Dev comment
Hey, I know you want acknowledgement from the devs, but from personal experience, just stop. Threads like these are exactly what prevents them from commenting in the first place, because they know when any mis-conveyed, written, or read information is usually going to result in negative feedback and used against them.
Hey, I know you want acknowledgement from the devs, but from personal experience, just stop. Threads like these are exactly what prevents them from commenting in the first place, because they know when any mis-conveyed, written, or read information is usually going to result in negative feedback and used against them.
This times a 1000, nice to see someone gets it.
Constant whining about devs aint going to open communications with them.
Just noticed the last time a dev commented on this forum was 22 days ago.Wasnt much help either.
I think that last post was accompanied by a massive nerf, so yeh I am fine with no posts lol.
Devs don’t really post in profession forums. I’m sure if you searched the other professions’ subforums, most of them would be more than 22 days since the last dev post. As others have explained, it’s probably best that way. Although I do wish they would read the stickied bug lists.
They usually post in forums more frequently right after the monthly patches when they got a small room for a break. Right now they’re still working hard
Last dev post about engis was in…Thief forums! But yeah that was about nefing 100nades also so Im good with no dev responses here, just more communication behind their direction would be good.
Quit noticing things or people will whine at you about being a whiner!
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
Who cares, NOTHING will change if they comment here or not. If you want to know how clueless they are when it comes to our class, watch the streams. End. Of. Story.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well, they don’t even comment in the bugs section regarding engineers anyway. I had done a thread about the missing super elixir buff (or either, wrong patch notes) and it got completely ignored. I was even infracted for bumping it, and still it hadn’t got a reply for a dev (at least to correct the patch notes…it gives false informations about the class, after all).
This is the thread, by the way.