Coming Back, Need some advice.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gern.2978


So, I was away for the summer, and I am just now coming back. I see that a lot of changes have happened and I was wondering if my Dungeon build is still viable.

Here it is:

It centers around keeping a lot of conditions up for the damage increase from “modified ammo.”

Also, what about my PvP spec?

Here that one is:

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: Arenzo.3298


condi isnt liked by most for dungeons, wait thats zerker gear, if u change the runes to strength or scholar, you will pretty much have the meta engi dungeon build, and change short fuse to explosive powder
i dont know much about pvp so i cant say

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


2H weapons now have 2 slots for sigils, so Rifle has replaced Pistol/Shield as the default weapon set.

Otherwise it’s almost the meta build.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: Arenzo.3298


does rifle have a blast finisher like shield?, if not he should still run pistol shield
because might stacking is good

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: Spyritdragon.6048


does rifle have a blast finisher like shield?, if not he should still run pistol shield
because might stacking is good

Nope, no blast, just a leap finisher.
Might stacking isn’t particularly needed though. The current meta has more than enough damage in builds to get through dungeons. I personally like the hard crowd control skill on the 4.

I also run a Rifle/FT build sometimes which relies heavily on the damage from rifle 3-kitten rifle is definitely still viable.

Don’t feel like you [U]have[/U] to follow the meta. There are a lot of different, good builds that will output decent damage, yet some might be more fun to play for you, so don’t hesitate to play with those, even if they’re not 100% what people expect as meta engi. The class has so much variety you can use.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


does rifle have a blast finisher like shield?, if not he should still run pistol shield
because might stacking is good

Just switch to Shield before a fight, use Shield #4 and switch back to Rifle.
~25 seconds into a fight 3 fewer stacks of Might won’t make much of a difference.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


The question here, as I see it, boils down to this. Do you try to do extremely efficient speed runs? Or are you having fun with friends and guildies when you do these runs? If your trying to to do top end speed runs, go rifle. If your doing it for enjoyment, go P/S.

Honestly in my opinion, your weapon choice is irrelevant, because if your trying to maximize damage, your going to use bombs anyway. So in my opinion, I have no idea why everyone is hung up on pushing you to one weapon set or another. Go with what you like or feels fun or comfortable for you.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Enjoyment is highly subjective, so you cannot say which weapon set or build is better for that.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


That was my point exactly. Which is precisely why I suggesting ignoring the posters who are pushing the meta concepts at the OP, and that they go with what feels fun for them. As it is up to the OP subjective opinion as to what is fun to him. Glad to see you agree.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Do you believe a person who makes the hassle to come to the official forums and ask for advice wants to hear “play how you like” instead of the advice and experience of seasoned players they gained by playing and testing several builds?

Do you believe every person is incapable of making their own decisions and making adjustments to their their build themselves even if everyone told them that a 6/6 Rifle+Grenade/Bomb Kit build is the best?

In my eyes that’s disrespectful and insulting.

Coming Back, Need some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Do you believe a person who makes the hassle to come to the official forums and ask for advice wants to hear “play how you like” instead of the advice and experience of seasoned players they gained by playing and testing several builds?

Do you believe every person is incapable of making their own decisions and making adjustments to their their build themselves even if everyone told them that a 6/6 Rifle+Grenade/Bomb Kit build is the best?

In my eyes that’s disrespectful and insulting.

Wow, just Wow.

It is a hassle now to make a forums post?

Are you some super mega qualified engineer that your opinion is so special that it gives you the right to literally attack a poster for suggesting you have fun? I mean seriously, the Op was asking about rifle or P/S both of which are viable for their own reasons. Yet you feel personally insulted and disrespected when someone suggest they use what feels better and fun for their play style?

If it is so insulting, then it clearly breaks the forums CoC and you should report it, instead of derailing the thread to throw a temper tantrum because it offends your delicate sensibilities that someone suggest to a player, that both weapons sets are viable, and to actually go with what feels right and fun for how they play.