Condition Engineer

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.3645


Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


the +10 in inventions is a strange choice, you should go +10 into explosives to get +Condition Duration, and the trait “Incendiary Powder”. It gives you a chance to apply extra burning condition.

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


the +10 in inventions is a strange choice, you should go +10 into explosives to get +Condition Duration, and the trait “Incendiary Powder”. It gives you a chance to apply extra burning condition.

Agreed. I would also switch Elixir S with U as it allows you to really stack bleeding at the onset of a fight and switch Cleaning Formula with HGH to get 20 might each time you use a potion (which your build is using a lot). The effect also applies to your thrown elixirs, giving you an aoe buff. I also like supply crate for emergency escape situations.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Volte.9670


go with a precision/toughness/condition damage PvP necklace, and 6 runes of earth (for increased protection duration).

You should have around 50%ish crit without the fury from Elixir B, and a ton of protection uptime when being focused.

Ovadose – 80 Asura Engineer

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Your build is pretty similar to mine, except I use 20 in Firearms and 20 in Inventions. I also use Elixir R instead of C. I also prefer to use Carrion gear (Condition Damage, Power, Vitality) which gives you a lot of survivability.

You should also replace your pistol runes, as I’ll explain below, they are pretty worthless. Bleed is also the worst Engineer condition to increase the duration of, Burn does far more damage.

the +10 in inventions is a strange choice, you should go +10 into explosives to get +Condition Duration, and the trait “Incendiary Powder”. It gives you a chance to apply extra burning condition.

+10% condition duration does absolutely nothing to the Engineer P/P conditions.

Condition damage does damage in ticks. These ticks are once per second. In order to get more damage from duration, your condition duration increase must be equal to one second. This means an Engineer must increase their condition duration by 50% in order to see ONE additional tick of damage.

In order to see any additional damage at all, you must put 30 traits into explosives and equip condition duration runes. This is not worth it at all, you gain so, so much more damage by stacking condition damage instead of condition duration.

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

looks like a really solid build to me

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Would it be were stuped to go with 10 – 30 – 5 – 25 – 0 the 5 to get Low health Response System and 25 to get Energy Conversion Matrix?

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

“This means an Engineer must increase their condition duration by 50% in order to see ONE additional tick of damage.”

I feel this way too, but man, Incindery powder is just so good that Id pick up on any crit based build tbh just feels that good.

Condition Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

I actually usenweaponkits as the grenade kit, flamethrower and elixer gun too spam even more condtions. But your build looks good.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks