Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Olin.2649


This thread is coming from a (still) leveling engineer. I’m solid in understanding the mechanics of the class for the most part, as it’s very similar to other role’s I’ve had in previous games. However, the Engineer is probably the most multifaceted class I’ve ever seen personally.

Does anyone else have issues settling in? I have never been a spec hopper until this character. But I’ve done Rifles/Gadgets, Kit oriented builds, Pistols/Potions, Turrets… I can’t decide, so I am hoping maybe other preferred styles from my peers here can spark my mind.

I’m not looking for THE answer, I just simply am curious of different pros/cons people have run into playing with a certain build.

Care to discuss?

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Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I see this point as one of the major pro’s to being an engineer. If I found the answer I’d eventually get bored, playing the same thing day after day. Instead, I can play all of those variations, changing every couple weeks to keep it fresh or even to fill a spot in a group. Say you’ve been running grenades for a while but you’re heading into a dungeon with some guildies who are also just dps zerkers. Well, you can change to a support build quite easily. And celestial gear has made it even easier.

So my answer is unfortunately not much of an answer. It’s that I like not “settling in.” I like having all those options.

…though I do find FT/EG very versatile and fun

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


Just today I was playing WvW. I have a full set of pure Rabid gear, and another of pure Cleric’s.

I used 5 different builds for the Cleric’s: healing bombs v1 and 2 (neither of which worked well), non-healing bombs but still heavy bunker, elixir gun support, and toolkit tank. I plan on trying another healing bomb build tomorrow, fooling around with pure turrets, and possibly another shot at elixir gun.

I used at least 2 variations on the Rabid gear, and I think I’ve found my favorite condi damage build. However, this build uses grenades, and since I’m awful at leading targets, it’s utter crap when I don’t have something easy to fire at (like a locked down target, a champion guild lord, or a zerg :P). I have no interest in dual pistols, and the other kits feel meh on condi damage compared to the grenades.

Eventually, I hope to get a set of zerkers. And then, I’ll have a FT/HGH build to try, a Rifle/HGH build to test, and perhaps even something else I can’t predict today.

None of the above are “the build.” I’m never going to find “the build” if I get my way. Engineers have just too many wonderful abilities that can combine in unexpected ways for that to happen.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing

Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


There truly is no ONE build. I’ve got over 1500 hours on my Engi and am still learning things. Just last week I switched to a “survivor” build with a focus on conditions and I am having a blast. This is a 180 deg turn from my previous play.

Engi is the profession that keeps on giving. It’s all about experimentation and practice, practice, practice.

Until you reach level 80 it’s hard to truly appreciate how complex this class is. Many of the Kits which at first don’t seem promising when you unlock them, later become indispensable.

Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


Until you reach level 80 it’s hard to truly appreciate how complex this class is. Many of the Kits which at first don’t seem promising when you unlock them, later become indispensable.

The truest thing on the forum. Can’t tell you how many times I looked at different kits and was just like… meh.

Now I wish I had more slots for all of them.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

Discussing "Most Dynamic" method to Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


T Many of the Kits which at first don’t seem promising when you unlock them, later become indispensable.

This right here. Leveling, I was like, “Toolkit? Wuzzat? Looks like rubbish.” Now, I’m closer to “AHMAGHERD BLOCKED BLOCKED BLOCKED BLOCKED”. Engineers don’t have a single ability that hasn’t proven its usefulness. Every single ability has strong reasons to be used.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing