Don't like the new F5

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Kelvytuong.8301


Not about the actual skills that it comes with.
It doesn’t feel ergonomic to use at the moment.
And it’s messing up my accuracy in tapping F3 and F4 at the moment (probably something i’ll have to get used to i guess)

Just wondering what are other people rebinding it to if they have done so already?

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


ALT + tilde for closer pressing.

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I use a naga with shift+# to activate the F-abilities according to their respective number (i.e. shift+1 is F1, shift+2 is F2, &c.). As such, the change was easy for me as I just do shift+5 to get the F5 skill.

I know advising you to learn a particular style of mouse to play the game is a crappy suggestion, but it’s the best suggestion I have. Otherwise I’m not sure what to suggest for you.

As an aside, alt+tilde sounds really uncomfortable to me, at least not without completely removing your hand from WASD (unless maybe you have really large hands).

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


I bind my other buttons to ALT 1, ALT 2, ALT 3, ALT 4, etc. so the tilde is actually easy for me to press.

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Tor.1365


I have a MMO mouse with 3 rows of 4 buttons. It used to be perfect, since F1/F4 was bottom row, Utility + Elite was top row, and heal + dodge were in the middle for easy ‘panic’ accessibility.

I’ve bound F5 to one of my spare middle row buttons, but by poor thumb is so confused

…Now I need a 15 button mouse

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Tor.1365


…or, just play S/D builds where you can just blindly smash all the F-skills :P

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Kelvytuong.8301


i think i’ve conditioned my fingers to only stretch to F4 after 2 years of playing this game haha

i have a steelseries 7-button mouse that i’ve bound 6 to 0 already. so i’m kinda out of buttons =(

I might try out tilde or tab maybe.
i feel my elbow is blocking my arm to stretch further right from the neutral position (default WASD).

it’s kinda annoying now that i keep using F3 instead of F4, because i think F5 is F4. =(((

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: nSan.4251


I switched the F1-5 keys to shift1-5. I use a Naga so it’s easier for me.

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


It feels fine to me.

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Xalacai.7351


Out of buttons?

1, 2, 3, Q, E, 4, 5, R, F, ^, T, Alt + 1 2 3 Q E 4 5 R , additional mousebuttons + 3-12, eventually F3, F4, additional keys like on a Logitech G15 give another 2 easily reachable keys.

Makes 20+ keys ^^ that’s more than enough for GW2 ;>

I can see something coming:

no you don’t need Q E to strafe, put strafe on A and D, no good player ever uses this crap called “keyturning” anyway. You can also put the “loot/pickup” from F somewhere else. I have it on a thumbbutton on my mouse, just like dodge, since it’s way more comfortable if I have to pick up f.e. the healing turret infight. Also having weaponswap on your mouse is worth a lot.

Good day

(edited by Xalacai.7351)

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


Btw, if you don’t use it yet, using middle mouse button/right mouse button for movement makes things a lot easier.

Don't like the new F5

in Engineer

Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

I bound my “T” key to F5. It’s very comfy. Heck, my suggestion for keybinds atm is…

F1, F2, F3, F4, T
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -5 – C – Q – E – R – V

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Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)