Drunken Master Build

Drunken Master Build

in Engineer

Posted by: LordGorlock.4986


Hi everybody,

I’m brand new to Guild Wars 2, and very excited to jump into this world. I wanted to make a character themed around a Drunken Master / Drunken Boxer. Since this game has no unarmed attacks, the best way I thought to do this would be a character that drinks a lot (the hallmark of any drunken master!).

Naturally, after a few minutes of research, I discovered engies have many elixirs they chug, and these seemed to fit in line with my theme. I did however want some help to make sure that 1) I wasn’t going to screw up my character, and 2) I was going to at least be able to be mediocre (must not sacrifice too much for the sake of theme, after all!)

I have no clue what I should do between Rifle, P/P, or P/S.

While I know I’ll want to use Elixirs H, S, and B, what about my last two skills? Is Elixir X any good? While it fits thematically, if it totally and completely sucks I would want to know. Additionally, with my last thought I was thinking bomb kit (like throwing exploding bottles at people!). Are bombs and elixirs a good fit?

With Traits, I know I want 30 alchemy. HGH is clearly a good trait for my idea, and Cleaning Formula 409 looks pretty good. Is Fast Acting Elixirs a good first slot, or should I do self Regulating Defenses?

I don’t really know how to trait out the remaining 40 points of the build. It seems like since so many of my slots are devoted to elixirs, I should either focus on the gun, or a kit. If I went bomb kit, how would you guys suggest I flesh it out?

Thanks for any and all help. Hopefully I’ll be drunkenly wandering past you in game soon!

Drunken Master Build

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!

Drunken Master Build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Interesting theme, I beleave you can just buy beer and chug it while running arroind btw so you done have to use engi. Not saying you shouldn’t or anything engi is a fun class, the HGH Condition build is a staple of sorts in pvp\wvw. In pve conditions are lacking… So are elixers.

Go HGH p/p and have fun… You drunk