So like many of you, I have doubts that celestial will continue to be the pvp amulet of choice for most engineer builds. The biggest reason for this is the movement of incendiary powder to firearms, which is a traitline that lacks for the cele rifle build overall, with the exception of the GM trait in question. I will be looking at the engineer traitlines in general and seeing what they offer to make a celestial build viable.
Explosives is needed for grenades to be “good”, or at least it will be when the grenadier bug is removed. You really need both explosives and firearms to have good hybrid damage output, leaving only one tree for sustain/utility. Furthermore shrapnel is needed in order for grenades to have good condition pressure.
Firearms gives incendiary power, a trait that is fine, but the rest of the traitline has some issues. For celestial, the on bleed crits won’t be proccing enough to really be useful. The rifle cooldown trait is okay, but the cooldowns weren’t really high to begin with.. and the fact that a rifle trait is in the condi line at all is a bit odd. Heavy armor exploit has synergy with alchemy, but wihtout alchemy, the adept slot offers very little.
Alchemy offers boonspam, regeneration, some condi cleanse depending on your utilities. It has some very nice traits, but overall I think its usefulness is too dependent on what utilities you take. You won’t be able to get huge use out of it without taking elixer gun and perhaps another elixer, which means you lose access to other kits and utilities that give the engi its strength in teamfights. It does offer a fair amount of sustain to any build, though.
Inventions is a great trait line for any build as well. It offers a lot of healing and mecha legs, and bunker down are really nice traits.
Tools is more critiscized, mainly for its lackluster minor traits and a couple useless options, but lock on, streamlined kits, adrenal implant, static dishcarge, and power wrench all provide utility on various builds. Its a utility line, but right now it seems a bit difficult to really go into it when sustain and damage from the other traitlines is much more important.
So to run celestial successfully you need to have direct damage pressure, condition damage pressure, and sustain through healing. Explosions, firearms, and inventions is the clearest way to fulfill this, but it suffers without the boonspam from alchemy and is forced to forgo a doom sigil to run intelligence/energy. Inventions without alchemy is likewise as problematic for your sustain as explosives without firearms is for your damage, it simply lacks. In the past these two problems didn’t exist because didn’t need anything in inventions in its older state, all the direct and condi damage traits we needed were in explosives, and we had the freedom to take the traits for sustain and utility that we needed from alchemy and tools. Now we cannot do this, being limited to 3 specializations that are vastly different from their prior states.
So lets looks at the recent ESL match to see how the engineers involved have adapted to this fact. Some of the builds I noticed were:
A cele rifle build that focused on HGH for mightstacking. He took explosives, inventions, and alchemy. This build has great 1v1 potential and the mightstacking and intelligence sigil kept his damage high, but having to lose slick shoes and tool kit for e-gun and elixer b hurt his teamfighting ability in my opinion. Was the might stacking worth it to lose these other tools that give engi’s a spot in many teams? It has lots of condi cleanse but no vigor, and he ran battle/intelligence over battle/energy, which may have hurt his sustain, and this build seems more vulnerable to boonstrip from mesmers than a similar build on elementalist would be. It also quite obviously lacks burning to take advantage of the might.
Another ran a marauder tools/alchemy/explosives set up that didn’t use static discharge. This lets you use tool kit and has really high physical damage and only slight sustain.
The other one I remember, this one from one of the few EU matches I watched opted for a soldiers set up using, once again explosives, inventions, and alchemy, with grenades slick shoes and tool kit. This build is a lot tankier than the maruader set up but has lower damage. Intelligence sigils (and energy) are used to make up for kitten crit chance and no vigor. I’d say the biggest downside to this build though is the inability to get much mileage out of bunker down, since the reliance on energy sigils might as well make that 2 second ICD a 9 second one instead, although fury from the alchemy GM helps it out with that to an extent.
So what do you guys think about celestial for engineer? Do you think soldiers or marauders is better? And what do you think about the fact that all of these 3 tourney engi builds ran the exact same three specialization lines, although with minor differences in the traits they used?
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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