Dungeon and Fractal build
Healing Turret, Elixir Gun, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit
Berserker with knights armour and condition duration.
The idea is to build and keep 25 vulnerability as quickly as possible while keeping everything slowed down with chilled.
Can still give might to the team through blast finishers in your fire bomb and can also give long lasting group stealth with blast finishers in your smoke bomb.
Should also note that this is for running with a pug. Could change knights over to more berserker if your always in a dedicated dungeon group.
some time i play heal bunker with healbomb/nade/eg if i dont see any guardian or ele on team
just change skill for what u need if u need run or stability or elixir s for stealth (+ smoke bomb combo)
2,8,11/1,5,11/6 (tbh I don’t know the traits memorized, but I think they are the same)
Healing Turret, Elixir Gun, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit
Berserker with knights armour and condition duration.
The idea is to build and keep 25 vulnerability as quickly as possible while keeping everything slowed down with chilled.
Can still give might to the team through blast finishers in your fire bomb and can also give long lasting group stealth with blast finishers in your smoke bomb.
Should also note that this is for running with a pug. Could change knights over to more berserker if your always in a dedicated dungeon group.
THIS! Try to spot the difference to my way to play xD
Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Elixir Gun
Berserker with condition duration food.
The idea is to build and keep 25 vulnerability as quickly as possible while keeping everything slowed down with chilled and blind and hold.
Can still give might to the team through blast finishers in your fire bomb and can also give long lasting group stealth with blast finishers in your smoke bomb aswell 12 stacks of permamight and awesome aoe heal and cleanse.
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