Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfar.6508


Condition Duration was something I never paid too much attention to. I had my condition duration almost always around 70-80% and never really bothered with increasing it further. Since a few months I know better especially after doing some basic math. I did not reflect that in my builds though and today I did and as well made an article and video about it.

In short, it’s in almost every case better to go for condition duration over condition damage and thus making Giver’s weapons a must have when running a condition orientated spec unless you are already at max without the Giver’s weapons.

Text Guide:
Video Guide:

PS: if you watch the video guide, could you tell me how my commentary was? This is the first time (after a recommendation from a fellow redditor) that I wrote a script and read off it to improve my English. Is it noticable that I am reading off something? Feedback would be greatly appreciated. - Everything Engineer!

Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Lert.6287


You didn’t really bring any light on that matter, since it’s pretty know.
Saying it’s nearly always better to aim for condi duration over condi damage is false. It’s pretty reckless to run 100% condi duration build, over given 70% or so.
For PvE conditions are less viable than full zerker, so that subject isn’t really important, but for WvW enemies will cleanse conditions anyway and having 70 or 100% won’t change anything than your damage per tick.
On average with both durations enemy will have the same about on conditions on him (else you spam pistol/eg #1 – that will eventually increase stacks – which will have lesser damage and will be cleansed soon).

It’s worth pointing out here that especially condition diversity and correct build (along with runes) is rather most important, then condition duration for best cost (which should be over 50% – usually is +40% food, whatever is from traits and eventually single condition from runes) and for the rest aiming for condition damage.

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Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


if you take giver weapons you miss out on 180 or 188 condi damage to extend durations that will be cleansed anyways. i have tried each and very much favor rabid over giver.

yes giver is a paper dps increase, but practically its worse.

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Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


sorry to say guys but it goes condition applying→ duration→ damage, of course a good balance between duration and damage is best but they do nothing without the ability apply and reapply conditions and that is why we see so many engineers running ip/doom/nades.

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Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


ukuni said what I was thinking when reading the thread. what matters most is how easy, how often and how many conditions you apply.

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Condi Duration vs Condi Damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Nano.3706


