Don't like the new F5
ALT + tilde for closer pressing.
I use a naga with shift+# to activate the F-abilities according to their respective number (i.e. shift+1 is F1, shift+2 is F2, &c.). As such, the change was easy for me as I just do shift+5 to get the F5 skill.
I know advising you to learn a particular style of mouse to play the game is a crappy suggestion, but it’s the best suggestion I have. Otherwise I’m not sure what to suggest for you.
As an aside, alt+tilde sounds really uncomfortable to me, at least not without completely removing your hand from WASD (unless maybe you have really large hands).
I bind my other buttons to ALT 1, ALT 2, ALT 3, ALT 4, etc. so the tilde is actually easy for me to press.
I have a MMO mouse with 3 rows of 4 buttons. It used to be perfect, since F1/F4 was bottom row, Utility + Elite was top row, and heal + dodge were in the middle for easy ‘panic’ accessibility.
I’ve bound F5 to one of my spare middle row buttons, but by poor thumb is so confused
…Now I need a 15 button mouse
…or, just play S/D builds where you can just blindly smash all the F-skills :P
i think i’ve conditioned my fingers to only stretch to F4 after 2 years of playing this game haha
i have a steelseries 7-button mouse that i’ve bound 6 to 0 already. so i’m kinda out of buttons =(
I might try out tilde or tab maybe.
i feel my elbow is blocking my arm to stretch further right from the neutral position (default WASD).
it’s kinda annoying now that i keep using F3 instead of F4, because i think F5 is F4. =(((
I switched the F1-5 keys to shift1-5. I use a Naga so it’s easier for me.
It feels fine to me.
Out of buttons?
1, 2, 3, Q, E, 4, 5, R, F, ^, T, Alt + 1 2 3 Q E 4 5 R , additional mousebuttons + 3-12, eventually F3, F4, additional keys like on a Logitech G15 give another 2 easily reachable keys.
Makes 20+ keys ^^ that’s more than enough for GW2 ;>
I can see something coming:
no you don’t need Q E to strafe, put strafe on A and D, no good player ever uses this crap called “keyturning” anyway. You can also put the “loot/pickup” from F somewhere else. I have it on a thumbbutton on my mouse, just like dodge, since it’s way more comfortable if I have to pick up f.e. the healing turret infight. Also having weaponswap on your mouse is worth a lot.
Good day
(edited by Xalacai.7351)
Btw, if you don’t use it yet, using middle mouse button/right mouse button for movement makes things a lot easier.
I bound my “T” key to F5. It’s very comfy. Heck, my suggestion for keybinds atm is…
F1, F2, F3, F4, T
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -5 – C – Q – E – R – V
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)