Content fine, If my class worked properly....
Anet do not like this kind of demanding posts. You are bound to be heavily moderated. You are a brave engineer my friend.
I can not find words to express my rage and not brave enough.
You need to chill because the game is not just about you. Most of the recent profession changes are bug fixes. The only nerf for engineers are for grenade(which is overpowered) and it only affects PvP. A lot of the changes are also to fix problems in the Story missions which i can assume will affect your pve game.
And warriors/guardians aren’t as imbalanced as you think.
I think some engineer killed this Orion guy and humiliated him then he comes here trolling our class.
Orion’s main is an char engineer using bomb kit (previously elixir gun then turret). Secondary are Mesmer, Guardian, Necro then Thief. Grow up and learn to overcome your weaknesses instead of expecting people to make things easy just for you.
Edit: And nothing i said can be attributed to trolling kid. I’m here because i play as an engineer, even though i would never ask for engineers to be given any advantage.
(edited by Orion the Cursed.1206)
You must have pressed the right button lepri. Orions mad. Oh well. Hes right. We as engineers need to learn how to overcome obstacles by using abilities such as midair kit changing and underwater abilities even though we’re barely underwater Grow up guys seriously.
You must have pressed the right button lepri. Orions mad. Oh well. Hes right. We as engineers need to learn how to overcome obstacles by using abilities such as midair kit changing and underwater abilities even though we’re barely underwater
Grow up guys seriously.
Im under water quite frequently in wvw removing those quaggan powernodes with bombs but yea. The rest i agree with.
Profession isnt played as much → Lower priority to get (serious) bugs/stuff fixed. → Even less people play this professions → Even less priority to get (serious) bugs/stuff fixed.
You know you’re in deep kitten when they havent even fixed a trait that just gives 10% crit chance.
I just love the class.. Can’t part from it, but arenanet is making it really hard for me
Other classes own in PvP while the average engineer player can’t do a thing, otherwise then being bumped around by warriors and guardians if they are playing football…
The new bug fixes do not fix ANY of the problems. Not a single one. Just some minor crap, basically nerfs, turrets got buffed but they are still made of wool.
Why?! Arenanet why?! Does none of the Devs play engineer?!
“Orions mad”
Because its childish and pathetic. Look at all the class threads. “Oh, i play this class so it has to be better.” “Oh, i play this class so it cant be nerfed.” “Oh, i play this class so it deserves full attention.” If you are going to whine, complain and critique, at bring up real problems. Are you all saying Warriors go around “one-shotting” all of you? All classes are good at some things and bad at others. Engineers can be good in PvP as well as PvE, you just need to learn how to play more and whine less
we do not want to be all powerfull unbalanced op class. most of us only want our long missed 450 stats and sigils which other classes were enjoying for 3 months. This is not a buff its a fix and the important part is anet acknowledged it, however they are not that willing about it.
we do not want to be all powerfull unbalanced op class. most of us only want our long missed 450 stats and sigils which other classes were enjoying for 3 months. This is not a buff its a fix and the important part is anet acknowledged it, however they are not that willing about it.
I have to ask a question that’s been bothering me a bit. I know we don’t get stats and sigils from weapons but is this a bug or is it how it’s supposed to be (by vision of ArenaNet) ?
If you are talking about kits, do you realize that they are balanced so that without your weapon stats the do the same amount of damage as exotic? If they do give you your weapon stats, they MUST reduce the damage and increase the cooldown of the 5 skills. The kits might end up worst off. Grenade damage could be reduced by 50%. Your +100 power(and others) isn’t good enough to offset this. Have you played GW1? Ritualist ashes, also remove weapon stats and the ability to attack but in return they give abilities better than your standard weapon. I find no reason to complain as long as flamethrower/bomb/grenade/toolkit can do equal or greater damage (with bonus aoe) than an exotic rifle.
“Orions mad”
Because its childish and pathetic. Look at all the class threads. “Oh, i play this class so it has to be better.” “Oh, i play this class so it cant be nerfed.” “Oh, i play this class so it deserves full attention.” If you are going to whine, complain and critique, at bring up real problems. Are you all saying Warriors go around “one-shotting” all of you? All classes are good at some things and bad at others. Engineers can be good in PvP as well as PvE, you just need to learn how to play more and whine less
If it looks like a troll, quacks like a troll, and swims like a troll…. it’s probably a troll.
You play an Engineer and you think it’s fine? Good for you. You can leave then since this topic doesn’t affect you at all—be it praise or complaint.
I’m glad you are not bothered by Flamethrower missing when directly hitting the target and such other things. I’m glad you think others just “need to learn to play”. That a mature well thought out response.
Can I ask how you know how everyone is playing though? I’m curious where you got your mass of data to come to that conclusion.
Your generalizations and assumptions speak more about how you play, act, and think. So you saying “I play this class so it needs to be better” is speaking about you. Not the people here. Which is then curious as to why you are here…
There are a still a few builds out there that allow professions to use game mechanics to do extreme sustained damage. Those professions were not patched from doing those setups. Meanwhile, grenades got a speed boost and pvp nerf. Engineers aren’t complained about for a reason—no one worries about our burst. So kitten for tat, Engineers got left behind in the curve.
No one cares about a 10-15% reduction in damage on one kit. They care that nothing else was addressed in the months of reports asking for fixes and quality changes, except one kit. It was mediocre and less than expected. Especially since there were supposed to be “pages” of Engineer issues addressed.
we do not want to be all powerfull unbalanced op class. most of us only want our long missed 450 stats and sigils which other classes were enjoying for 3 months. This is not a buff its a fix and the important part is anet acknowledged it, however they are not that willing about it.
I have to ask a question that’s been bothering me a bit. I know we don’t get stats and sigils from weapons but is this a bug or is it how it’s supposed to be (by vision of ArenaNet) ?
Its not a bug but for engineers, as i said, kits are still better even without their stats. The down side is:
1. less customization
2. No motivation to spend gold to get exotic gear
If you are talking about kits, do you realize that they are balanced so that without your weapon stats the do the same amount of damage as exotic? If they do give you your weapon stats, they MUST reduce the damage and increase the cooldown of the 5 skills. The kits might end up worst off. Grenade damage could be reduced by 50%. Your +100 power(and others) isn’t good enough to offset this. Have you played GW1? Ritualist ashes, also remove weapon stats and the ability to attack but in return they give abilities better than your standard weapon. I find no reason to complain as long as flamethrower/bomb/grenade/toolkit can do equal or greater damage (with bonus aoe) than an exotic rifle.
Kits do flat damage based on level. That is the only part that is true. The rest is just… made up.
If kits were influenced by stats, damage would not lower. That doesn’t even make sense (nor does cooldown). They’d be tuned to the stats and sigil procs.
The lvl 80 exotic Rifle has 5 skills. Those 5 skills do not do the same damage for all Engineers. Some Engineers do more damage cause they have more power. The max amount of power and boons and precision will determine how high the rifle can go in damage—which few will reach. What players do on average determines base damage.
By tuning kits to stats and sigils, it allows them to scale in damage based on stat choices, boons, and procs. It allows lower damage and higher damage. It allows us control in our builds. Engineers don’t jump out and let loose with burst damage. They jump out and let loose with sustained damage.
GW1 didn’t give you a weapon set of skills for carrying ashes. It gave you 1 skill to carry around for an effect and to drop for another effect. That was the trade off—weapon or effects. You didn’t need weapon damage because Spirits were attacking for you. Completely different.
In group play, players can stack boons with each other and scale their damage. The Engineer is flat.
“Orions mad”
Because its childish and pathetic. Look at all the class threads. “Oh, i play this class so it has to be better.” “Oh, i play this class so it cant be nerfed.” “Oh, i play this class so it deserves full attention.” If you are going to whine, complain and critique, at bring up real problems. Are you all saying Warriors go around “one-shotting” all of you? All classes are good at some things and bad at others. Engineers can be good in PvP as well as PvE, you just need to learn how to play more and whine less
If it looks like a troll, quacks like a troll, and swims like a troll…. it’s probably a troll.
You play an Engineer and you think it’s fine? Good for you. You can leave then since this topic doesn’t affect you at all—be it praise or complaint.
I’m glad you are not bothered by Flamethrower missing when directly hitting the target and such other things. I’m glad you think others just “need to learn to play”. That a mature well thought out response.
Can I ask how you know how everyone is playing though? I’m curious where you got your mass of data to come to that conclusion.
Your generalizations and assumptions speak more about how you play, act, and think. So you saying “I play this class so it needs to be better” is speaking about you. Not the people here. Which is then curious as to why you are here…
There are a still a few builds out there that allow professions to use game mechanics to do extreme sustained damage. Those professions were not patched from doing those setups. Meanwhile, grenades got a speed boost and pvp nerf. Engineers aren’t complained about for a reason—no one worries about our burst. So kitten for tat, Engineers got left behind in the curve.
No one cares about a 10-15% reduction in damage on one kit. They care that nothing else was addressed in the months of reports asking for fixes and quality changes, except one kit. It was mediocre and less than expected. Especially since there were supposed to be “pages” of Engineer issues addressed.
So anybody who doesn’t complain or leave is a troll? Every professions has complaints. You just have selective hearing (or reading). But no, you right in your claim that this profession is the only one with “pages” of issues. Its not like the story bugs are more serious. Have you considered that the devs have looked at your “pages” of complains and find them trivial?
P.S. You do realize the flamethrower issue is just the visual right? I can miss a target with my rifle even though I’m standing about 2 meters from them. In fact can rarely hit objects like blockades with any melee. These are issues with the system and are not exclusive to engineers.
“Kits do flat damage based on level. That is the only part that is true. The rest is just… made up.”
what about your condition damage? Critical? Armor? etc? To balance the bonuses they would have to nerf all kits to balance the stats given by your weapons. Are you seriously arguing that you should get bonuses from weapons you are no longer holding?
“The lvl 80 exotic Rifle has 5 skills. Those 5 skills do not do the same damage for all Engineers. Some Engineers do more damage cause they have more power. The max amount of power and boons and precision will determine how high the rifle can go in damage—which few will reach. What players do on average determines base damage.”
I’m using full carrion gear with 30 explosives and a rare lvl 80 rifle. My bombs still do much more sustained damage to a single target. Rifles need power to do more damage, Kits need traits. You don’t hear me complaining that my +300 power from explosives are useless.
“By tuning kits to stats and sigils, it allows them to scale in damage based on stat choices, boons, and procs. It allows lower damage and higher damage. It allows us control in our builds. Engineers don’t jump out and let loose with burst damage. They jump out and let loose with sustained damage.”
Yes, customization. This is one of the disadvantages of Kits. But its far from making them useless as some claim.
“GW1 didn’t give you a weapon set of skills for carrying ashes. It gave you 1 skill to carry around for an effect and to drop for another effect. That was the trade off—weapon or effects. You didn’t need weapon damage because Spirits were attacking for you. Completely different. "
What makes you think that everyone can summon spirits? My point is you lose the weapon and focus bonuses when you summon the ashes.
“In group play, players can stack boons with each other and scale their damage. The Engineer is flat.”
What do you mean by engineers can’t stack boons?
It’s not that i have no complaints (Such as i think every profession needs more Elites) but most complaints are about wanting something and threatening to quit otherwise. For example i think fixing the bugs in story mode, deterring botters, more pvp variety, and more lvl 80 areas are more important than giving engineer more weapon choices.
what about your condition damage? Critical? Armor? etc? To balance the bonuses they would have to nerf all kits to balance the stats given by your weapons. Are you seriously arguing that you should get bonuses from weapons you are no longer holding?
Right, because kits are so OP in SPvP.
Kits aren’t useless, they are just sub-par to what they should be. With the sole exception being grenades.
“Orions mad”
Because its childish and pathetic. Look at all the class threads. “Oh, i play this class so it has to be better.” “Oh, i play this class so it cant be nerfed.” “Oh, i play this class so it deserves full attention.” If you are going to whine, complain and critique, at bring up real problems. Are you all saying Warriors go around “one-shotting” all of you? All classes are good at some things and bad at others. Engineers can be good in PvP as well as PvE, you just need to learn how to play more and whine less
If it looks like a troll, quacks like a troll, and swims like a troll…. it’s probably a troll.
You play an Engineer and you think it’s fine? Good for you. You can leave then since this topic doesn’t affect you at all—be it praise or complaint.
I’m glad you are not bothered by Flamethrower missing when directly hitting the target and such other things. I’m glad you think others just “need to learn to play”. That a mature well thought out response.
Can I ask how you know how everyone is playing though? I’m curious where you got your mass of data to come to that conclusion.
Your generalizations and assumptions speak more about how you play, act, and think. So you saying “I play this class so it needs to be better” is speaking about you. Not the people here. Which is then curious as to why you are here…
There are a still a few builds out there that allow professions to use game mechanics to do extreme sustained damage. Those professions were not patched from doing those setups. Meanwhile, grenades got a speed boost and pvp nerf. Engineers aren’t complained about for a reason—no one worries about our burst. So kitten for tat, Engineers got left behind in the curve.
No one cares about a 10-15% reduction in damage on one kit. They care that nothing else was addressed in the months of reports asking for fixes and quality changes, except one kit. It was mediocre and less than expected. Especially since there were supposed to be “pages” of Engineer issues addressed.
So anybody who doesn’t complain or leave is a troll? Every professions has complaints. You just have selective hearing (or reading). But no, you right in your claim that this profession is the only one with “pages” of issues. Its not like the story bugs are more serious. Have you considered that the devs have looked at your “pages” of complains and find them trivial?
P.S. You do realize the flamethrower issue is just the visual right? I can miss a target with my rifle even though I’m standing about 2 meters from them. In fact can rarely hit objects like blockades with any melee. These are issues with the system and are not exclusive to engineers.
I do not think a bunch of broken traits are “a minor problem”. Together with the weaponstats. Weaponkits are what our class is build around. Not only that, if we complain (and many do) Arenanet should listen. A game is real democracy, if the devs stop listening we leave.
I felt like a bunch of you guys early on, I got killed easily early on, but the engineer has a wide variety of skills and as you try different combinations you’ll learn to do better.
If you stand still a thief or a warrior has the ability to kill you nearly instantly. An engineer has a number of escapes from being slaughtered quickly, if you don’t dodge you’re dead. Elixir R is GREAT for survavability, it breaks stuns and refills your endurance, you have the ability to dodge 4 times in a row, that’s actually a long time to not be hit while having your opponent burn through their biggest hitters.
Grenades in WvW… people seem to dodge those pretty quickly, I’m good with the 10% nerf while speeding them up so we have a better chance to actually hit them. To me the only times grenades really worked were catching people/groups off guard or in situaitons where people need to be in a certain area(attacking and defending).
Like I said, early on with engineer I didn’t think it could hold up, it seemed very weak… but after trying different things, different builds, different ways to attack with it I absolutely love the class. I will also say this… I do change tatics when alone(for survivablity in 1 on 1 attacks) then I do with a small or large group.
BTW… on Granades not being tabbed tageting… if you had tabbed targetting you wouldn’t be able to throw granades ahead of fleaing targets in WvW. What a wonder thing it is to slow up 2-3 people running, put poison and fire damage on them and then help burn them down with a flamethrower. People don’t have unlimited dodging. Just bind autorun to your mouse scroll button and while chasing them target ahead of them and fire away!
meanwhile warriors can still one shot enemies with rifle and have multishots, guardians can stack buffs, eles were given buffs on their weapons when equipped, yet engi rifles don’t have multishots, the toolbelt healing abilities turret and pots do not stack and are all the same regen buff (cept #5 EG), and kits not only don’t buff but they don’t scale with the equipped items.
I will say this argument is being very selective in how it is looking at this patch. Here, you are notiing the buffs to other classes, but completely disregard any nerfs that happen on those same classes. I main an engineer, but I am a self-admitted alt-aholic, and some of the things that you are pointing out here ignore both the buffs to engineers (some turret improvements, admittedly small, among other things) but very much focus on the bonuses to other classes while completely ignoring some of the real hits they have taken (eles might have gotten a buff to conjured weapons, but took a big nerf with evasive arcana). I understand that you want the engineer to be better than what it is, and admittedly, we have some decided weaknesses compared to certain other classes. But as far as I can see, we are nowhere near in the worst shape, and while I’m looking forward to adjustments, I can see that they have a lot to do on a large number of classes.
Glance around the other classes forums, very few are shouting “hooray!” for this patch, and yet to read this particular message, it looks like engineers who are the only ones dissapointed.
And I am dissapointed, mind you, but I also am trying to keep a certain amount of perspective involved :-). I try to recognize that while there are certain classes that are in better shape than us, that there are still a few that very much could use some more help :p
Blah, that’s enough out of me for a bit.
(edited by Coyote.7416)
meanwhile warriors can still one shot enemies with rifle and have multishots, guardians can stack buffs, eles were given buffs on their weapons when equipped, yet engi rifles don’t have multishots, the toolbelt healing abilities turret and pots do not stack and are all the same regen buff (cept #5 EG), and kits not only don’t buff but they don’t scale with the equipped items.
I will say this argument is being very selective in how it is looking at this patch. Here, you are notiing the buffs to other classes, but completely disregard any nerfs that happen on those same classes. I main an engineer, but I am a self-admitted alt-aholic, and some of the things that you are pointing out here ignore both the buffs to engineers (some turret improvements, admittedly small, among other things) but very much focus on the bonuses to other classes while completely ignoring some of the real hits they have taken (eles might have gotten a buff to conjured weapons, but took a big nerf with evasive arcana). I understand that you want the engineer to be better than what it is, and admittedly, we have some decided weaknesses compared to certain other classes. But as far as I can see, we are nowhere near in the worst shape, and while I’m looking forward to adjustments, I can see that they have a lot to do on a large number of classes.
Glance around the other classes forums, very few are shouting “hooray!” for this patch, and yet to read this particular message, it looks like engineers who are the only ones dissapointed.
And I am dissapointed, mind you, but I also am trying to keep a certain amount of perspective involved :-). I try to recognize that while there are certain classes that are in better shape than us, that there are still a few that very much could use some help :p
Blah, that’s enough out of me for a bit.
Yeah, I think rangers got shafted more than us.
The developers hinted good things were in store for us, but for rangers they outright told them they had things to look forward to, and their notes were similar to ours.
Still, this patch makes me really question what ArenaNet is doing behind the scenes, because at the front it looks really bad.
Hope they step their game up soon.
Okay let me just say that I do not in any way PVP, I’ve hated it since my first days in any mmo which was years ago. This is not a post telling them how to run their game, they can do what they want. BUT I’m telling them to expect big consequences for their actions if they don’t listen to their players needs (like a mass exodus away from all things Anet which is coming if they make people mad enough), and that’s exactly what’s happening here.
more and more since launch they have yet to fix bugs that have been in there since BWE3 and yes I’ve reported them in the proper ways and sent them support tickets on many of them and reported them here. Yet the second content patch is out and they STILL aren’t fixed.
I’m not asking for much, just that when I am literally covering enemies either in fire or chemical weapons that it doesn’t say miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss just because the enemy moved a milimeter to the left even tho the view is still in the middle of my screen.
I’m asking for things like my shots actually going off while dodging instead of stopping entirely, my other classes do NOT have this issue, their abilities go off no matter if I’m dodging or not.
I’m asking for consistency. Kits need to scale with gear, they need to give us buffs when equipped appropriate to the kit we equip, they need to be effected by runes we have equipped to the only weapon we have on hand (because we don’t switch like other classes we can’t). Or how the poison shot sometimes just misses for no reason…the bullets just trail off somewhere else mysteriously….hmm
I’m asking for a viable melee weapon option.
These aren’t rocket science and they aren’t requests to make my character OP or better then any other classes, they are fixes so the class actually functions properly and to bring back the fun, because it’s not fun if you are only aggrivatingly having problems killing enemies because your weaponkits all have bugs. That’s all this post is about. That and they need to listen to us because with each new patch more and more is being ignored, problems they know about that’s been in there since before the launch.
I’ve been one of the biggest advocates for this title, the very LEAST they could do for their customers ALL their customers is fix the bugs. AND yes they did promise they would address the targeting issues of ALL classes. ALL includes engineers you know.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
And that argument is much, much more reasonable (though I won’t be part of the max exodus anytime soon).
Here’s hoping they catch some more of those nasty bugs :-p
Extremely disappointed by such a lack luster patch that covers none of the areas I think are actually important for our class. Having previously been really excited for this ‘30points of engineer fixes patch’… I’m now feeling very little motivation to log in.
“Orions mad”
Because its childish and pathetic. Look at all the class threads. “Oh, i play this class so it has to be better.” “Oh, i play this class so it cant be nerfed.” “Oh, i play this class so it deserves full attention.” If you are going to whine, complain and critique, at bring up real problems. Are you all saying Warriors go around “one-shotting” all of you? All classes are good at some things and bad at others. Engineers can be good in PvP as well as PvE, you just need to learn how to play more and whine less
If it looks like a troll, quacks like a troll, and swims like a troll…. it’s probably a troll.
You play an Engineer and you think it’s fine? Good for you. You can leave then since this topic doesn’t affect you at all—be it praise or complaint.
I’m glad you are not bothered by Flamethrower missing when directly hitting the target and such other things. I’m glad you think others just “need to learn to play”. That a mature well thought out response.
Can I ask how you know how everyone is playing though? I’m curious where you got your mass of data to come to that conclusion.
Your generalizations and assumptions speak more about how you play, act, and think. So you saying “I play this class so it needs to be better” is speaking about you. Not the people here. Which is then curious as to why you are here…
There are a still a few builds out there that allow professions to use game mechanics to do extreme sustained damage. Those professions were not patched from doing those setups. Meanwhile, grenades got a speed boost and pvp nerf. Engineers aren’t complained about for a reason—no one worries about our burst. So kitten for tat, Engineers got left behind in the curve.
No one cares about a 10-15% reduction in damage on one kit. They care that nothing else was addressed in the months of reports asking for fixes and quality changes, except one kit. It was mediocre and less than expected. Especially since there were supposed to be “pages” of Engineer issues addressed.
So anybody who doesn’t complain or leave is a troll? Every professions has complaints. You just have selective hearing (or reading). But no, you right in your claim that this profession is the only one with “pages” of issues. Its not like the story bugs are more serious. Have you considered that the devs have looked at your “pages” of complains and find them trivial?
P.S. You do realize the flamethrower issue is just the visual right? I can miss a target with my rifle even though I’m standing about 2 meters from them. In fact can rarely hit objects like blockades with any melee. These are issues with the system and are not exclusive to engineers.
You do realize that the missing objects issues was claimed to be fixed across the board in this patch right and has nothing to do with single shot weapons. This FT/EG issue has been in there since BWE3 which I played in. And NO it doesn’t happen because they are on my side, it happens when they take 1 step to the left 1 step, that’s not a dodge roll or a running off at high speeds or anything like that, it’s 1 step. It’s wrong for them to promise to fix something then ignore entirely.