Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
(edited by Moderator)
I have heard the sentiment enough times now that performing our many available combos requires sommat like “keyboard calisthenics,” making us unwieldy to use efficiently.
Yet, many times I also see in threads where folks refer to their combos (utilities in particular) in terms of keys six through zero.
Certainly, if you are reaching all the way to nine or zero, you are having a difficult time with your keyed abilities.
That said, since many people do in fact rebind their keys, these refernces are often just to maintain perspective on the hotbar.
Given the complex nature of the engineer, then, this thread is to discuss keybind layouts so that new players on the forum (or to the game in general) are not dissuaded by the nay-saying of some members that our profession is overwhelming and unwieldy when a well constructed key layout will vastly improve your keyed efficiency.
I don’t like moving my hand much while I play, so my keybinds are as follows:
F slots are bound F1 through F4, with secondary binds of Z, X, C, V.
Weapons skills are bound 1 through 5.
Utilities (7 to 9) are bound E, R, T.
Healing is bound G and H (for accidental miskey during frenetic combat)
Elite Utility is bound to Q.
This allows my left hand to remain reasonably stationary while manipulating my kits and utilities. I’ve been considering shifting my “F” interaction default somewhere else so that i can move my heal a little bit closer, but the F strike to talk, loot, etc is a decades old keybind and a hard habit to change and get used to.
I am also considering shifting the Z through X secondaries to X throigh B, as Z can get cramped while manipulating the camera.
So, what other sorts of key binds do you all use to maximize your play efficiency?
(edited by Moderator)
I share these with you
F slots are bound F1 through F4, with secondary binds of Z, X, C, V,
Weapons skills are bound 1 through 5.
Utilities (7 to 9) are bound E, R, T.
but use Q as my heal and Shift for my Elite
Looks like genius engineer minds think alike
Naga mouse does a lot.
Personally I have very clumsy fingers so I’m not comfortable with using shift + X and I must have the important skills accessible easily.
1-6 for weapon skills and heal on naga mouse.
1-4 for utility and elite on key board
for F skills I use e,r,c,v.
Q dodge
G is jump
Space is weapon swap
w,as,d rergular movement keys
This might not be the most efficient keybinding, and I know most long time gamers use shift, but I just can’t navigate my fingers as some, and I found this working great for me. I had very hard time using f1-f4 until I changed to e,r,c,v.
(edited by paleeshi.1924)
Ill share mine too:
Weapon skills 1-5 are bound to f, g, x, c, v respectively
I put my kits (skills 7,8) on q and e
My utility (skill 9 , I switch this around depending on the situation) is shift + g
Heal is shift + f
Elite is the 5 key
Tool Belt skills (F1-4) are bound where the weapon skills used to be 1-4
I bound the ‘use’ (F key) to ‘t’
And I use the 180 button ‘r’ quite often
listens in, has Logitech G600 and using Default Keybinds
I have 5-10 and F1-F4 on my mouse.
G9-> Healing skill
G10 -> 7 slot
G11 -> Elite (it’s the easiest button to access)
G12-G13 -> 8 and 9 Utility
G15-16 -> F1 and F2
G18-19 -> F3 and F4
and… Mouse 3 is dodge.
Ill share mine too:
Weapon skills 1-5 are bound to f, g, x, c, v respectively
I put my kits (skills 7,8) on q and e
My utility (skill 9 , I switch this around depending on the situation) is shift + g
Heal is shift + f
Elite is the 5 key
Tool Belt skills (F1-4) are bound where the weapon skills used to be 1-4
I bound the ’use’ (F key) to ’t’
And I use the 180 button ’r’ quite often
whoa crazy.
this is precisely what I wanted to see, variants. Control is about perspective, and how we interface dramatically alters how we transfer our thoughts in to the game.
One unique thing to GW (and champions online) is a compressed "action" style control vs the traditional EQ mould of 30+ commands.
So, I would also like to ask everyone:
what difficulties do/did you encounter with the key functionality and why did you make the alterations you’ve resorted to?
(P.S. edit: for example, in shooters, I actually used to rebind jump strafes and duck to "m" "," "." and "/" with mouse control for forward back, jumping with thumb key so that I could more effectively pull off rocket jump combos in quake and jump like a fiend in heretic ii, took me *years* to go back to WASD in mmos)
(P.P.S. then, *do* you use WASD?)
(edited by nakoda.4213)
So, I would also like to ask everyone:
what difficulties do/did you encounter with the key functionality and why did you make the alterations you’ve resorted to?
I think no matter how you choose to bind, the answer is accessibility, which is also highly personal.
So, I would also like to ask everyone:
what difficulties do/did you encounter with the key functionality and why did you make the alterations you’ve resorted to?
I think no matter how you choose to bind, the answer is accessibility, which is also highly personal.
does the question not behoove you to make a personal subjective reply? because that’s what I’m after.
So, I would also like to ask everyone:
what difficulties do/did you encounter with the key functionality and why did you make the alterations you’ve resorted to?
I think no matter how you choose to bind, the answer is accessibility, which is also highly personal.
does the question not behoove you to make a personal subjective reply? because that’s what I’m after.
Well I think I already answered the question partially in my very first.
But I guess it had a bit to do with my bf, since he tough me how to use the key binding more efficiently. Secondly, I changed it so I could access the keys more easily without moving my hand too much. 6—0 on key board is just too far off. Same goes for F1-F4, it really slowed down my reaction time to a point that I realized i couldn’t play efficiently enough. It was my last important keybindings that I changed.
7 and 8=2 thumb buttons on my razer mouse
9=pressing down on mousewheel
I left 1 untouched because autoattack means I never really need to push it.
toolbelt skills are z,x,c,v
I use regular 1-5 and f1-f4. 6 to 0 are bound to mouse buttons.
well, as an example, i am a word nerd (on my mobile now soz for typoes),
as such, for me, letter association works well for me (R foe elixer R, T for turret, H for heal, etc as examples), but like i mentioned above, H can be far away, so I added G because of miskeys, and may move it to F, or even Q like CH-CH-CH-Choops (i said soz for typoes! kekeke) has, and move the elite to G or H because it gets used less frequently.
(edited by nakoda.4213)
For me, I like to have all similar types of abilities grouped together. This started in WoW and followed me here, so that way I can look at the screen and at least know what general area the hotkey I’m looking for is located in. Obviously, that isn’t as much as a problem with the skills being much less numerous here, but it’s just how I’ve always played MMO’s. It’s Choops btw lol
I tend to focus mostly on Engineer and Mesmer, and both extensively use the F-keys. I had to rebind them.
One thing I’ve noticed is that Engineer and Mesmer utilities were, for the most part, not often an emergency-use skill. However, often they are with the case of Elixir-R and Decoy and such. Therefore, I rebound my utilities to F1, F2, F3. The “use-in-case-of-emergency” skill is almost always F1.
As for the toolbelt skills, they are Q, E, R, and V. Q being my F1 heal toolbelt skill works well with Tab being the heal utility skill. Not much of a mentality shift when you stop being an engineer. Additionally, having the often-used mesmer Mind Wrack being Q is useful. As for Engineer, spamming Tab for the heal utility works great during jumping puzzles when you have Speedy Kits and want to spam Med Kit.
Toolbelt skills E and R are usually offensive (grenade barrage, throw wrench, etc) and toolbelt skill V is usually defensive (healing mist, throw elixir, etc). Corresponds with mesmer shatter skills rather well.
Elite is F4 and the far key on my mouse. You don’t use this skill often, and rarely in case of emergency.
For the sake of mobility:
Z for descend in water.
X for 180 degree turn (GW1 crossover)
C for target closest enemy (GW1 crossover)
Mouse Thumb button for dodge roll
After spamming grenades for so long, I’ve gotten used to reaching for the weapon skill keys being 1-5, so no rebinding there.
Do note that during the GW2Guru interview today, they mentioned that character-specific keybinds are “on the backburner”. They’ve been considering this for a year now.
Keys: whatever suits you.
Mouse: wheel press for look back (Really NEED THAT ONE)
back button for dodge
forward button for crucial timing skills (like grenade barrage/burst warrior)
Biggest upgrade to the default scheme is to shift the movement keys 1 key over to the right, IMO… My partner in 2s for WoW arena showed me this waayyy back around season 2, and I’ve done this for every MMO ever since. So… ESDF for movement.
A= dodge
X= look backward
Shift+X = about face (don’t really use this at all anymore. Easier just to mouse turn)
C= weapon swap
space = jump
~= vent
B= Interact (loot, stomp, talk, ect. This is a biggie)
Shift+T= call target
H = switch to called target
1= T
2= G
3= V
4= Q
5= Z
F1-F4 moved down to 1-4
Utilities, heal, and elite on the mouse (16 button mouse, but I prefer using mouselook to move in tight situations and letting my left hand control the bulk of the skills)
I’d like to move the menu key down to a more accessible hotkey for skill cancels, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.
Still have 13 buttons on the mouse free + a ton of shift modifiers to work with, but I have just about everything that I could possibly need in easy to reach places already.
I use R, Z and X for my utility skills and C for my elite.
Healing skill is in Alt.
Everything close to the movement keys and works nicely for me.
I LOVE my setup – but my old roommate (I’m married now) can’t seem to grasp it when he comes over.
I’m using this sort of keyboard: [See attached photo]
1-6 are a little closer than normal, and 7-11 are right above them. So I leave the 1-10 keybinds alone, since they are already convenient to hit. Now, for my toolbelt skills, I’m using a Logitech mouse with several additional buttons. My F1 is top thumb, F2 is bottom thumb, F3 is scroll wheel left, F4 is scroll wheel right. Dodge is thumb middle. I rebound the ‘use’ key (normally F) to C, because I can never seem to hit F without hitting other buttons, and as you can see in the photo, C is right by my little space bar. Inventory is B, push to talk is V for all my VOIPs.
I bound weapon switch to 11 (-) because ` isn’t on the gamepad.
I just remembered hearing about using EADG over WASD
There’s more room to “weave” buttons between your movement keys there…
i uswd to use a wolfking that was similar, but i didnt lile that you cpuld not rebind it’s layout.
i am not a fan of these billion button mice. thats whay keyboards are/were for.
its like the difference between QWERTY and T9 on a mobile.
I use the Logitech g600:
Skills moved to the mouse’ thumb buttons. F1-F4 moved down to 1-4 for easier access, the far-right mouse button the “select nearest target” button, and middle mouse for Dodge. Works like a charm, and even leaves you with a few buttons left over to play around with.
Naga Mouse
Weapon Skills, Heal, Utility, Elite all on the Mouse
Swap weapon Mouse
Movement WASD
F1-F4 is now QECV
I like clicking personally. It’s fast.
When I played as a grenadier engineer, I had A and D set at strafe, Z and C as turning, X as a 180 turn. I didn’t have problems with 6-0 binds.
When I began playing ranger I got a bit lazy, set 7-9 to Z, X, C and 0 to F (didn’t bind it to V as to not hit it by accident when using C, plus it was already my dodge key).
I always had Q bound to weapon holstering, E — use, R — autorun and T for tracking marked target.
(edited by VakarisJ.5619)
I have set dodge to my left shift button, but I hate that I can’t rebind shift-click. Other than that, not much.
I just remembered hearing about using EADG over WASD
There’s more room to “weave” buttons between your movement keys there…
not EADG, but ESDF (it’s just moved WASD to the right) that way u get keys like AQW free for skills and if ur used to WASD u will get used to this without problem .
Necromancer here.
I have 1 as mousewheel button, 2-5 as 2-5, ERF for 7-9, Q for healing, F1-F4 for F1-F4, shift for dodge, V for action, 1 for weapon swap, and B for Epic (seeing as its a long cooldown).
I like having the auto-attack on the mouse wheel, as I find direct clicking sometimes targets things I don’t want to target, and especially with DeathShroud, autoattack can stop without losing the target. Shift is dodge, as the timing for dodge is crucial, and I want a large key I can easily strike.
I may move F1-F4 down to Z-V, as this thread suggests. My F keys are currently the main thing that I do not like with this setup. (That and water, as right now, my swim down key is alt, which is awkward)
I have two unused mouse buttons right now. Debating setting weapon swap and dodge to these, or jump and swim down. Haven’t decided yet.
Here are mine:
F slots: Shift + 1,2,3,4.
Weapon Skills: 1-4 and G instead of 5
Heal: X
Utility Slots: Q,E,R and T Elite.
Dodge: V
I never understood how clickers could even play properly,and just by looking at the screenshots posted on the forums,there seems to be a whole lot of them.
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