal no one uses in pvp, i forgot
steal doesnt stealth, might be thinkin of CnD?
Cloak and Dagger’s a major part of permastealth builds, I think, so that’s probably what you’re thinking of. It’s Dagger #5, if I recall correctly, and it’s probably the second stealth access most Thieves get.
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