Deployable Turrets Still Broke after 155 days
Agreed. This skill still being broken is…kind of hilariously stupid, honestly. I hope they get it fixed in one of the other patches of this set, but I kind of doubt they will.
Also Elite Supplies and Mortar. Broke since.. forever. I don’t think it even worked in BWEs.
Yeah, but that one’s at least maybe just that they keep forgetting to update the description, since Rifled Turret Barrels is increasing Mortar range. Deployable Turrets just straight-up doesn’t work right.
At this point, I’m starting to think they don’t know how to fix it. Whoever they have working on classes is incapable of figuring out what code is causing it not to work and has just shelved it until such a time as someone more knowledgeable can come give their input.
At this point, I’m starting to think they don’t know how to fix it. Whoever they have working on classes is incapable of figuring out what code is causing it not to work and has just shelved it until such a time as someone more knowledgeable can come give their input.
Either this or turrets aren’t very important and the devs would rather prioritize on balancing our more vital broken skills. Like how they fixed Super Elixir right away when it broke
The thing is that Deployable Turrets works fine in SPvP, so why can’t they make it work in PvE? Why even mention them at all in the patch notes if they aren’t going to fix it?
there’s still issues with what they said they fixed, cone attacks still miss tho now it’s 40% of the time rather then 60% like it was, discharge still flies all over the place unless you only use certain kits or gadgets missing, the AOE’s from kit refinement are completely useless (they all need to be combo fields please), and the animations for many of our abilities slow our abilities and affect our damage output still even with the increase. (jumpshot, pistol shots)