Condi raid build
There is really only one good way to optimally run Condition-based Engineer for PvE content. This is what you should be running. The objective for Engineer in these situation is to allow your gear/traits/food to bump Bleed and Burn to the 100% duration cap while simultaneously dumping as much into Condition Damage that you can. I have taken a cheaper and more sustainable route to the Condition Duration aspect of this and provided it through the link, but you can tinker around with it to min/max how you desire; provided you always have 100% duration for bleed/burn. “Good” is relative in this particular situation because it all hinges upon the user’s ability to discern what is most necessary for the current combat circumstance. If you feel that you are unable to provide blinds/knockbacks/blasts appropriately, then it is entirely possible that Condition Engineer is simply not for you as these are more necessary to this aspect of the profession more so than it is for Power. Having the flexibility to switch between offense and defense is what sets Condition apart from Power, mostly due to the fact that when Power builds stop their assault they have no DPS.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
That gear is strange. For sure it is no condi gear?!
My apologies! It appears the link that was originally provided somehow swapped the gear I had intentionally placed with some very strange substitutes indeed. This has been corrected and the link appears to be in working condition. Should it not look correct for whatever reason, you should be using a combination of Viper’s weapons/armor and sinister accessories. I have 2 Trapper runes and 4 Nightmare runes for a 25% base condition duration increase, putting me at a resting 66% duration through food/gear/runes and 100% duration bleed/burn with traits.
1 thing
earth > bursting
little more dps, little less gold
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Don’t go for the trapper/nightmare rune combo as an Engi. That’s super wasted! The Engi has even as condi a decent (20%) power damage output, aswell two great duration traits. You get more damage with Berserker runes since they flat out boost your total damage by 5%.
Therefore you should aim for this:
Toxic Focusing Crystals are utmost important. You MUST get those, unless you use food for open world or stuff like that. If you think they are too expensive, just craft them yourself with the money you safe by using 18% food instead of 20% food. This way you still get a total of +8% condi duration.
As insanemaniac said, Earth > Bursting. According to my own calculations this is very true. The strongest Condi Sigils are Geomancy > Malice > Earth > Bursting. So you should use Geo and Malice until one point:
If you have been a lucky guy or a long term raider you can afford to go full Viper (except 1 Ring). This way you can reach the condi cap without the Malice Sigil and go for Earth. In total this will result into a dps increase, even tough a small one :>
As for the Traits I want to mention 2 things:
- The 5% damage modifier over 90% HP in explosives only applies to your power damage, wich is approximately 20% of your total damage. So this trait is only a 1% damage increase.
I suggest to trait bigger aoe and projectile speed for greanades instead. Barrage barely hits with all nades unless the target is big and for Vale Guardian it’s more of a dps increase to hit precisely with Nades and never miss one. - The 10% damage modifier with full endurance also only applies to your power damage, again only a 2% total damage modifier. So traiting for increased endurance regen to support this trait is wasted compared to the strong alternative.
Kinetic Battery has 40s cd wich is perfect to always copy Incendiary Ammo. You can dodge specific attacks on each boss and get much more damage by double IA that way.
Funfact: IA deals around 26k damage in the raid enviorment. Neat isn’kitten
If you have questions go ahead!
Wahoo and greez!
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
If you have questions go ahead!
Streamlined Kits vs Takedown Round. What’s your take between the two?
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Don’t go for the trapper/nightmare rune combo as an Engi. That’s super wasted! The Engi has even as condi a decent (20%) power damage output, aswell two great duration traits. You get more damage with Berserker runes since they flat out boost your total damage by 5%.
Toxic Crystals are over-priced and unnecessary, unless you plan on running with a team that is hellbent on breaking world speedrun records. If you want to go with absolute top damage necessary, then yes you should go that route. Overall, the damage difference between these 2 variations is negligible with mine being the affordable variation for anyone just getting started in the Raid scene. If one wants or can afford to maintain the upkeep associated with the latter, then yes it will yield a slightly higher dps.
Streamlined Kits vs Takedown Round. What’s your take between the two?
Streamlined Kits is necessary for Condition Engineer to maintain the swiftness necessary to get between fights and re-position during combat effectively. If there is a situation where you feel that you won’t need that speed boost, then you could feel free to swap them out, however the damage boost would be unnoticeable and mobility in/out of combat would be felt.
If you have questions go ahead!
Streamlined Kits vs Takedown Round. What’s your take between the two?
Streamlined Kits for condi builds, it’s very underrated. Just make sure you use it to proc the Mortar gunk. This stuff deals an average of 22k per proc.
Takedown Round is great for power if you play vanilla rifle for max dps as Engi.
Don’t go for the trapper/nightmare rune combo as an Engi. That’s super wasted! The Engi has even as condi a decent (20%) power damage output, aswell two great duration traits. You get more damage with Berserker runes since they flat out boost your total damage by 5%.
Toxic Crystals are over-priced and unnecessary, unless you plan on running with a team that is hellbent on breaking world speedrun records. If you want to go with absolute top damage necessary, then yes you should go that route. Overall, the damage difference between these 2 variations is negligible with mine being the affordable variation for anyone just getting started in the Raid scene. If one wants or can afford to maintain the upkeep associated with the latter, then yes it will yield a slightly higher dps.
Even without the 10% duration food, I still suggest to go for Berserker Runes, even if you’d only have 90% duration then.
Why do you find the Toxic Focusing Crystals to be overpriced and unnecessary? You don’t want to pay 50 silver for 10% condi duration, but 20 additional silver for 2% more duration is worth it? Talking about Super vs Rare Veggie Pizza here.
Rare Veggie Pizza is 20% dura for 23 silver.
Super Veggie Pizza is 18% dura for 3 silver.
That relation 1% duration is worth 10 silver.
Toxic Focusing Crystals are 10% dura for 50 silver wich is half the price of that.
So better use 18% food and 10% utility and pay a bit more rather than 20% food and 0% utility. If you don’t want to spend 50 silver for the 10% utility well then use Icicles, but the last thing you should do is using the expensive Pizza. THAT is for world speedrun records.
Streamlined Kits vs Takedown Round. What’s your take between the two?
Streamlined Kits is necessary for Condition Engineer to maintain the swiftness necessary to get between fights and re-position during combat effectively. If there is a situation where you feel that you won’t need that speed boost, then you could feel free to swap them out, however the damage boost would be unnoticeable and mobility in/out of combat would be felt.
You would even lose damage by taking Takedown Round as a condi.
Streamlined Kits’ Mortar Gunk deals an average of 20k dps and has a 20s cd. So it’s a 1k DpS increase overall.
Takedown Round deals an average of 4700 damage every 10s as condi, so it’s only a 470 dps increase. But that would only work if you use an Elixier Gun. Otherwise it works only above 50% HP wich cuts the dps in half to 235 dps.
So yea, Streamlined Kits all the way!
About that mobility – for VG I suggest you give Scrapper 312 a shot. Also replace the HT with Gyro for a good super speed uptime, heal for you and other Scrappies aswell protection on demand wich is super for Red tanking and breakbar phase.
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”