Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: Purecura.1795


I used to main a Mesmer, and I recently tried out their new updates and quite frankly IMO, Mesmers now have a variety of ways to build themselves to be effective combatants. Which is amazing!

However with Engi, I struggle to understand what build is worth using. Do Engis even have any good build diversity now?. I’ve been in PvP mostly and I tried making an Engi relying on kits. From grenades to using the Mortar. Cele rifle with hoelbrak runes. I seem to do “OK” on matches but I still feel like I’m not doing a lot of damage compared to other professions.

I’d like to play a full condi Engi, but besides using pistol/pistol, idk how else to build a condi Engi. I need help. I don’t wanna give up on Engi. Please.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

(edited by Purecura.1795)

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I also joined to engi bandwagon somewhat recently, but I’m a true multiclass main at heart.

With engineer theres a lot of different things you can do, and it honestly depends on the role you want. Grenades and Tool kit have been the staple kits on meta builds because they have the best offensive and defensive skills needed to do well in team fights. The elixer gun is a good weapon kit too, and its much stronger in 1v1s, which isn’t the focus of conquest, and it also needs alchemy to function. Bombs have some potential in more condition focused set ups, while I generally advice against flamethrower. The last utility should be something like slick shoes or elixer S.

So you want full condition engineer: you need rabid gear, pistol/x (although I prefer OH pistol now that burning is broken). For kits you pretty much need grenades, and then the other kit(s) depend on traitlines you take. If you go alchemy, take e-gun, if you take explosives, which is ideal with grenades, bombs is also good. Don’t underestimate slotting tool kit though because its really good at outplaying enemies and gives you a lot of options. Anyway grenades are needed because they’re AoE proc spam, which you’ll need to be efficient in team fights. Pistol/Pistol has amazing condition burst against single targets by contrast. Bombs have area denial and good condition pressure with shrapnel and the short fuse trait.

Also for condition, firearms is mandatory for incendiary powder and chemical rounds, which is pretty obvious, as well as the bleed on crit procs. Other than that balth runes, geomancy and torment/doom/energy sigils are good choices. So if you have explosives/firearms, you can do many things with the last traitline. I like inventions for bunker down and mecha legs and the heal turret reset, but its a bit more efficient in celestial, as is alechemy to an extent, which needs elixers/e-gun to be ideal. You could also go tools to counter thief teams but thats up to you.

Just keep in mind the weaknesses of rabid engi, namely other condition specs, so stay away from terrormancers and condition rangers, as condi ranger has more sustain than you and terrormancer can use your conditions and lack of cleanses to kill you, other than that its a pretty strong build, but will likely be weaker than celestial rifle.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


For cele rifle explosives(grenadier, aim-assisted rocket, siege rounds), inventions(automated medical response, mecha legs, bunker down), alchemy(protection injection, backpack regenerator, throw stimulant or hgh maybe if you prefer elixir gun over slick shoes). Intel and energy sigils. Vampirism rune still pretty strong.

Not sure about condition but probably firearms(instead of explosions) with chemical rounds, pinpoint distribution, incendiary powder with balthazar runes and rabid amulet.

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


rabid stats, stack burning traits, runes, sigils.

dont expect it to last long though..

(edited by Casia.4281)

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


It does seem a bit confusing, I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around an organized guild build for WvW. So far Inventions makes a lot of sense from a support stand point, it seems to have plenty of group utility with water fields and what not. That’s about as far I can get, the rest doesn’t seem to gel, other classes like Ele for example have lines that compliment their support or damage capabilities, maybe it’s just me but it seems they missed the boat on Engi in this regard.

Then again maybe I am just missing something.

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: Purecura.1795


I also joined to engi bandwagon somewhat recently, but I’m a true multiclass main at heart.

With engineer theres a lot of different things you can do, and it honestly depends on the role you want. Grenades and Tool kit have been the staple kits on meta builds because they have the best offensive and defensive skills needed to do well in team fights. The elixer gun is a good weapon kit too, and its much stronger in 1v1s, which isn’t the focus of conquest, and it also needs alchemy to function. Bombs have some potential in more condition focused set ups, while I generally advice against flamethrower. The last utility should be something like slick shoes or elixer S.

So you want full condition engineer: you need rabid gear, pistol/x (although I prefer OH pistol now that burning is broken). For kits you pretty much need grenades, and then the other kit(s) depend on traitlines you take. If you go alchemy, take e-gun, if you take explosives, which is ideal with grenades, bombs is also good. Don’t underestimate slotting tool kit though because its really good at outplaying enemies and gives you a lot of options. Anyway grenades are needed because they’re AoE proc spam, which you’ll need to be efficient in team fights. Pistol/Pistol has amazing condition burst against single targets by contrast. Bombs have area denial and good condition pressure with shrapnel and the short fuse trait.

Also for condition, firearms is mandatory for incendiary powder and chemical rounds, which is pretty obvious, as well as the bleed on crit procs. Other than that balth runes, geomancy and torment/doom/energy sigils are good choices. So if you have explosives/firearms, you can do many things with the last traitline. I like inventions for bunker down and mecha legs and the heal turret reset, but its a bit more efficient in celestial, as is alechemy to an extent, which needs elixers/e-gun to be ideal. You could also go tools to counter thief teams but thats up to you.

Just keep in mind the weaknesses of rabid engi, namely other condition specs, so stay away from terrormancers and condition rangers, as condi ranger has more sustain than you and terrormancer can use your conditions and lack of cleanses to kill you, other than that its a pretty strong build, but will likely be weaker than celestial rifle.

After reading this, you have cured my confusion by a lot. Thank you! Not only was your post easy to understand, it also has inspired me to take up my Alchemy pistols and go full force into condi with pride! I will focus on using Grenades, Tool kit, and E. gun, with mortar elite. I will swap out tool kit for bombs as well. Thank you once again for your advice.

Lv.80 Chronomancer (Mesmerist Palamecia)
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I also joined to engi bandwagon somewhat recently, but I’m a true multiclass main at heart.

With engineer theres a lot of different things you can do, and it honestly depends on the role you want. Grenades and Tool kit have been the staple kits on meta builds because they have the best offensive and defensive skills needed to do well in team fights. The elixer gun is a good weapon kit too, and its much stronger in 1v1s, which isn’t the focus of conquest, and it also needs alchemy to function. Bombs have some potential in more condition focused set ups, while I generally advice against flamethrower. The last utility should be something like slick shoes or elixer S.

So you want full condition engineer: you need rabid gear, pistol/x (although I prefer OH pistol now that burning is broken). For kits you pretty much need grenades, and then the other kit(s) depend on traitlines you take. If you go alchemy, take e-gun, if you take explosives, which is ideal with grenades, bombs is also good. Don’t underestimate slotting tool kit though because its really good at outplaying enemies and gives you a lot of options. Anyway grenades are needed because they’re AoE proc spam, which you’ll need to be efficient in team fights. Pistol/Pistol has amazing condition burst against single targets by contrast. Bombs have area denial and good condition pressure with shrapnel and the short fuse trait.

Also for condition, firearms is mandatory for incendiary powder and chemical rounds, which is pretty obvious, as well as the bleed on crit procs. Other than that balth runes, geomancy and torment/doom/energy sigils are good choices. So if you have explosives/firearms, you can do many things with the last traitline. I like inventions for bunker down and mecha legs and the heal turret reset, but its a bit more efficient in celestial, as is alechemy to an extent, which needs elixers/e-gun to be ideal. You could also go tools to counter thief teams but thats up to you.

Just keep in mind the weaknesses of rabid engi, namely other condition specs, so stay away from terrormancers and condition rangers, as condi ranger has more sustain than you and terrormancer can use your conditions and lack of cleanses to kill you, other than that its a pretty strong build, but will likely be weaker than celestial rifle.

After reading this, you have cured my confusion by a lot. Thank you! Not only was your post easy to understand, it also has inspired me to take up my Alchemy pistols and go full force into condi with pride! I will focus on using Grenades, Tool kit, and E. gun, with mortar elite. I will swap out tool kit for bombs as well. Thank you once again for your advice.

No problem! I think mortar is probably best for celestial or condition, but the long range poison fields are nice and so is the extra blast finisher. Supply crate will still be the go to elite, but toss elixer X has potential, even if the elixer itself has horrid RNG

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


first of all everything is bonkers right now and you shouldnt expect it to last. in pvp our build diversity right this moment is sucky because 2 things are currently op: hgh+eg and burning. like, actually op. bet on nerfs, and dont bet on the status quo. in addition, all the other classes are in as much flux as engi, and most of them received significant changes (buffs) from the condi changes and the trait overhauls, so theres a little bit of “wait for the dust to settle” in there too.

It does seem a bit confusing, I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around an organized guild build for WvW. So far Inventions makes a lot of sense from a support stand point, it seems to have plenty of group utility with water fields and what not. That’s about as far I can get, the rest doesn’t seem to gel, other classes like Ele for example have lines that compliment their support or damage capabilities, maybe it’s just me but it seems they missed the boat on Engi in this regard.

Then again maybe I am just missing something.

i logged on my zerging engi and specced:
inventions – amr, mecha, bunker
alchemy – prot inj, SRD, iron blooded
tools – reactive, lock on, gadgeteer

im not happy with bunker down as im currently in full soldier but i figure its kinda ok cuz i have fury when it matters and the other 2 dont interest me. im not a huge fan of kinetic battery because it requires an evade, so you can only use it as a response. the same is true of gadgeteer, but since i run heal turret/slicky/rocket boots/bomb/mortar, i have the gadgets to back it and slick shoes is (still) crazy effective in zergs. ive only really played her a little, and i have a cele set as well that i need to try. i hardly even got into any good fights.

but i do have to say that our capabilities in zergs are nerfed pretty hard with the absence of cloaking device. the target drop was so strong. i suppose it matters less in gvgs and against organized guilds, where everyone wont simply tab to the next target when you disappear.

and lemme tell ya, im feelin the ssrb nerf already.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions