Elexier B suggestion

Elexier B suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: ToffiKeks.6385



the toolbelt skill of elexier b is a great way to gain stability for the engi, but in WvW no one will accept it, because the guardian stability is simply better (higher range, slightly higher uptime with triple stability, no throwing). I can understand, that this is the advantage of the guardian, but the two guards per group meta is really counterproductive to the “every class can do everything”-idea of GW2 (tank, heal,dps and so on).

I do not want to change the mechanic of elexier b, i have no problems to target my team, but rather increase the max. number of targets. If it would hit something like 10 players, it would be a great skill for wvw, but not so high, that guardians stability is weaker.

For pvp the higher cap is nearly useless (5 player per team and stability on pets is not really something op).

Elexier B suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


the problem isnt the number of targets but rather than engineer support skills have stupid small radiuses tossed elixirs have 180 radius whereas other professions have 300-600 radius range

Elexier B suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Yeah, that always bugged me, especially when using Toss Elixir S for rezzes. It should be a 300-radius skill.