Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
Designed build limitations
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
I don’t know whether they’re by design or a mistake, but I hope they make them work.
Kits, I ’unno. I never use ’em. I use turrets. Lots of turrets.
My turrets go down when something looks at them too hard, deal embarrassing damage, have long cooldowns and, on top of all that, have buggy traits and inaccurate tooltips. I don’t even want full scaling like a player does, but anything, any kind of improvement would be nice, even if it’s 10% of the player’s bonuses or something.
Haven’t leveled engineer to 80 yet, so I’m not sure about endgame. At the moment, I find the flamethrower usable but not really worthwhile for any sake but having a flamethrower. Thumper turrets can be handy. Other turrets suck. Especially the rifle one – that thing would be pathetic even with twice the ROF it has now.
Honestly, I feel like they’re going to end up like my charzooka ‘elite’ racial on my warrior – that is, outclassed in every way by the rifle; a novelty that wastes the place signet of rage could be.
About the tooltips, I noticed that condition duration on those turret tooltips are changed when adding condition damage. Gives me hope.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime