Condi survivability issues. (PvE)
No its not a l2p issue and yes hammer has more utility for staying alive condi has its blind on 3 in pp and immo/cripple on 5 but that’s about it also has bomb kit with a smoke field and p/ps 5 skill as its 5 skill. Both specs are stupidly close in dps play w/e one you want its nice to have both to be flexible though.
The condi is useful for higher level fractals because of the amount of toughness the bosses have. And that’s the case regardless of profession. Assuming you are using the meta condi grenadier build for fractals, Some of the field/blast combos will be able to help mitigate damage. Grenade has blind on 3 and chill on 4, all your explosions do cripple with the shrapnel trait, so kiting becomes very important. Bomb 4 and 5 also have blind and cripple respectively. Flamethrower has knockback and blind, and mortar has chill and blind. So you have lots of blind, and cripple, with some chill thrown in, and in most cases, you can slip them into your rotation with very minimal dps loss.
The condi is useful for higher level fractals because of the amount of toughness the bosses have. And that’s the case regardless of profession. Assuming you are using the meta condi grenadier build for fractals, Some of the field/blast combos will be able to help mitigate damage. Grenade has blind on 3 and chill on 4, all your explosions do cripple with the shrapnel trait, so kiting becomes very important. Bomb 4 and 5 also have blind and cripple respectively. Flamethrower has knockback and blind, and mortar has chill and blind. So you have lots of blind, and cripple, with some chill thrown in, and in most cases, you can slip them into your rotation with very minimal dps loss.
Like he said you got mortar with chill , blind for such a long time + a waterfield.
p/p with blind and cripple + immo
bomb with cripple and immo aswell blind
grenades chill + blind
flamethrower also got blind and knockback + a blast ,which can be used for reducing dmg by 50 % or for healing around 1,4 k health .
Streamlined kits also grants you some speed and immo and a pull bomb o/ every 20 seconds o/
it just depends on timing , but i also have those problems aswell ,because those enemies hit me sometimes at such bad position or if they are too upscaled , then they start to hurt alot. ^^’
Since I use P/P primarily on my Scrapper (with the occassional Flamethrower use here-and-there), I’ve been using Carrion stat armor, due to all the condis that pop up, especially with certain choices in the Firearms spec. I’ve been doing relatively well but, then again, I am primarily a PvE’r. So, in my experience, a condi build for Engi works fine. Granted, I do get downed in HoT if I am not careful. I’d probably go for full Zerker if I ever plan on using Hammer often. But a condi build is best for pistol use, IMO.
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
Pistols are condi weapons plain and simple.
Personally, when running PvE with a viper/sinister I run Firearms with raid traiting, elixirs 2-3-1 (I think) and Scrapper with 3/1/2. Utilities go Medic Gyro, FT (mostly for toolbelt), Bulwark, and Elixir Gun. Elite is stealth gyro.
Doing the above gives several protection sources, as well as the damage sink of the Bulwark, good condi clear from the elixir gun, and disengage off the stealth gyro. It also gives in-combat sustain from the scrapper traits.
In a situation where I know there won’t be conditions, I’ll drop Elixirs for Explosives and swap EW to Grenade Kit, and if I’m running with actual supports I’ll drop into full raid loadout with bomb kit over Bulwark.
If you’re not worried about raiding and want a really good statset for PvE soloing, I would recommend rabid with similar switches to above.
Pistols are condi weapons plain and simple.
Personally, when running PvE with a viper/sinister I run Firearms with raid traiting, elixirs 2-3-1 (I think) and Scrapper with 3/1/2. Utilities go Medic Gyro, FT (mostly for toolbelt), Bulwark, and Elixir Gun. Elite is stealth gyro.
Doing the above gives several protection sources, as well as the damage sink of the Bulwark, good condi clear from the elixir gun, and disengage off the stealth gyro. It also gives in-combat sustain from the scrapper traits.
In a situation where I know there won’t be conditions, I’ll drop Elixirs for Explosives and swap EW to Grenade Kit, and if I’m running with actual supports I’ll drop into full raid loadout with bomb kit over Bulwark.If you’re not worried about raiding and want a really good statset for PvE soloing, I would recommend rabid with similar switches to above.
Seriously, with replacing so many kits with none condi damage kits, you’d be better off with a power Scrapper using hammer auto attack only.
If you want to play condi and swap a kit out, its the FT you should abandon, NOT the grenade kit or the bomb kit. If you keep using the HT you don’t need an EG for condi cleanse and you can go for HT, Nades, Bombs, Bulwark (or any other required utility) and any elite skill you like.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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