Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Umut.5471


Other classes has very decent, op-ish meta builds for easy facerolling/1v1. Don’t engis have such, specific build ? Can you experienced engis please help me on current tpvp/dueling builds ? All I find is old builds, game is being balanced with every patch and I don’t know what is engi’s current meta. I feel like useless against other classes’ metas.(hambow, pu, perma evade etc.) I’m currently using my own build and I’m not happy with that in tpvp. (30 30 0 0 10 full dps condi or zerk) It’s good for hotjoin tho.
Thanks for your help.

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


The closest thing we have to a meta build is 30/0/0/30/10 or 30/0/20/20/0. These builds are usually rabid amulet, semi-tanky condition bruisers; nades, usually bombs, sometimes elixir gun, elixir S, flamethrower, or toolkit.

If you want to keep using your own full dps build, just move some points from firearms to tools and pick up static discharge. What kits/utilities are you currently using?

Don’t expect to find an easy facerolling/1v1 build with the engineer, though. Not that bomb/nade builds aren’t crazy good, they just take…some practice.

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


is the standard condi meta. from there you can customize it to your playstyle. for example i run adventurer runes over nightmare.

30/30/0/0/10 is extremely fragile for not enough reward.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

(edited by ArrDee.2573)

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Umut.5471


The closest thing we have to a meta build is 30/0/0/30/10 or 30/0/20/20/0. These builds are usually rabid amulet, semi-tanky condition bruisers; nades, usually bombs, sometimes elixir gun, elixir S, flamethrower, or toolkit.

If you want to keep using your own full dps build, just move some points from firearms to tools and pick up static discharge. What kits/utilities are you currently using?

Don’t expect to find an easy facerolling/1v1 build with the engineer, though. Not that bomb/nade builds aren’t crazy good, they just take…some practice.

I was using rifle – bomb/nade kits + elixir s combination. I’m immobilizing with rifle #2 and bomb #5 then landing grenades, then i switch back to rifle and use jump shot to get closer and do some burst damage. Do you recommend any other utility slot skills for tpvp ? I tried tool kit but it requires you to get in melee range, it’s kinda risky to use for dps builds against hammers. (good for blocking and dealing confusion tho)

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Umut.5471


is the standard condi meta. from there you can customize it to your playstyle. for example i run adventurer runes over nightmare.

30/30/0/0/10 is extremely fragile for not enough reward.

When I go for alchemy line, I normally prefer protection injection over backpack regen. Do you think br has better defensive ability compared to pi for some point?
I prefer pi because ppl generally use metas in tpvp and using so much cc/disable effects.(pu mesmer/cc warrior etc)

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


it really depends on the other team. backpack regen is amazing for your sustain but protection injection can save you against a warrior. that’s why i use both and take energy sigil on top of my adventurer runes to compensate for the vigor loss.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


it really depends on the other team. backpack regen is amazing for your sustain but protection injection can save you against a warrior. that’s why i use both and take energy sigil on top of my adventurer runes to compensate for the vigor loss.

Good advice here ^^

On your other questions: toolkit is great for PvP but don’t use it like a melee weapon. Just use the pull and block when you need them, and only use prybar after a pull. Never use the auto (except maybe on a downed player in some builds) and use box of nails mostly as a gap creator (i.e. when running from someone). Throw wrench is solid for static discharge, and does good damage of its own—works very well after overcharged shot in power builds.

I recommend elixir gun highly—very fun and versatile, even if it doesn’t have the instant success combo capability of, say, toolkit pull. It’s very nice to have a single-target auto to make sure you start off a fight by proccing incendiary powder on the right thing, whereas with pistol auto or any other skill you’re likely to waste it on a clone or something (so…many…npcs…) The leap is great, of course you get a stunbreak and regen, heal, condition removal…

Other things that can work well: rifle turret, personal battering ram, slick shoes, rocket boots, throw mine, net turret (that one’s tough though), and elixirs in an HGH build.

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


I’ve had great success with P/P and a Rabid amy in sPvP. In 1v1 relies almost entirely on landing the blowtorch (P4) after they blow their condition removal. Glue shot (P5) helps keep them in place for the point-blank burning. If they aren’t going to burst you down, autos with incendiary power will eat through most people even if you can’t land the blowtorch.

Skill build is here:

I don’t remember my traits or runes; will have to look them up when I get home.

I used to run FT, Elixir Gun and Toolkit in sPvP. It was a lot of fun but pistols have always been my true love ^.^

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


I recommend elixir gun highly— <<<snip>>> The leap is great, of course you get a stunbreak and regen, heal, condition removal…

The condi removal doesn’t work on yourself right? Only on allies in the cone it sprays? I remember messing around with an engi bunker build a while ago and was disappointed when I found that skill was not removing conditions from me… but I always see posts like this that seem to imply it does…

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


EG 5 removes one condition if you or allies are in the blast radius. the lingering field doesn’t remove any conditions.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I recommend elixir gun highly— <<<snip>>> The leap is great, of course you get a stunbreak and regen, heal, condition removal…

The condi removal doesn’t work on yourself right? Only on allies in the cone it sprays? I remember messing around with an engi bunker build a while ago and was disappointed when I found that skill was not removing conditions from me… but I always see posts like this that seem to imply it does…

Super elixir removes one condition from anyone its impact heal hits (aoe cap of 5 of course). Also, it’s a really long light field so you can combo projectile finishers through it to remove one condition from anyone within a short distance of the projectile finisher’s target, although I’m not aware of any specific numbers that have been discovered for light projectile finishers.

EG 3 is also a really fun skill. I find the poison is rarely worth it since pistol 2 is way, way better. But in certain situations (say, a hallway in WvW, or saving a friend from a 1v2 on point in tPvP) it can be useful. You’ll never use it more than once or twice a match but when you find that the situation is right, it’s really satisfying to pull off an important pure support play.

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


HGH rifle, grenade kit. Lots of fun! 30/0/0/30/10. 2x hoelbrak, fire, strength runes. Sigil of battle.

PvP only

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


just make sure you take bombs, nades and the trait “incendiary powder” then get to work rolling your face across the keyboard

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


just make sure you take bombs, nades and the trait “incendiary powder” then get to work rolling your face across the keyboard

That works great on everyone who has bought into the great lie of the forums—“PvP is all about standing on points.” Works for me. Yep, use zerker stance right off the bat, that should keep you safe. gf bro, gf.

Unfortunately, that means the number of people it works on is nearly everyone.

Don't engis have a meta for tpvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stalima.5490


in the name of ignorance i say we have lots of metal for tpvp just look at it all in those turrets and gadgets

but anyway in the name of practicality there are some generic builds with nades and some slightly funnier builds that involve spamming immobilises and knockbacks

(edited by Stalima.5490)