Elixir Build Questions

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Vermin.4123


Hello, everybody! I’m having trouble with finding the best stats for my level 80 PvE pistol/pistol engineer.

I am obsessed with my elixirs. In the beginning, I ran with a flamethrower. . . but ever since I started using only elixirs, I can’t stop! So I’ve begun to pride myself on being support and staying alive to keep the others alive.

The question I have is: what are the best stat choices for me? I was thinking vitality + power + condition damage would be a good fit, because while I’m staying alive to keep the others in my dungeon team alive I want to pack a good punch. Is this a good idea? Is Carrion a good idea for ascended weapons? And… last but not least… would it be good to put boon duration on my accessories but not on my armor because I use so many boons?

And for an off-topic question… are there any ascended accessories with boon duration but not healing power? I don’t do a lot of direct heals so I feel like healing power is somewhat worthless to me.


(edited by Vermin.4123)

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


carrion works very well for almost everything engie related, I use it for wvw on my elixir builds.

I dont do much dungeons tho, I think zerker bombs is probably the most time effective thing. still, carrion + elixirs should get you through everything, some more hardcore players and speedrunners might frown at you for not using full zerker.

as for boon duration, just use runes: 2x monk, 2x travelers, 2x water for maximum boon duration (45% + 30% from alchemy). omnomberry chocolate for a total of 95%. you cant go over 100% anyway, no need to use trinkets.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


berserkers. if you run 3 elixirs i assume you also run hgh. you’ll have a lot of might to up your condition damage. go for that crit damage.

rampagers. a good set for hybrid builds. might stacking compliments it well.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


This is a condition based build with elixirs that I’ve commonly used in fractals: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcEQJAqalspSXHxSfF17ICoC5loHPGlNZfe8WsFEC-jECBIhCh0CAkIJMFqIasVhFRjVJTQWdDTHLpSBAx0I-w

The base condi damage might seem a bit low, but you’ll build it up with might stacks. You could also slot a bursting sigil in a weapon to boost it higher too.

You could also try slotting enhance performance, but it’s a bit tough to give up incendiary powder for it.

A direct damage variant would look something like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQFAUlspSXHxSfF17ICoC5loHPGlNZfeMfPIEC-jkxAY/gQWCSyrIasVuioxqrxUuER1SBExyI-w

If you wanted a bit more survivability, you could swap out some of the accessories for knight’s or cavalier’s, but full zerk will be the highest direct damage. Might also be worth using elixir U instead for the projectile protection as well as the quickness for more DPS (I usually like elixir S in fractals, but elixir U is probably better in dungeons).

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tarreth.8914


What about build used not to dps, but to support? Are stats like healing power still good?

“We fight to live and we live to fight”

Elixir Build Questions

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


healing power is not good in pve. and especially not good if you run elixirs. there’s no constant source of healing.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!