Condi Roaming Engi (WvW build+video)

Condi Roaming Engi (WvW build+video)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Okay so i’m using two different builds in this video both have very much the same playstyle, the difference being one is more of a tank and the other is much more offensive, ill post both the builds and for once try my best at writing a bit of a tutorial about it as well as my reason’s for gear/trait choices and what other skills and such will work well with it.;4cPFs0l6V1Fx0;9;49-JJJ4;353-05-59-UN1;0J0-6TsW6TsWD0ki-M;1Va-VMVRWWXa2g3m49yVHk0R-6;16R;9;9;9;9;9;54s5z

This is the more defensive variation of the build, my main focus with this build was to be able to take a whole lot of attention and keep going threw all the punishment while providing decent damage via conditions, its important to remember that the idea of this build isn’t to directly support my team mates threw boons/healing.

Now the biggest part of this build is its ability to never stop moving with runes of melandru and lemongrass poultry soup with leg mods gives you a 98% reduction to cripple, chill and immobilize, and with the cloaking device trait a free 5 second stealth, the sigil of energy and the perma swiftness and vigor combo great with this, you also have your shield and gear shield available when you run out of dodges making you one beast of a front liner.

So that sorts out mobility but what about when we get stunned, we arnt running a stun breaker so it could be disastrous, well with the stabilized armor and protection injection traits you have a 50% damage reduction to damage when your stunned which can be increased to 70% with the food “Loaf of saffron bread” but using it will drop your cripple chill and immo duration to 78% which is still very manageable so the choice on that is up to you (Loafs of saffron bread are very cheap).

Now the skills, toolkit is a must for any engineer that wants to eat alot of damage simply because of gear shield, bomb kit is a great kit for front lining, glue bomb and smoke bomb can ruin groups of random players not so much with the direct damage but the avoidance of there skill spam and bob combos very well with healing turret(drop bob then shortly after drop your turret, this not only gives you an extra blast finisher but knocks everyone away giving you some breathing space), Rocket turret can be very powerful then again its a turret and half the time does nothing so i recommend taking Elixir S (for stomping if your in 1-3 man groups) or Flamer thrower, but why flamer over elixir gun this build suggests that elixir gun would be better, well its simple your always trying to make your self the enemy’s target and elixir gun just wont function well with that in mind, flamer on the other hand gives you access to a instant blind and a cone knock back as well as more burning which is always handy.

The sigil and rune setup is quite expensive but it preforms very well but if you cant afford it a viable option to take in its place is Runes of Grenth and a sigil of hydromancy, you wont be able to sit in the middle of combat for ages but you will be able to upkeep alot of aoe chilling giving you great ability to kite away from hard hitting melee damage as well as giving your team mates an advantage and it will cost less then a gold.

If zerging is more your thing and you don’t think conditions work well in your favor (due to many many aoe condi cleanses)just swap out the Apothecary for Clerics and your Rabid gear for either Solider’s or Knights also drop 10 points from the explosives trait line and put it into alchemy and take automated response, this will give you a bit better of a tank in many v many instances and also providing better physical damage.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Condi Roaming Engi (WvW build+video)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Okay so this build is much more offensive and alot better for solo roaming, the focus on this build is alot like the first build avoid damage as well as possible but hit hard with conditions, the important part with this build is maximizing your skills potential and for that ill provide some awesome skill combos that are very effective but also difficult to accomplish

Like the defensive build using melandru with the lemongrass poultry soup offers some great defense versus conditions, you can use pizza’s with this as the need for more condition removal isn’t as much when your versing 1-2 people.

The traits are pritty simple in there application, you can swap out rifled barrels for hair trigger (i like the extra range for chasing people down), if you plan to use rocket turret you don’t really need to worry about burning damage (with pizza can maintain perma burning) so you can swap out incendiary ammo for forceful explosions, Just remember that rocket turret will die easy to physical damage and should always be placed off to the side’s to avoid unnecessary damage.

Okay the main skill combo’s i use with this build are pritty simple but very effective, i start by either TK #5 or dropping supply kit on my target drop rocket turret and use its overcharge right away with magnet it can miss with supply kit it always hits, lay BoB then position your self between them and BoB and magnetic shield them into BoB (you dont always have to BoB but try to allways knock them back into your turrets if you can) then follow up with static shield to keep the daze going, this is best used right after you’ve unloaded conditions onto them, doing magnet→prybar→ spam pistol conditions→supply kit→rocket turret+overcharge→BoB→concussion Bomb/Fire bomb→magnetic shield→static shield is normally what i try to accomplish and normally kills any average player i come across

once again the sigil and runes cost alot and if you want more condition damage i recommend taking Runes of the adventurer and a sigil of geomancy, not as much condition removal but you still get a dodge when you need it and it has alot more condition burst potential and works better with the stun combo so id recommend taking this setup over the original if you know what your fighting and don’t mind the conditions otherwise be ready to get eaten up versus condition users.

I’m sure there was something else i wanted to mention but i cant remember i hope this helps everyone and please leave some comments on how i can improve on writing walls of text i’m bad at this, i think.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

(edited by ukuni.8745)

Condi Roaming Engi (WvW build+video)

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Not bad of an video but you should combo the tools at your disposal better , like for instance when you constantly were being targetted you could of easily dropped concussion bombs throughout them whilst your teammates peeled or simply smoke bombed into stealth , a simple Elix S could of granted you peel also. Also , you seem to never know when to properly dodge , you ate every type of attack under the sun while still maintaining a full end bar repeatedly , the dodges came randomly…oh wasn’t you the same guy who posted the SD build coupled with Acidic Elixirs?

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Condi Roaming Engi (WvW build+video)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i agree, there’s alot better stuff i could be doing, but most of my time i’m playing is when i finish work and i’m pretty dopey and tend to mess alot of stuff up i also spend way to much time dueling and that’s where i don’t make those mistakes but i don’t like to use fight club videos because i feel its a bit rude to your opponent, but the build it’s self is very solid.

As for the s/d with acidic elixirs build i didn’t actually use s/d i used kit refinement with bombs and HGH the idea of the build was to stack might to buff the damage then jumpshot onto a target use bob then kit refinement to suck people into bob and then finish with blunderbuss or whatever else, it wasn’t as easy as s/d to use but it hit really hard in an aoe and the tank was a hell of alot better then s/d burst builds, i did want to use rifled barrels instead but at the time of filming it was bugged and i found that acidic elixirs was very very handy considering how many class’s utilize boons also being able to drop peoples protection before i burst was really set that choice in stone for me.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube