Do Fixes Result in Nerfs?

Do Fixes Result in Nerfs?

in Engineer

Posted by: Archaeopteryx.7409


I’ve heard about Static Discharge Problems for specific Utility Skills, which don’t bother me, as well as the infamous Turret Bug, and several others, including Traited ‘bugs’ I’ve found out.

I’m just wondering… Some ‘bugs’ are worse than others, and those worse ones tend to be on the more overpowered, simple and widely recognised Builds; since the bugs for those types of builds are ‘big’ and, I quote: “game changing”, if they were to be fixed, slowly, one-by-one, won’t ANet start nerfing the builds that use the previously ‘bugged’ skills/traits/runes etc.? Seeing as I’ve encountered almost every bug and feel pain from Threads pointing out specific ‘bugs’ in more depth, I do feel the urge to complain, but I also find it easy-ish to overcome those with plenty of fast-paced WvW experience and tactics of what to do against who and what not to do against whoever.

So, my Question is:
Is it worth moaning about a ‘bug’ and wanting it fixed just to have realisation afterwards of a possible nerf rather than to live with the miniature drawbacks it currently has and mould a Build around them?

From the current updates apparently “worsening” current ‘bugs’, I can see why the urge for fixes is encouraged from gameplay… I’ve felt it through the gradual Turret bugs and Nerfs; this is a different matter though because, seeing how ANet tend to do things, when it reaches the level of obviously obviousness of being obviously obvious and bad when using ‘bugged’ Skills and such during a game, they tend to buff the skills to try and cover up the ‘bugs’, like with a few Traits from previous updates. This is over a period of time though, that’s why it’s a different matter, also because it may not apply to the situation-don’t bring this up though! I want to know the answer to the Question above ;D

I was also told in-game a few months ago that a few fixes resulted in Nerfs on the Ranger and Thief (or Elementalist, can’t remember). Seeing the current states of ‘bugs’ on the Engineer, if they were fixed, do you think similar Nerfing updates will occur?

Do Fixes Result in Nerfs?

in Engineer

Posted by: Escadin.9482


Weird topic
As per definition, if all bugs were fixed and all overpowered abilities / builds were properly nerfed everthing would FINE. I don’t see the point in discussing whether we fear anets inability to fix or nerf properly more.